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Everything posted by nephilim

  1. lol ever played metroid? for those who dont know if u finish metroid in faster time samus strips down on the end screen aside from that i want to release a unified anatomy pack which will aswell include a full modeled male body cuz i m bored with the default bis humans and as i got vbs id like to give other peops good looking models who cant afford vbs (no i havent imported from vbs this is all my own work)
  2. hehe lol i have eva00-06 on my HD (working) but there normal soldiers though and its not the best model aside @m_chief i guess he wouldnt stand samus arans charm ;P http://uploads.the-spectrum.org/samus%20torso+%20head2.JPG check it out by now i got samus legs done (quite much i can say ) samus will have around 2500 -3000 faces cheers ps as for the othere tihngs once i modeled samus itll be an ease to mold other human liek characters so thumbs up
  3. nephilim

    Bad news

    @ agent contact me i give u sth to work on if u still wont to do star wars and stop shouting u cant model i have a friend who coudl even model a cube from scratch... (!!!) and now hes quite good and that only took a month or so
  4. nephilim

    Notebook graphics problems

    i guess i just have to watch out for the shared memory shit anyway im happy with my "piece of shit"
  5. u mean sth like this? and for the fuchikoma (crab) i got a basic model of it done http://uploads.the-spectrum.org/samus%20aran.JPG http://uploads.the-spectrum.org/samus%20torso+%20head2.JPG http://uploads.the-spectrum.org/Aliens%20Drone%202.JPG
  6. nephilim

    Notebook graphics problems

    hmm strange i got the same spec on my amilo d 8830 amd it runs lagg free even with kegs dxdll
  7. nephilim


    no not swimming diving in nornal ofp water static water (object)
  8. nephilim


    well someone shoudl mess around with the seagull mode then u could even wim upa nd down (in static water of course)
  9. nephilim

    Gun Flashlights

    as posted further skeg_man the light is NOT appleid to the weapon itself but to the soldier and it didnt work with the direction of the head as far as i have tried any idea?
  10. btw if this will risze from ashes i could donate a b29 that i have on my laptop for this mod would be honoured
  11. c c c appear that fake after all eh? just look what they did and wot we have now doesnt appear that impossible the f4f wildcat for example: ejecting cartriges, bullet markings, random numbers, streams etc these have aswell been apllied on trenchfeets fighters havnet they? maybe trenchfeets fighters are fake? i guess those guys were a step ahead of us and we just sacked them shame on us
  12. nephilim

    Gun Flashlights

    hmm i havent ried it out if this kind of ligth works with houses... but u coudl do it liek philcommando did config ur hous as a vehicle and take off its fuel etc there a thread in the oxy forum
  13. nephilim

    Gun Flashlights

    hmm intresting chief did u try it on the head? didnt seem to work with my stuff an yeh multiple ligth work simply add more classes etc btw does the counter on that gun work chief? wished the guey who invented the uscm marines wouldnt have put the lcd couner on the right side.... it sort of useless that way in ofp :P hehe
  14. nephilim

    Gun Flashlights

    lol i didnt say we were first or stuff i dont care bout this and i know bout mapfact and inquistor so.... @ phil ur right wos just a hint of mine @master chief.. if id shoudl find out anything mor ebout the ligth or how to make it work better i pm u and i hope u do aswell ;P
  15. nephilim

    Gun Flashlights

    shall i spoil master_chief? hehee unless u dont want to i give a hint soldiers are treated as vehicles (in ofp) we did the same way in uscm with the light with the same advantages/disatvantages Uscm Light
  16. nephilim

    Snow Snow Snow

    gees its is possible to hide in snow in ofp its liek with static water...... create a plane object put it ab it above ground level make it allign to ground put a snow texture on put it in ofp happy snow fighting i post a pic later on....
  17. nephilim

    VBS addons for OPF? Sound off.....

    well actaully i wouldnt think anyone would do this including me see it this way all the peeps who spend thier money for vbs (quite much) should give it to others for free?( id be crazy then .....) i dont think so on the other side technically soem things arent possible liek the harrier 2. ye vbs reunn really good even better then ofp:res even though it has higher requirements
  18. nephilim

    Snow Snow Snow

    yeah would be liek water and wot u mean with crumble? sound? or like footprints? and nope not much lag did try this mysel yesterday works pretty well
  19. i´m rather a sis actually :P
  20. nephilim

    Mad Cow strike simulation

    shoudl be madcow domove getpos player aside TORO TORO TORO!!!
  21. these arent actaully hidden get a better unbo/pbo tool amalfis 1.5 i best as i can tell had this bug too its the pbo tool
  22. nephilim

    Snow Snow Snow

    actaully it does try it urself but make it irregualar in shape (height)
  23. nephilim


    is there any chance taht well see a su 34 or a su 35 super flanker i mean there both based on a su 35 with soem minor changes......
  24. nephilim

    Metal Gear Solid...

    hehe seems so cant wait to see pics
  25. nephilim

    cannot load texture error

    if "mybuilding" is the addon name why using it twice ? dont use to many folders so the shit doesnt get complicated cheers aside check teh size if the textures teh correct speling of the folder names in options and folders itself