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Posts posted by johnwilso007

  1. elevators would be a cool adition to the game, for addon makers it would mean that you could have really big buildings or ships with lifts and such, would it be possible to blow the lift cables so that the lift plum its to the bottom and blows up?

  2. if there not I am sure people will add them later on, personally id like to do a Red Rearmed Campaign, if no one else does, we might end up with 50 different versions of the campaign if we are not careful.

    good luck with the mod guys.

    i assume that picture was taken off the private forums without your knowledge? and can i also assume that the models and textures will also be updated?

  3. ok

    seems to work for me, the addons are included.

    i appologise in advance for my really crappy cut scene skills, this was the first time that i had to use them when i made this mission months ago. remember it was in a early stage of creation too.

    sadly i appear to have removed all the work i had to date on the ofp one so cannot release any others, later works on them had the phone ringtone, and the sounds for Jacks intro to the mission.


    i got exams over the next week so wont have to much time to begin the first ArmA mission just yet.

    thanks for any feedback you can give me biggrin_o.gif

  4. think ill do it. ill redo the first mission in the ArmA engine and improve on it.

    ill post it then to see if you like the way i do the missions and if i should improve on it. may take some time as i have to get used to the newer engine.

    just testing the first ofp one if it still works ill post that on here tonight.

  5. ill see if i can find my ofp missions on my HDD to see if u liek the way i tried to do it.

    my original idea was going to be jack in belgrade, as a prequal to series 1, think i originally used Novajev island or nogova for the missions.

    as it would be very hard to do a mission that lasted a hour i added savegame points that would also advance time by 10-20 minutes. also had a trigger to end the mission as Lose if it took you too long:D

    with the arma team switching it may be possible to have multiple teams working at the same time and doing different things.

    if u want ill see if i have the few 24 ofp ones i did and put them up on here.

  6. What do people think?

    24 missions, about 1 hour each, spans a day, story to fit 24 TV series cronology?

    looking at making a custom vehicle and maybe custom units, may take some time to get it going as im not used to the arma editor yet. had 7 ones done for ofp but didnt release many of the missions.

    is this worth spending my time on or not?

  7. Red hammer was done by codemasters? didn't realize that. I'm sure that some people from the community will do a Red Re-armed Campaign After the Cold War Rearmed is released anyway.

    if not ill add it to my ArmA project list. biggrin_o.gif

    Question about Cold War Rearmed, the campaign, will the characters voices just be the same voices as they were in CWC or will you be recording new ones?

  8. id seen a video at a game convention for the elevators in use in the hotel building. one one of the campaign missions i found this building but the elevators didn't exist? do the have to be enabled a different way or were they simply left out of the current version of the game?

    and will they be added later?

  9. also for some users behind a large private firewall, like me at university, we need to unlock ports on the overall firewall.

    i had to do this for operation flashpoint but it didnt work for some reason, im hoping that the ports used arnt the same for arma. anyone know what they are?

  10. not finnished the campaign yet but i do aslo feel that it lacks the immersive factor and soldier development. i think they should have had a single soldier in the main campaign. it was never clear if you were playing as a certain soldier (whats his name?) or whether your player changed every time.

    they should have had a david armstrong like soldier on the main missions, with his squad and team, te choosing missions should have been robert hammer, james gastovski, and the other fella missions.

    so far i thought it was quite good, except maybe the airport defense mission, i found a tank and just ran over the enemy.

    also tried to play without team switching at all as i dont like this feature, on the bombing the enemy base in N S i found that i had to and then it messed up the players that you swapped between.

  11. i admit that the flying is much more challanging but it is more realsitic. the fact that you have to press a button to cycle through the available targets is cool just like you do in reality. flying the choppers and planes is a bit of a bitch but you will get used to it trust me. samw with the drivin, get used to it and ull be able to do much more with the vehicles. like barrel rolls with the harrier:D

  12. i was thinking while playing the game a few days ago that a Iraq war mod would be very cool indeed. the urban fighting has been much improved in the engine and would really work well with a gulf war mod. Are their any ofp ones that are moving to ArmA? cos i would like to give them my limited addon making expertise, will give me a chance to learn how to do it better.

    Iraq mod could be split into 3 parts. Gulf war one with the retaing of kuwait from the Iraqis, Gulf war 2 with the fall of saddam, and then a Peacekeeping campaign fighting the insurgents, porbably colaborate with mods like UKF to use their addons as part of a Basra campaign. Also as the maps have no size limit you could do a absolutly massive Iraq map. with large detailed cities.

    a Black hawk down mod would also be very possible with the updated, Urban combat. didnt think it was that possible in ofp due to the poor game physics and urban combat engine.

    A north korea mod would be very cool too. would like to see Falklands mod make the move to armed assault too, they could proberly to a 1:1 scale falklands island now too.
