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h -

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Everything posted by h -

  1. They should keep the chopper missions as single scenarios. Especially when the mission is clearly there just because they added a new chopper.. I'm currently stuck in the chopper mission (like I was with OA campaign) because I simply can't fly, and I have absolutely no interest in learning it either so IMO these kinds of mission should not be there. Or the flying should be optional.
  2. The PMC campaign was OK up until the god damn mandatory f****** chopper mission.
  3. No no, it wasn't the Chinese, it was actually Obama wanting to start a war with Iran so he launched a missile towards Iran but the Pleidians stopped it. .
  4. Here's hoping it's not limited to just couple of weapon types and the cone as well as he "shrapnel" stuff is definaeble in the config.. :)
  5. h -

    ArmA II focusing too much on realism?

    Huh, I guess I'm in the minority who doesn't care.. :P OFP is great, A2 is great, personally I see no reason to compare them really. EDIT: Ok, I agree that OFP CWC and Resistance campaigns were more engaging, but I don't find A2 or OA campaigns to be particularly bad. Nor the voice acting, haven't really come across a game that wouldn't be somehow cheesy on that department..
  6. OFP and OFP:R are always the first games I install on my PC system whenever I get a new one. It's really a ritual almost, the game is so absolutely awesome it's undescribable. When I get a chance I play CWC and Resistance campaigns, but I mostly enjoy the SP missions "Battlefield" and "Clean Sweep II".. Also it always works, it's funny, OFP and OFP:R still work like under Win7 but games like Thief III and the last Hitman do not :rolleyes: So I guess BIS guys know how to code.. ;)
  7. It was like the first or second anim I ever did so donations for better one are ofcourse accepted ;) Besides, you should see some of the variations for different up/down weapon directions, they would be like 50x more horrible :p
  8. h -

    Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer-

    I guess you did, I wasn't referring to the perps either, just wondering how claiming "teh govanmant dunnit" somehow disrespects the families of the victims.. I mean the contheories I know of don't accuse the victims of anything which I could understand being disrespecting if they did (and would surely personally take offense if I was one of them) but I just don't get how a conspiracy theory disrespects anybody. Well except those who show the fails in those theories and get called liars and whatnot..
  9. h -

    Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer-

    Not that I care about this subject matter at all but I always hear this thing when it comes to this particlular contheory. Could you please explain me how does the killers nationality/whatnot respect/disrespect someones relatives etc.? That sounds like the relatives of those who died should feel very respected that their relatives died by the actions of some muslim extremist but very disrespected if someone claims they died via a government conspiracy.. :confused:
  10. h -

    AI Still Stubborn

    ^ this I find it pretty dumb that the second in command is the only one who can declare all clear...
  11. Worth mentioning obviously is that I didn't come up with that, it's BIS doing from the EW campaign (which you pointed me to) so no praise for me on that one :p @UNN Meh, diag_tickTime never even crossed my mind :icon_ohmygod:
  12. Quick, someone (*cough*Myshaak*cough*) find a pic of Lenton that could be edited to have the Dr. Evil "pinky in mouth" pose.. ;)
  13. :D Or if he does they grow a brain and run away... To think of it, if I get a new tattoo that might be a good idea :p
  14. So Lenton has now finally prison raped OFP all the way. Nice.. FPDR
  15. Even if Templar game up with a way for DR to give blowjobs I would not install it back.. It's nothing more than purely the fact that in my opinnion the game is not good at all. Well, there's three good things in the game: AI clearing houses, the "Fire at my lead" thingy and the way you can peer behind cover in sights view. The rest sucks.
  16. "Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising was tremendously ambitious" WTF??? Is there some other Dragon Rising I haven't seen.. :confused:
  17. Ok, I'm slowly starting to regret 'introducing' that smiley here :D "Red River", huh. That has a strong "let's copy MW2 storyline" stench to it.. FPDR
  18. h -

    Editor: Add the Undo function

    +1 from me too, would be very useful feature. Another thing nice to have would be a confirmation "Do you want to overwrite the existing mission.sqm" :p
  19. Wow, a completely new version of EGO engine!!111!1!
  20. "Old" beta, I know, but I really have to facepalm myself as hard as possible right about now.. The "report" I posted earlier (reply #92) was actually a tad faulty: My PC had suddenly decided, probably because it was disconnected from the powergrid for a few days, that I didn't want my CPU to be overclocked anymore so those tests I ran and campaign I played I played with my CPU at it's stock 2.4Ghz. :rolleyes: Realised it just now and rectified and now when the CPU actually is at 3.2Ghz no more stutters, Takistan runs smooth like fresh shaven.. cheek, and Zargabad runs fine too, as in with a bit lower FPS obviously but doesn't stutter.
  21. Right, thnx, using Very High vid mem did indeed help a little with the stutters (not completely gone), and seemed to give a few FPS more in the benchmark. :)
  22. Been playing the campaign with this beta and absolutely no stability issues whatsoever. I do have to say that I also suffer from those stutters, it is exactly what vanilla A2 suffered up to 1.05 and prior to the beta patches nearing 1.07 (I guess when the exThreads & friends stuff came about) But I don't experience any stutters when on foot, only when flying and with some faster land vehicles. Other than that I have not experienced any gain or loss of perfromance, the stutters were there prior to these beta patches. The new recoil is way better than the original or the one in 79100. There are some graphical issues that are a bit annoying because they distract you a bit. All of these can be seen by running the benchmark mission. - On Object Detail set to Normal (and maybe even on High) trees that are not very close to the camera "pulsate" LODs, I guess they don't really know which LOD to use. Very High detail setting seems not to suffer from this much. - Using Shadow Detail High or Very High (haven't tried Normal) shadows flicker and "grow" like they would be LOD popping but I guess that's because the objects are about come to view start to "LOD up".. Haven't tested earlier versions yet, but at least with this patch after you load a saved game the MG muzzleflashes on vehicles are visible until you fire once and it disappears. Noticed this playing the "Something Something Sandstorm" mission (the campaign mission where you command the tanks/etc with HC). One thing that was a tad peculiar was that when I opened the Arma2OA.cfg the 3D_Performance was something like -479XXX whereas in A2 it is 93750. As in it was in negative hundreds of thousands instead of positive tens of thousands. Then again changing it to the A2 value did nothing. Also the GPU_MaxFramesAhead was set to 1000. Thankfully my system only allowed it get detected up to 3 (now set to 1 like I have it in A2 cfg) :p Specs:
  23. h -

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    For me the "old" registry fix for A2 worked fine, as in cpbo is functional even though the A2 (and now OA) logo is plastered on the pbos.. Just don't double click the pbo, use right-click instead.