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Everything posted by lumpeh

  1. lumpeh

    AI Improvement

    Right on the money Richie :( its already put a friend off playing it..
  2. I'm quite happy mistaken then! :)
  3. LMAO... So much demand for ACE yet Xenos isnt going to develop for it A3 and wont give permission for others to do so.
  4. lumpeh

    Things you wish NOT to have in the game!

    Tanks with health bars..
  5. I know its tommorow but i'm hoping its not something silly like Friday midnight as i have a mountain to climb on Saturday :P
  6. Anyone know the time when they'll make the beta availible to us? Went the full full price here ;)
  7. lumpeh


    I have Nvidia cards, 3d vision etc and i would have preferred an ati/nvidia friendly engine. If we all can accelerate physics then BIS can make it a requirement and thus take even greater advantage of the hardware. So far physx implementations have been fluff effects at best!
  8. lumpeh

    [SP] Flashpoint: Chernarus

    Glad to see you've kept developing it! :)
  9. It certainly does work correctly as far as i can tell, though it does need ACE-centric crates so we can have earplugs etc ;) I would say bigger maps needed & spawnable airbase for fighter access etc but it seems you've got that future covered. I would like to see the possibility of a recruitable squad so you can have someone to drive the tank while you shoot :) i noticed the odd 'join ai group' message pop up but that seldom happens and when i least expect it. I had this occur once - i ended up mashing keys and it managed to recover some how :?
  10. I feel such a prat as i downloaded this at work, burnt it to DVD then forgot to take it home! :(
  11. I'm currently hoping tommorow will be a snow closure day so i can play this all day long :D
  12. lumpeh

    [OA] The Maze (SP, COOP, TDM)

    lol Running Man finally comes to Arma ;)
  13. lumpeh

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Colour me impressed! :D Yeah as a couple others have said, get this bad boys files signed as soon as you can so we can hear them where ever we play :)
  14. I shall be using ACE with it so thank you :)
  15. What affect can we expect from the recently announced british DLC? Are you guys just gonna ignore it and have your own stuff eventually or will it get 'ACE'd' if we have the content installed?
  16. i could of sworn this was additional to OA from seeing a noted vid of it on another forum playing pure expansion.
  17. Well this has some strange effects. Instead it locks up every so often for a good 30 secs or so before recovering. Without the Hotfix that would have meant instacrash. I'll have to put the maxmem on again, but it does appear that Vista is handling resources better.