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Posts posted by norrin

  1. Version 4.0 is out and in my opinion the graphics and immersion have come on in leaps and bounds, plus all of the crew stations on my old favourite the M60a3 are now accurately modelled. If I could just get an M60a1 RISE with Passive armour I'll be in tank heaven.


    Something about Steel Beasts Pro, be it the UI or the new top down view in version 4.0, makes controlling small combined arms groups really intuitive and exciting - the new view almost adds an RTS aspect to the sim although with much higher functionality when it comes to on-the-fly waypoint behaviour and individual unit tactics. Its never going to better ArmA when it comes to infantry simulation but the improvements in this area of Steel Beasts over the last few years have been fairly staggering.  


    Here's a pic I posted on the SB forum a couple of days ago showing off version 4.0, albeit with some help from Reshade v 2.0.




    • Like 1

  2. Is this actually possible without breaking pretty much every rule in the license you agree to when buying either A3 or IF?

    Doesn't look bad.

    Don't worry kju has been patiently negotiating with AWAR, Deep Silver and BI for many, many months now to allow this project to proceed and for that we are truly grateful. Thanks must also be given to all the other parties involved as well for allowing this to become reality.

  3. You were right norrin, I had it set up wrong. I did in fact still have the mobile spawn option enabled. Now I understand what I did wrong. My apologies for the false report.

    After fixing that, I did get a popup error message concerning undefined variable.

    if (speed player == 0 && _c == 0 && !|#|NORRN_camo_net && !(surfaceIsWater
    Error Undefined variable in expression norrn_camo_net
    File ... \revive_sqf\mobile\mobile_spawn.sqf, line 16

    BUT, you mentioned you haven't switched over to dev build yet, so if you don't want us posting those yet, that's cool too.

    Thanks again sir.

    I had a few moments this morning so fixed a few more undefined variables (including the one you mention) and made sure that the bandage action works, by the way dev build bug reports are fine.

    Note: bandaging is for stopping bleeding which is an option/feature of these scripts and does not heal damage so the unit you bandage will still be covered in blood.

    See first post for download details.

    @Foxhound - thanks for the mirror mate.

  4. Thanks for the bug reports, I'll update to the latest dev build on the weekend as I've noticed that there's been several hundred megs of updates since I updated a week or so ago and I'll see if I can track down the problems.

    @Phantom - glad to hear you've got the first problem sorted, I must admit due to my time constraints at the moment I didn't check whether the bandage code was working so I'll sort that out over the weekend or early next week. I'll also update the _medVclArray. In future can you please let me know what build and version you're using 'cause the nice people at BIS are making updates faster than I can change the code.

    @R.Flagg - Can you please make sure that there are no enemies near _Base_1 or that you have accidentally left the mobile spawn option enabled. If this isn't the problem maybe post your entire revive_init.sqf so I can check whether there are any conflicting entries as this was working fine in my tests or maybe pm me a link to your mission so I can track down the bug.

    Once this is sorted I'll start on the Chopper Taxi and the convoy scripts. Thanks again for your bug reports.



  5. Hi guys,

    I've been away from the forums for some time. All the converted scripts were set-up for the alpha release. Since then there have been heaps of changes to the class names and new ways to define variables etc. that's why you are running into the problems described. I'm still away for the next week or so but once I'm back I'll update everything so that they work with the current release build.


  6. //Initialise revive script (this next line is needed for revive script)
    server execVM "revive_init.sqf"
    [] spawn {
    		scriptName "initMission.hpp: mission start";
    		["rsc\aaa.jpg", true] spawn BIS_fnc_titlecard;	
    		waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_fnc_titlecard_finished")};
    execVM "briefing.sqf";

    The two errors may both be related but I'm not entirely sure. The first error is fairly simple to fix, just add a semi-colon at the end of the line that reads

    server execVM "revive_init.sqf"
    should read:
    server execVM "revive_init.sqf";

    @ninjaFalcon - the scripts aren't designed to run on huge number of AI as the scripts need to run for each unit, therefore if there are a lot of AI running the scripts your computer may slow to a crawl. Having said that I seem to remember that some groups run missions with up to 32 players, maybe more, using these scripts.

  7. See first post for details

    Fixes version 0.5

    * Drag and carry functions should now work and animate correctly on a dedicated server (Tested with one player on a dedicated server with team mates not local to player)

    * Fixed the call out function

    * Simplified the unconcious animation

    * Rationalised public variable eventhandlers

    @INVICTUS - there is a built in function in the scripts but I haven't tested it yet for ArmA3; however, this only allows a single custom load-out for all units following respawn. What would be better is to write your own loadout script for each of your classes and then use the NORRNCustomExec4 in the revive_init.sqf as described in the ReadMe.

  8. See first post for download details.

    Version 0.41 Fixes:

    * Multiple errors in the vcl_respawn.sqf

    * The carrying action should now work as it did in ArmA2.

    @[KH]Jman - thanks for your diligence mate, that'll learn me to not check all the functionality before releasing. :) Turns out there was quite a few errors in that bit of code. Also thanks for getting me up to speed on some of the new fangled commands introduced back in ArmA2. :o

  9. See the first post for download link.

    v0.4 Fixes

    - removed the remaining setVehicleInit and other obsolete commands

    - added a check to determine whether the player is onboard a vehicle at mission start as per Scorpiomidget's post.

    Note: Due to the difficulty of running multiple instances of ArmA3, short of buying a second copy (http://feedback.arma3.com/print_bug_page.php?bug_id=3288), I have no way of knowing if the changes work on a dedicated server, its not throwing up any errors I can see in local MP so fingers crossed. Our dear friends at BIS aren't making it easy for us scripters just at the mo.

  10. Have an interesting issue with the Air Taxi script. After units have flown in the air taxi, they become invincible. Units who have not flown in the heli from the same team can die, but all units who have flown to a destination and get out can be shot continuously without death.

    As x3djokerx says in the init.sqf that comes with the Aerial Taxi script, there's a section entitled "Optional code for testing - not required for aerial taxi scripts", you can delete some or all of this code as it stops the chopper and its crew (including playable units in its cargo) from taking any damage.

    As for every one else, thank you for posting your bug reports and work-arounds - I'll up-date the revive scripts ASAP but its going to take a few days as I'm just in the process of moving my ArmA work to a new computer and its going to take a little while to get the new pc set-up.

  11. I only need Revvive working for "WEST"

    so i have this in my INI:-

    if ((side player) == west) then {server execVM "revive_init.sqf"};

    But for some reason when testing on DEDI the revive did not work at all for anyone, but it does when i test on local

    Also anyone tested the Mobile Respawn Vehicle on Dedi , as i do not get the option , again do on test ?

    Any idea's

    Its been a long time since I thought about this but the revive scripts need to run on the dedicated server as well. With your current code the scripts don't run on the dedicated server as there is no "player" (its a null object). Therefore change your ini line to this:

    if ((side player) == west || isDedicated) then {server execVM "revive_init.sqf"};

  12. See first post for details


    * Backpacks should now be repacked correctly following revive or respawn.


    @psvialli - In the revive_init.sqf there's an option called: _JIP_respawns where 0 - off or the number of lives players receive when they join in progress , JIP time after the mission starts

    Try setting it to [2, 30];

    this means that anyone joining the mission 30 seconds after it starts will only receive 2 lives. I must admit I haven't tested this in the ArmA3 version but I can't see why it shouldn't work.

    @eggbeast - the code I got from JMan is very similar and in some cases identical to aeroson's code, they may even be the same thing for all I know - I've adapted it to my repacking function, made some variations for how I want it to work and recoded into a format I find easier to follow when testing - as far as I can tell it now seems to be working fine.

    @Freebie - as far as I can tell vests are repacking just fine.

    @Giallustio - I appreciate that mate but I was trying to make this a quick and dirty port of the ArmA2 revive for ArmA3 - it wasn't meant to take long; however I've already wasted more time on it than I wanted to. There's heaps of things I'd do differently if I was starting from scratch with the revive such as porting the single player revive code I already have embedded in these scripts so that it became the basis of the MP revive. This would remove all sorts of unnecessary redundancies in my code. One day this may happen but for the moment it's not high on my list of priorities.


    @Norrin, I completely understand if you do not want me to give out a modified version of your hard work, so if you would rather post your own version that is fine. I just really wanted this exact type of thing for my mission and i managed to get it to work from your script. Thank you very much for you time that you spent into creating the original version of this!

    I haven't had a chance to iron out all the bugs from the aerialTaxi code yet so I'd prefer you to wait until its properly fixed before you post anything.

  13. I get the action menu to deploy the mobile spawn but what deploys is a campfire 0_o Not a tent or whatever it's meant to be.

    Correct - At the moment its a campfire as I could not find a tent or camo net anywhere in the ArmA3 Alpha config's.

    @eggbeast - Are you having the equipment respawn problems with version 01 or 02 as its meant to be fixed in v02, if it isn't I'll definitely take a look at your code.

    @zuff - I did respond to you at the bottom of my post on April 5th but because it appeared at the end of the post you may not have seen it. Will add your most recent bug to the to-be-fixed queue for the Aerial Taxi scripts.

    @Milosan - not sure mate as I haven't had a chance to try it out yet - its possible it won't work though as the marker icon names and few other things have changed between ArmA2 and the ArmA3 Alpha.

    Request: When posting bugs please let me know what version of the script you are using.

  14. See first post for download.


    * Using code provided by [KH]Jman I've fixed the issue with the equipment following respawn or revive.

    * Fixed leader code - if you were the group leader at the start of the mission you will still be the leader following respawn or revive.

    @JMan - thank you for the code mate, really helped me to fix the problems I was having with equipment respawns. I've played around with it so that the number of rounds you have in the "muzzle" of the weapon you are currently using when you fall unconscious should be the same as when you are revived - note the no of rounds still in the mag is checked every 30 seconds so it may not be exactly the same as when you fell unconscious.

    • Like 1

  15. @ Dysfonction - Thanks for the repro mate, once I had that it was easy to reproduce the bug you described and to track down the problem.

    @ Jman - thanks mate I was working on this before I saw your post and finally got it working myself but I'll have a close look at your changes and use whichever code seems to be the most efficient.

    @ BiGGiBs - I've hopefully fixed that as well and will post this fix in the next version. As for the camera I find that on my laptop, which struggles a bit with ArmA3, that the same thing occasionally happens in Top Down camera, but on my much more powerful desktop the Top down camera works really nicely so it may be related to your pc specs - I'll see if I can make the code more efficient for lower end PCs as this will help my laptop testing as well.

    @ psvialli - The Taxi script should only be available to the player group leader, if you have multiple playable group leaders there may be a problem - I'll try and look into it. For the initial extraction you may be able to limit it by replacing the line of code in the init.sqf that reads:

    player setVariable ["NORRN_taxiHeli", slick1, true];
    s1 setVariable ["NORRN_taxiHeli", slick1, true];

    @ zuff - will look into it - thanks for letting me know.

  16. See the first post for details regarding the Aerial Taxi script that is compatible with ArmA 3.

    @Jman - I'm pretty sure the name of the mobile respawn vehicle is fixed and has to be "r_mobile_spawn_vcl", so try renaming your mobile spawn and change the _mobile_man variable to "objNull;" - if you call it anything else it won't work. I just tested and it seems to be working fine when I name the mobile spawn vehicle "r_mobile_spawn_vcl" in the editor.

    @Dysfonction - I see the bug regarding the NVG but not for the weapon attachments. Have you got your weapon attachments in your vest or backpack and not attached to the gun? (Is this even possible?) When testing with the weapon attachments attached they seem to be respawning just fine, as they are defined as part of the weapon name in the config.

  17. Script is a really good start. The troops roll on the back and front a little too much, but I like what I'm seeing :)

    Good to hear that you haven't run into anything too significant yet. To be honest I was thinking the same thing regarding the rolling around, will try and find a better way to do this but for the time being I may just slow it down a bit.

    Good to see you are still with us for Arma3 !

    Got no where else to go :)

    @esham - all that sort of stuff is configurable in the revive_init.sqf - have a look in the readMe document there's heaps of features you can switch on and off.

    Thanks Foxhound and I've said it before but always nice to see your smiling avatar Jman!
