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Everything posted by jerryhopper

  1. NOTICE: the bidentify filestructure including the files is available via : https://ftp.armedassault.info/armaholic/ bIdentify ( Pronounced: Bee-Eye-dentify ) A file identification utility-suite for detecting, finding and archiving usergenerated content for Bohemia Interactive games. The bIdentify-client is a commandline tool to scan, detect & identify Addons and Missions archives, folders or .pbo's The bIdentify-server is the database/web-backend for use with the bidentify-client,bidentify-node,bidentify-vault. The bIdentify-node is a Torrent based file-archive that seeds files ( limited to specific size) which are listed in the Bidentify server of your choice. The bIdentify-vault is a Torrent based file-archive that archives and seeds (ALL!) files which are listed in the Bidentify-server. This package is for dedicated librarians who want to preserve and longterm seed all data on the Bidentify server of your choice. Why? Because after 20 years, stuff tends to get lost in many ways. With the recent demise of A-holic it became clear to me that there must be a better and more permanent way of archiving old game-content. Hosting this gamecontent permanently is done by a few site-owners, clans or archivers - like me. But these resources are not eternal, and even i am aware that im not immortal. this project is sole purpose is enabling the community to preserve files with no (or minimal) obligations to any-one. Anyone can host to preserve data, even on very old hardware or slow connections. Inspired by the structure ( and a lot of addon-data ) that i scraped from armaholic, i decided to whip up a 'missing in action' list based on the files i was unable to fetch from armaholic. The script worked, but wasnt very intelligent. it indexed your local directories, and looked for a match on the armaholic mia list - and that's that. What? Once my initial script was used by forummembers, i realised that a text-only database of all addons etc would be a better approach to get as much missing content back, as well as adding new content that wasnt listed on a-holic. But what use is a text-only index of files, if dont have the files, or dont know where to get it? For Arma2 and below, you need to download files from sites, or ftp's. And since the ftp support has been dropped from major browsers, i realised a alternative download protocol is the best way to go if you want to distribute lots & old data. If there was one master-list of all files and its hashes & magnet links, everybody could host (a portion of ) all addons using torrent. In a nutshell, using the client - or hosting a node, vault or server on your old harddisk connected to that 25$ singleboard computer ( a raspberrypi is about 50$) equals supporting the (few) arma-librarians that are left. If you still dont know what you can do? below i try to explain that a bit further. bIdentify-client (Windows .exe/python) (git-repo) Anyone can use the bIdentify-client if they want to clean up their old harddrives - but is not sure if all his old arma-content can be re-downloaded via resources like armaholic. The commandline client is merely a smart indexer, that allows submission of addon-content to the bIdentify network bIdentify-node ( docker/linux ) (git) A clan or enthousiast could be a bIdentify-node, this means hosting (with traffic-caps or timeslots) a portion of the torrents from the masterlist. these node's are volatile. bIdentify-vault ( docker/linux ) A archiver, like myself -or anyone-else would be a bIdentify-vault. this means that ALL data will be hosted via torrent, and is intented to be available 24/7 (with traffic-caps or timeslots) bIdentify-server ( docker/linux ) (git-repo) At least 1 bIdentify-server is needed *( and is hosted by me for now) This is the API backend for the bIdentify-client and can function as a json backend for any website that would like to offer the files in form of magnet-links to the public. it is possible to run multiple bIdentify-server servers, as they all sync with eachother. bIdentify-definitions (git-repo) This is a github-hosted repository which contain the master-and server lists. The master list where all of the bIdentify applications get their serverlists from, are hosted on github, as well as the code. Periodically, the master-index of all files will be uploaded to the github-repository on a yearly basis. the bIdentify-node's will sync content with the available bIdentify-vaults. Vaults and Nodes are the most vital to keep the old file archive preserved. at least 2 bIdentify-vault's and 1 bIdentiy-servers are required to redundantly keep the old-file archives alive. Whats the status? Currently the project is in the start of its development, yet the bIdentify-client is near completion and will be released shortly. 04/6/2021 - started in python, added initial indexing functionality 09/6/2021 - added addon parsing config.cpp, prerelease executable tested. 10/6/2021 - added mission detection, zipped-mission detection and pbo-mission detection 12/6/2021 - initial torrent generation & seeding implemented. the first bidentify-vault is up and running! 13/6/2021 - initial minimalistic web gui in progress (**) 14/6/2021 - missing files added in catalog (**) 15/6/2021 - client-upload is done, server upload facility & torrent generation is almost finished. 24/6/2021 - silent release of the client. (Download here) 05/7/2021 - added pbo inspection to bidentify-node thanks to Mikero ToDo: - Add date & author to files. - Size & file totals per section - simple usage instructions. Where can i download.... Old Armaholic content?! http://bidentify.jerryhopper.com The Bidentify-client?! https://github.com/jerryhopper/bidentify-client/releases Usage : - Download & unpack the zipfile. - open a commandprompt, and navigate to the folder where you unpacked the zip. - type : bidentify.exe -d "D:\directoryToScan" "The past is on your harddisks, the future is in your hands" Hardware A typical bidentify-node or bidentify-vault. this setup costs ~ $50 without the harddisk. ( ~$26 ~$44 ) Obviously, any other singleboard computer can be used, like the RaspberryPi - or any other board with 512MB or more.
  2. Here is some ingame footage of A2FR Thanks to Thorpe Griner for the footage. z45yoFrHt0w Enjoy!
  3. NOTICE: the bidentify filestructure including the files is available via : https://ftp.armedassault.info/armaholic/
  4. via ArkensoR (https://discord.com/channels/105462288051380224/976155351999201390/996058255010832525 ) class TestCallback : RestCallback { override void OnSuccess( string data, int dataSize ) { Print(" !!! OnSuccess() size=" + dataSize ); if( dataSize > 0 ) Print(data); // !!! NOTE: Print() will not output string longer than 1024b, check your dataSize !!! }; } ... auto ctx = GetGame().GetRestApi().GetContext("https://webhook.site/XXXX-YOUR-GUID-XXXXX"); TestCallback callback(); //ctx.POST(callback,"RequestPath?Argument=Something", "Hello World"); ctx.POST(callback,"RequestPath?Argument=Something", "{\"someVar\": 1337}");
  5. jerryhopper

    RHS: Status Quo

    looking forward to an interview.... in the far, far future.
  6. Not sure what kind of malware-scanner you use, but trust me when i say that is a false positive. Reasons: there is no index file, and directory browsing is allowed. https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/ftp.armedassault.info https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/9272bbdf9927cf54d352e675fb8751f6dad2e19e0b031d255cee8cb6f9004141/detection To answer your question: "Q/ will all wgp archive be up there ? I downloaded loads before it went quiet." All files that are in that '/WargamingPlus.Arma.Series.Archive/' folder will be imported in bidentify.
  7. the wgp archive can also be found here (it will be imported in bidentify soon) https://ftp.armedassault.info/upload/WargamingPlus.Arma.Series.Archive/
  8. jerryhopper

    Arma Reforger - Videos

    Jonathan Ferguson, a weapons expert and Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries, breaks down the weaponry of ARMA Reforger, including the Beretta M9, the PKM and the LAW M73.
  9. jerryhopper

    How can I edit the Eden map?

    Have a look at the first part of my Cinematic Timeline howto movie. I had exact the same problems, but by copying the world using 'save as' (in the correct directory structure) works like a charm for me. My biggest problem was not being able to control the TimeAndWeatherManager as it was locked. DISCLAIMER: i have no clue how this ends up in multiplayer - as i dont make missions etc.
  10. jerryhopper

    Arma Reforger - Videos

    Lets kick this thread of with some videos i created in the first two weeks i got the game. All videos are created using the cinematic timeline in the world-editor. Lets start with "Up the Creek" In this video i fiddled with the cinematic timeline, and camera positions. The result is an dazzling and immersive flight up & down the creek. This is also my first 4K movie. Rendering 4K movies takes quite a while, but its worth it! In case you got airsick, a slightly slower version is here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo9bHFUM_rA Crag Point LightHouse Timelapse In this video i tried making a timelapse. - unfortunatly my timeline was too short for a full 24hr scene. BuckFast LightHouse theBuckFastWine posted a picture of the Crag point lighthouse. i saw a big resemblance in a BuckFast bottle and a lighthouse. And so i tried fiddling with a custom texture on a bottle, resizing it and making it a lighthouse! Highstone Pond, Everon. Feel the peace and quietness dripping off your screen with this scenic shot.
  11. Hey people, Excuse me for my absence. Some stuff happened.. like failing disks - some of my personal data got lost, bought a replacement... filled it up, and it failed after a week again. So the authentication system i was working on got delayed, and with that - also the custom upload functionality.... On top of this all, My laptop-screen decided to quit on me. which forced me to use a external monitor.... but after 2 days that died too - cause: my videocard got fried. And meanwhile i got a new job , so less time and no more daytime coding... but eventually more funds for hardware! So today i bought a new disk & laptop... and i guess i will be back on track in a few days. - so i can continue on the project. I have a login-system ready for the bidentify website, and the bidentify-client and node have the option to authenticate too! What's left is adding the functionality to upload 'new' data - and other functions so people can contribute to the system while keeping things in control due to the authentication. This weekend i hope to add some of the above stuff. And its great to see people like T.Johnson offering help with vault hosting, coz with the amount of crashing hardware - its vital that i finish the initial bidentify-vault code, and have at least 1 extra node running on a different internet-connection than mine. But since the project is split in 3 parts (website, client, node) i have to switch between each part and prioritize what i add/finish first. So, please bear with me - i almost replaced all of my old hardware, the future should be less 'buggy' *crosses fingers* - i promise there will be a update next week! @icewindo adding these categories will be possible when the authentification system is implemented. @a6bl4Hblu' i am aware of this. The possibility to upload this file manually, and allow the user to set the category will be possible when i implemented the authentification system. @T.Johnson i will contact you this weekend (*prolly sunday)!
  12. blagh.. major setback. as i was working on a backup systen - i bought a new 4TB disk. That disk died 5 days after i bought it. :( Dont be like me, dont buy seagate disks. i should have known better.
  13. Yes, the gofundme will expire, funds will be refunded. No, there seems to be no way that armaholic can be bought back, due to a irreversible delete action. i hope that answers your question.
  14. jerryhopper

    Hosting for OFPEC

    So i assume you got stuff figured out?! i really hope to see ofpec back soon ! In case anyone needs files hosted on ofpec, have a look here - You might get lucky! http://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/
  15. @krzychuzokecia very big files cannot be uploaded yet, im almost at the point to allow 'webuploads' via the browser - and with that uploader its possible to upload huge files. - be patient and dont throw away these addons! @Undeceived its you i have to thank, for your submissions! Furthermore there is some progress that i'd like to elaborate. As stated above, web-uploads are almost there - and so is the authentication system. (i cannot allow anonymous uploads for obvious reasons) The node-software is also getting along quite well. Thanks to the efforts of Mikero and his team, i have obtained a special version of his depbo-tools for linux. A version that also runs on raspberry-pi computers. This means that the bidentify-server and nodes are now able to open pbo's to check the contents. Developers might want to checkout this repository :https://github.com/jerryhopper/docker-depbo-tools which is the source repository for the 'generic' depbo-tools docker container!
  16. jerryhopper

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    I created a docker-container with Mikero's Pbo-tools.... with a twitch : this docker-container runs on Amd64 and Arm64, so you can use your 64bit singleboard computer (RPi4B) and run this toolset. https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/jerryhopper/depbo-tools As always, all credits go out to Mikero & Dahlgren for compiling a ARM version PS: use this container in your ci/cd pipeline...
  17. I have been investigating the network issues, and discovered something is wrong with my pfsense router. it somehow cuts my speed in half (250mbit instead of 500) so i suspect the network instability also originates from here. But today i removed this, and i am monitoring the connection closely now. i suspect the problems should be gone now, but in case you get an error - please post about it.
  18. So, Today i got a reminder from the 'GoFundMe' project (*https://www.gofundme.com/f/free-armaholic) I'm not entirely sure what to do with it, as it seems clear that armaholic cannot be 'bought' back. I have overthought the idea of using the funds to buy another HDD, and use that for bidentify. But somehow this doesn't feel 'right', Therefore i'm expiring / refunding the supporters. Although i cannot find any refund-option in the go-fundme website, when the campaign expires the funds are automatically refunded. Last but not least, i'd like to thank Joonas Sariola, Dennis GamerOnkel, BBFrost and 'Anonymous' for their generous donations.
  19. Hey, im sorry to hear you are brutally interupted by a full server! can you please try again tomorrow? I am upgrading the 'vault' to a RaspberryPi4 (with 4gb ram) which has more usb-ports, and allows booting from ssd. This means the storage-vault (with torrents) is unavailable, since im the only one running one. So, despite the client error-message that says 'server full', its actually a good thing - as everything works as its supposed to 🙂 PS: i see that i made a mistake in the commandline instruction, i will fix that asap... thanks W0lle for the correct command!
  20. jerryhopper


    If you have a local directory with zip-files containing addond, i have made a tool that checks your directory, and matches these files against the missing files that armaholic used to host. It will upload the found files to the bidentify archive. To help submit missing files, you would need the bidentify-client, see the topic below.
  21. jerryhopper

    Hosting for OFPEC

    Glad u at least remembered me. i can always host the site for free. 20 gb is peanuts. Just be sure to make a complete backup. Once that is secured, contact me to get started. direct chat -> telegram --> @jerryhopper Mail contact -> hopper.jerry@gmail.com Talking about ancient days, here is something to cheer us up :) https://mega.nz/file/BE8y2RrT#vni0qBR11DUhy65UOAw6tcRhk-aO-yF_gfIqsti1n2A If its up to me, ofpec will still be around when i will wear dipers again!
  22. jerryhopper

    Hosting for OFPEC

    With Bidentify the idea is to detect missing armaholic files and archive them. This way you seperate the files from other webcontent, like the ofpec website. Archiving the website (read: dockerize the site & make it read-only) to make it more portable is always better when its small in size. I did this for http://www.armedassault.info/ which was running on a baremetal machine (with php5.6) and is a pain to keep 'secure' So, seperating the informational content (forums etc) and the files - is the way to go. I can host the docker-container on my home infrastructure - or it can deployed anywhere else. All that is relevant info to know is : What php-version does it run on, How big is the ftp-filedata and how big is the webdata+database - or, if both are combined : what is the total size. @krzychuzokecia 4yrs ago, aa.info closed. its.still.there. http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=news&id=6524&game=2
  23. The bidentify client doenst prioritize on size. it skips files bigger than 900MB (What you can do, is make bidentify scan the folder with smaller stuff first) Also, what's the further plan? I will first finish the system. in other words : the bidentify-node/vault should be 100% working - as in: Everyone should be able to run a dedicated vault or node. The 'web frontend' should be a deployable container. the 'absolute' file/hash list should be periodically (yearly?) backed up to a git-repository. The idea is that anyone who is a bit tech-savy should be able to deploy the bidentify suite with ease, (in case i somehow die in the short future) and that the files should be 'kept' with a few trusted archivers. i do understand the need for better search-options, and i got that covered. i have anticipated on this, and i will implement a redis-search module which allows you to search on all kind of properties in the near future. Also, i want to 'analyze' pbo's to extract content and add this to the database. adding 'users' and 'posting/commenting' functionality is not on my "to be implemented list." Another very important part is not only the Site & client - but people who are willing to share a bit of their internet connection, and host a node or vault. Without these - the project doesnt have a future. I can produce a OS-image with the vault-software preinstalled for cheap single-board computers, like raspberry pi or others. Dont forget the initial idea is to keep the files available to the public - not to rebuild armaholic. But if anyone feels like interacting with the data in the bidentify database - and build some website on top of it - drop me a message. there is an API - we'll figure it out!
  24. jerryhopper

    Hosting for OFPEC

    Yo! H.... h? you are: "How many men would it take to screw in a lightbulb?" Hoz right? Well, i'm interested! Im not sure if you have seen what i have been up to, but im actually building a community-powered file-storage to keep old files available to the public. The files are distributed via Torrent, and 'librarians' like me seed all the torrents. Obviously, anyone can help with filehosting by downloading a (or all) torrent(s) and seeding them. Have a look at the project here : About the files : Do you have any idea how big the total size is? Regarding keeping the website up: i could convert the site to a docker-container, just like i did for armedassault.info. This way, the site can be easyly moved, transferred and archived.
  25. Despite my attempts to release the client today, i didnt make it. At this very moment i have a client now indexing and uploading missingfiles.. a lot of arma2 OA stuff, and quite some arma1-weapons addons are being added, which means that the client is almost ready for use. I encountered some absured large addons like CUPS (10GB) that made the system crash, which means i have to delay the release.