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Everything posted by olemissrebel

  1. olemissrebel

    Vietnam: The Experience OFP

    i agree, work together. if you guys need any help with sounds, just ask, it would kinda help if you TOLD me what you needed though. you should just use sounds in all weapons from the movie we were soldiers. that way everything blends nicely.
  2. olemissrebel

    Messor Island Released

    it's multiplayer i suppose, either way, i'd rather have to deal with lag than look at CWC objects, nice island either way :o)
  3. olemissrebel

    Csla 2

    yeah, if you're aiming for your mod to replace things, you might as well replace the weapon, afterall, that's what the player see's the most!
  4. olemissrebel

    Skye Island

    it looks nice, but, why would all of those people live there if they have no place to work =), ie, a factory, or something
  5. olemissrebel

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    you are totally right, i was only kidding! i'm sorry. these M4's really are a lot nicer than a lot that are out there. if he wants to build them, why not let him. you are right about there being a serious lack of civilian objects, etc.
  6. olemissrebel

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    then shut up & make some yourself, dude, i'm all about his M4's
  7. olemissrebel

    Afganeveron map v1.0 and AfganPack v1.2

    yeah, the buildings have clipping LODs or something. cartoonish, but better than catshit afgan, so no complaints here.
  8. olemissrebel

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    and I quote: "Kerry served in the military, in the frontline, and won medals. Bush served in Alabama and had his teeth fixed. I have a friend that was in the Air Force and was in Kentucky running radar sites for bomber training missions during the Gulf War. He didn't come anywhere near the Middle East. He thinks its absolutely hilarious (and ridiculous) that he is consdered a Gulf War Vet. Basically Bush did a fine job of slandering and smearing the name of a Vietnam Vet, something he did previously, and equally malaciously in 2000. " Actually, if you'd done your homework, you would know that the only reason john kerry got his medals is because HE HIMSELF put in the paperwork for HIMSELF. the only thing he ever did was chase down a mortally wounded pre-teenaged viet-cong, & shoot him in the back, get back on the boat, etc. most of the people on that boat said at least some of the wounds were self inflicted, ie, misuse of grenades, etc. although i voted for bush, everyday, he seems like more and more of an idiot, so i'll go with you on that. but just because bush is a freakin' idiot doesn't mean kerry is any better. he is not the honorable vietnam vet many would think. saying things like that make people like my father cringe, who served tours in vietnam as a US marine 2nd lieutenant to captain in 1968-70. george bush may be a dumbass, but at least he's honest. he doesn't play with your mind, & just tell you what you want to hear to get elected, (ie, john kerry) he really screwed up by going into iraq; (i myself am a 1st LT in the USMC, & have been twice) BUT, at least he's honest about why he went in, he thinks it has something to do with the war on terror. he knows he's screwed up, but he's prepared to face it, & see it through, so the soldiers that have died, won't have died in vain. john kerry was one of the most vocal advocates of using military force against saddam hussein, that is, BEFORE he started his presidential campaign. after seeing howard dean climb in the polls as a result of his lobbying against the war, kerry decided he was anti war? kerry is just a phony idiot, like i said, george W may be an idiot, but he's a helluva lot better than kerry any day. bush never smeared john kerry. john kerry smeared himself by not being honest to the american people.
  9. olemissrebel

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Â Â Â Â Dude, those kind of pine trees are not found in the desert period. Â Maybe you should go learn something about plants and how they grow. Â There are about 115 species of pine trees out there. Â Your right that some do grow in the desert, but not that kind. Â That kind grows in a mountain area, trust me. Â I used to live around in a mountain area so I know. pine trees can grow just about anywhere. those pines are the only ones we have in flashpoint, so quit trying to be a know it all & go back up to your mountain and shove it. it's just a game.
  10. olemissrebel

    Skye Island

    whether or not you can see it doesnt matter, if its so close to you, yet you cant see over a building between you & it, i'm fairly sure it's still drawn. thus, adding to the lag
  11. olemissrebel

    Falklands mod progress

    could you please show us a bit of a close-up of that government house? looks pretty nice
  12. olemissrebel


    he said he isn't going to. i just think there's really no point in having a multi climated island, as no one would use winter & desert & all of that at once.
  13. olemissrebel


    if you would like, for the complainers like myself, whenever you do an update, i could just make each a seperate island to release, to take some of the workload off of you,
  14. olemissrebel

    Skye Island

    i like the idea of grass. & appreciate your trying to make it as realistic as possible, but in all seriousness, that grass looks like crap, especially from the air, & much worse so up close. i'd just finish updating the resistance objects & just wait a little bit for the 1invasion 44 phase one, their grass is amazing.
  15. olemissrebel


    couldn't have said it better myself. it's a nice island, or set of islands, but no ones ever gonna use the thing if someone doesnt make a pack. such a nice island shouldnt have to worry about fading into oblivion
  16. olemissrebel


    it defeats the purpose, of course, but what is the good idea of having them all in one anyways? its just gonna create a framrateslowdown
  17. olemissrebel


    yeah, i totally think the island should be chopped up into the four islands. it's simply not practical to have your artic units playing on the one island to jump into the desert or anything. it's a nice idea to have all of those climates on one map, but i'd rather just have to click on another map in the mission editor than have one huge island with so many objects. my advice, send it to the cutting board.
  18. olemissrebel

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    here's what i'm willing to guess. those nice looking screens are indeed the sequel to flashpoint, call it whatever you like, that's obviously what they are. in the others, you can plainly see ALL default OFP things, so they are either X box, with new solider models, or an update for our games. go figure, looks like we'll find out soon enough
  19. olemissrebel

    OFrP #5 Release

    frenchpoint rocks,
  20. olemissrebel

    Syphboy's Sig/Sauer P226

    yeah, the defense department has ordered a lot of weapons from europe. they're testing them out to find a replacement for the aging sig sauer.
  21. olemissrebel

    Syphboy's Sig/Sauer P226

    special forces are issued sigs, as well as socoms. it's what the US used before socoms, BERETTAS are standard issue, but the p226 is basically standard for special forces =)