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Posts posted by johnwilso007

  1. for you does it only happen after you have played armed assault and attempt to play another game? that is what has lead me to believe it is arma and not the drive,it is defiantly software related it could be the device drivers but it is a coincidence that it happens every time i play arma. im thinking a protection bug?

    for you has this happened since 1.08?

  2. ok my DVD drive works fine, then i play a game such as arma. and change disk to another one but my drive doesn't read the disk, the laser hasn't gone. as i have used Norton go back to restore it to this morning and it works fine, but i don't want to have to do that every time i want to play a game, any ideas what the fault is?

  3. currently using the 1.08 patch, when i exit arma i get a blue screen of death, game runs 100% fine and is 115% better than previous patch. the Blue screen tells me something is wrong with the GPU, and i have the latest ATI drivers, any help, or anyone else have this problem

    system Intel Pentium D 3.4 Ghz

    2gb Ram

    Radion X1650

  4. why so many people expect camapigns instead of fixing engine ?

    you have mission editor, you can do your own campaign , you do your own mission, be more creative, than just siting in the chair "BIS give me mission"

    in games like RTCW, MOHAA, COD adding own missions  and stuff was very difficult, in OFP or ARMA not !

    so don't expect from developer things that other man can do for free

    if i pay, i wanna see really more realistic engine

    but engine is not the thing that addonmaker /missionmaker can fix

    we can do new island, like to OFP, new units, weapons

    but we cannot do something to avoid CTD or HDR errors

    and we cannot do something to make bulletproof properties of materials (like working vests, like wall that stops 7.62 bullet, but not 12.7 mm)

    in ARMA we can destroy M113 or BMP with 5.56 rounds, nonsense ! 2 box from M249 and M113 or BMP is in fire

    in real life 5.56 bullet cannot harm armored vehicle, but 14.5 or 20 mm bullet goes through steel of APC and kills crew

    i wanna see it in game that is advertised on box "most realistic battle simulating system" i hope in expansion such things will be added !

    wild life would be nice candy too,

    my expatation for ARMA was - to see old good OFP but on better engine and better environment, OFP had some lacks that i was hoping will be fixed in OFP , some of them of course were fixed (killing water, multi turret and some more)

    but still 2 shots in hand kill man :/

    im not sure that you understand how buisnesses work, BIS can make engine fixes in patches, but who will make the patches if the company makes no money, the company makes money by relaseing games and expansion packs, as its only a small buisnes they only can work on one game at a time so they need to release expansion packs to make the money to keep the buisness going. a normal everyday gamer like myself wants a game that you can install and play imediatly without downloading addons, most players wouldnt buy a game that is just a engine or that fixes the engine, these should come free but for them to come free they need money, which comes from expansion packs.  

    its a vicious circle, i am a mission maker, going to try my hand at addom making at some point but its a big learning curve for someone to buy it.

    people that are complaining that they need engine fixes need to think about one thing, if BIS was to go bust who would make the engine fixes they need? the answer no one. Just support BIS and they will support us in return!

    the things that you seem to want are in VBS2, if you want them get VBS 2, they wont be in ARMA cos noone would pay for VBS2 then would they. some nice bits and pieces would had to be left out of arma so that VBS2 would sell. most of these things will come from the community anyway.

  5. true islands and campaigns and units can be made by the community, and the engine fixes can only be done by the developers. problem:- Developers need money, money equals games and expansion packs sold, sales means a good product, which means that they need to release new islands, units camapigns for the masses that dont use this site or know about hte mods. and the rest of us, engine fixes can then come along after in patches.

  6. what system would hypothetically run arma with everything on high/Very High?

    at the moment i got

    Intel Pentium D 3.40 (2CPU)

    2048GB Ram

    Radeon X1650 512mb

    Using XP

    i can run everything on normal and low Post processing effects with a decent play rate.

    to get the game to run everything on high/V high with a good frame rate would a build like this cut it?

    Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 (2.4ghz)

    4096GB Ram

    2x Radeon HD X2600

    Using Vista

    not sure of the pricing of this yet most would depend on the R600 GPUs

    or is that a bit too extream?

  7. i was impressed with the AI on a mission that i made as they followed me to a boat after i destroyed several enemy targets. i didnt even tell them to follow me.

  8. im making a mission where Two different fractions are meeting, boom a car bomb goes off and kills the leaders, the units of the two different fractions come in and start shooting each other.

    i used

    Resistance setFriend [East, 0]

    and they did start to shoot at each other, im using the 1.07 beta so it appears to have been fixed so far anyway ill continue to have a tinker tho. wanna make the civillians get shot too:D

  9. working on a mission at the moment and i must say that this is a excellent idea. i often find when making missions i need some help, and when ever i ask for voice actors people usually ignore the posts. Im in. Think u should contact a moderator to move this to one of the other forums however as few people come on here. maybe to the User missions side. unless you dont want the group to be too large

  10. In the mission i am making there are two one man teams Alpha and Bravo.

    Alpha Destroys Stuff And Bravo Secures the extraction. what i want to do is have the player who is Alpha to be able to listen to what Bravo is doing, so they can hear them report where enemy's are and the old "Ive Got Him" shout so that Alpha Knows that Bravo is still alive and that the Extraction is secured. how can you do this if it is possible?

  11. ok im using 1.07beta version and i just had a bug with the weapons. Im in a fire fight with enemy, M4 runs out of ammo, i switched to my pistol as i was under fire, dispatched the enemies, then when i switch back to m4 and as its being brought to its firing position i reload it. at this point the reloading anims happen but with a M9 and i end up using the M9 with 30 rounds where im supposed to be using the M4 with 30 rounds. Is this a common problem and a known bug?

  12. in the mission i am making you have to infiltrate the ramadi island blow up a helicopter and then blow up a ammo dump. Now there are several patrols all patroling the island, what i want to do is when these places are blown up that the patrols break from their formations and Head straight into the town.

    can this be done?
