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Everything posted by icehollow

  1. icehollow

    Advanced Combat Environment

    Well if anyone is like me, they don't think the $30-$40 is worth it for what is essentially a few new unit models, an island, and according to some, a quite sub-par campaign. Resistance was a different story, that was actually a worthy expansion with an unforgettable campaign. What I'm saying is that what BI did with QG, could've been done by a few forum members for free. If BI had released it as a free addon, yeah sure kudos. But $30-$40 is a bit of a rip off. Anyways, don't want to steer this off topic, so what can we expect in the first release?
  2. icehollow

    Vietnam: The Experience

    There's plenty of deep jungle areas in the VTE islands, just stop being so lazy and look for yourself, I made a mission on 7 mountains in a area where you could barely see 5 feet in front of you.
  3. icehollow

    RH M4/M16 pack 1.0

    Stewy will be happy about the M4/M203 ironsights.
  4. icehollow

    Vietnam: The Experience

    I think you'll find VTE islands look and feel alot closer to the real vietnam then BF:V ever was. BF:V was too plasticy/ too glossy. VTE sort of has that 'platoon' feel on most islands (i.e the movie platoon).
  5. icehollow

    Crysis vs arma editor

    I would say the Crysis editor is excellent for creating new islands/maps etc, however , ArmA is much more open to true proper mods/addons and can be done easier than in crysis.
  6. icehollow

    Offliner(vs ai) or onliner(vs players)

    Let me express my deepest amusement at your post: I don't fear cheaters, however, having encountered alot of blatant cheating on public servers quite commonly, I can see why many people do, even on coop only servers I've seen cheaters ruining the game by using hacks that spam objects all over the map, so no your basis for that argument is not valid. As for getting spanked by what you call faster and more flexible players and the rest of us lowly, obviously slow and less flexible mortals dismissing them as "CS kids" is the part of your post that amuses me. Let me explain why. The ones me and teammates commonly call "CS kids" are hardly flexible, and end up getting owned by us using proper military maneuvers and their response is "this game is shit, the controls suck and it's not fun" <insert player here disconnects> , thus us referring to them as CS kids who can't handle a gameplay change (hardly flexible in that regard). Further proof goes to the fact that most of the succesful clans here in aus in matches (yes players vs players believe it or not) utilize effective military maneuvers (fire and movement and bounding overwatch/leapfrogging for example) . Hmm funny that isn't it? Futhermore the reason most of us prefer to play coop is because A) PVP missions never allow for the scale coop missions do, or the deepness (and I can't stress enough on this point) B) AI doesn't feel the need to grab a .50 cal sniper rifle and head way out into the hills when they are losing firefights C) I find the AI in groups to be more challenging then the average public player believe it or not, AI at least understands that they stand a better chance in a group and that flanking and proning works better then trying to stay in one position and get flanked.
  7. icehollow

    Offliner(vs ai) or onliner(vs players)

    Not enough poll options in this. And you've also biased the questions to make it seem like playing against AI is the easy way out. I didn't vote mainly because you didnt add another option at least listing something like "online- coop". You can't get the same scale or specific features on player versus player missions. People in arma also have an amazing tendancy to grab a .50 cal sniper rifle and head for the hills. AI don't do this.
  8. icehollow

    Infanty tactics

    The problem is some real world tactics rely on supression, and while supression will work on players, it doesn't work on AI (unless a addon/script fixes this). However here's some basic tactics I can confirm work in arma: Leapfrogging/Bounding overwatch Fire and movement Break contact drills Peeling These will work against AI, primarily because all of these involve at the very least 1 unit covering while others move. If you're all moving and looking in the same direction you're just asking to be killed faster then you can say "OMGBBQWTF soo gay I should've stayed in BF2/CS what a crap game"
  9. icehollow

    6thsense.eu presents: "pack2"

    Im curious as to what the WeaponSway part does, Does this mean we'll be able to somewhat accurately step and fire now?
  10. icehollow

    6thSense.eu Presents: WeaponPack

    I think I understand his dislike for them, even though, as he stated, he has no personal experience with them. But yeah I think I know what he means, attach the idea that <insert SOF unit in here> is about to adopt a certain piece of equipment and suddenly every game is trying to push it, regardless of the fact they aren't really anything special (i.e take the XM8 for example, the ghost recon series pushed that one out forever, but if you look at the XM8 techincally, it's not much more then a reframed H&K G36). Anyways , I'm all for some well modelled XM8s and SCARs in ArmA, after all variety is the spice of life.
  11. icehollow

    Any in-depth vte missions out there?

    EDIT: nevermind, im not even going to bother.
  12. icehollow

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Wrong, it was actually canned because of legal issues (US army was legally obliged to prefer U.S based manufactures, in this case, Colt). It had showed an improvement over the M16 however, not the 100% improvement they were aiming for. However this isn't the place to discuss whether or not an addon should be made because of it's real world counterparts, there's no such thing as a uber duber infantry ported laser cannon in real life, but if someone wants to make that, go right ahead. Same applies to the XM8.
  13. icehollow

    Any in-depth vte missions out there?

    Thanks dave, already had those mate. But hadn't seen that one Eyeball, thanks alot.
  14. icehollow

    Jonny´s Marines

    Love the brilliant new marine models jonny, but 1 small thing. They have a slight performace issue. FPS loss when alot of them are on screen at once, not major FPS loss but still.
  15. icehollow

    Any in-depth vte missions out there?

    A link would be helpful... And I assume you were being sarcastic by referring to a real Vietnam war conflict.
  16. icehollow

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    Your system would be stomping the shit out of ArmA, it's your operating sytem that is holding you back. Piss Vista off, its a piece of crap, has no real benefits over XP and hates Armed Assault. my clanmate has a monster system, but because of vista he's had CTDs, freezes and has had to turn his settings down to low just to run ArmA on vista. Vista blows.
  17. icehollow

    ArmA Addon request thread

    This one is prolly gonna be ignored but.... I'd like a new soldier model, specifically, a really buffed up commando , ala Arnie in Predator, infact, and Arnold Schwarznegger model would rock so hard. reference pics: http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images....ers.jpg http://www.nst.com.my/Current....or1.bmp
  18. icehollow

    Suggestion-list for the final arma patch

    Not sure, but it's not just a problem on my end that I know for sure, because it happens to my clanmates when we're playing , i.e I can't hear their weapon's report/animation/muzzle flash, they can't hear my weapons's report/animation/muzzle flash.
  19. icehollow

    Suggestion-list for the final arma patch

    Well the only sixth sense mods I have are the editor update and a weapon pack, neither of which I see how they could affect the general sound. EDIT: Also the sixth sense pack 1, which includes six_CRDS.pbo (blood mod) , six_editorupdate.pbo , six_tracers.pbo , six_markers.pbo . By ladder bug, I mean in some buildings you can climb up the ladder, and you will be stuck at top, so when you climb down you may clip through a wall and be stuck there too, the only way out of it is to use the "drop from ladder" action.
  20. icehollow

    Suggestion-list for the final arma patch

    - THE BLOODY SOUNDBUG WHERE YOU CAN'T HEAR OTHER PLAYERS FIRING. (And I know this wasn't just me since 6thsense biki lists it as a proper bug that was supposed to be fixed by a patch) - ladder bug - keep new recoil system however make the actual recoil higher.
  21. icehollow


    Very good job but I get horrible performance on this mission, hopefully this can be rectified.
  22. icehollow

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    I would like to know when this is going to be fixed, because it's still happening in the beta 1.09 patch.
  23. icehollow

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    I think what BIS misunderstood about the recoil in 1.08 was that the recoil itself was fine, it was good, it was the randomness of it kicking down or to the side that wasn't good, I've never fired a gun that has kicked up then down and taken 5 seconds to return to where I was aiming it. The new recoil in 1.09 is perfect, all they need to do now is turn the actual recoil itself up , none of this dancing crap that was in 1.08 and earlier versions.
  24. icehollow

    ArmA Addon request thread

    also more unreliable, but would be nice to have in ArmA for more variety.
  25. icehollow

    Swat units release

    cool thanks guys.