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Everything posted by Bavator

  1. Just had a quick look at the weapons in the editor, really HQ stuff. Loving the CQC/handgrip features, btw! Definitely a keeper, thanks :)
  2. Awesome map, phaeden! (had to google Twentynine Palms first, though :P)
  3. Bavator

    "Hardcore" and Apple's new tablet

    Hm, as soon as my fav magazines and newspapers are availbable for the ipad, I´m gonna buy one, I think. But an Ipad for gaming ... pffffffffff.... Kewl. I' m hardcore since 1990 then (NES). AND I still have a SNES/Mega Drive. Triple-Hardcore!
  4. Bavator

    1.05 Benchmark Mission Results

    Get Q´s PROPER vegetation tweak, 10 -15 FPS more on my rig. AFAIK shadows on medium are calculated by the cpu, above by the gpu.
  5. Bavator


    Layers for LODs would have been my best guess, too. IIRC you can name the layer, so this could be used as a refernce in the importing/exporting process. You can group vertices (EDIT mode) and then give them a name, sounds like its the same process in O2. If that doesn´t work, you could give seperate objects names and combine them before exporting.
  6. Bavator


    Well, once you´re used to the shortcuts, working with Blender is really fast and efficient. And you can always try the Blender 2.5 beta, much more emphasis on a user-friendly interface. I think this would help a lot of people, me being one of them. I tried to get used to O2 for the last 3 weeks but I simply hate that prog. :o
  7. Bavator

    Shooting tanks with AT from REALLY close??

    Cameron posted in the wrong thread and the 'event' undoubtedly refers to playing the OFPDR campaign. /sorry, couldn´t resist...
  8. Yeah! Don´t rush it, though, more time to explore your Russian weapons for me :P +1
  9. Bavator

    Just want to say: Thank You BIS!

    True, but for some nice and smooth CQC its good to have Rainbow Six (everything before Athena Sword) on the drive :)
  10. Not quite, AG3 f2 is the souped-up version of the norwegian AG3 (which is basically a g3a4), featuring picatinny rails for the HK hand grip/flashlight/Aimpoint/M203 or HK79. One of the last 7.62mm battle rifles still in service (about to be replaced by M416s, though) and it just looks bad-ass. Anyway, it was just a suggestion in case you´re in the mood for some rare western rifles :)
  11. 3rd mountains preparing for desert patrol Addons: Project RACS, ACE2, SIX_Aiaktalik Higher res: http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/9616/83877657.jpg
  12. Bavator

    Project RACS

    Yesssss, sirrrrrr :cool: 3rd Mountains preparing for desert patrol: (with ACE ATVs) HighRes http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/9616/83877657.jpg
  13. Just want to say thanks for the great weapon and units pack, vilas, the AK103 is certainly my favourite weapon, I really appreciate your attention to detail. Btw, if your in the mood for modelling some western weapons again, an AG3 f2 would be awesome. :D
  14. Bavator

    White articfacts...trees

    shit ... you finally got me.... j/k, google pictures for "Arma2 white trees", its the first hit^^
  15. Bavator

    White articfacts...trees

    Does it look like this? http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x86/pauld24/arma2treeerror.jpg Any chance you have an ATI? Had the same problem (white trees) a while ago, setting AF to application controlled in CCC and AF above normal ingame solved it for me.
  16. oops, Alex was faster. my link-fu is weak today...
  17. Bavator

    Project RACS

    Good idea, DH. I had the impression that Task Force Lion is a Quick Reaction Force, so no heavy vehicles at the beginning, just the stuff that can be easily transported. Take your time with the vehicles and release them in the quality you want them to be. If it takes the MLODs, well, then we´ll have to wait a bit. :) Oh, one question about the infantry: do we get some SF units (e.g. Recons for the marines), too?
  18. Yeah, once again: RHS = high quality stuff! Awesome pics!
  19. Bavator

    Project RACS

    Reinstalled Arma 1 today for some RACS action, really looking forward to the A2 release (Royal Marines on Podagorsk or Duala = pure win :D)! Oh, and I just had another look at the weapons pack, can´t wait to get the G3a4 +GL.
  20. Thanks, TR, great addon! Yup, judging by the war sfx samples OA should offer quite realistic sounds out of the box.:)
  21. Hm, I do have your pack, didn´t notice the G3s, though. Anyway, checking it now! Thanks, Vilas! :)
  22. Would love to see some G3s (especially the 'modernized' G3A4 versions with rails). 7.62 for the win!:D
  23. Flashlight works for M4s which already have a flashlight on the model. Didn´t test the USP, though.