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Everything posted by goliath86

  1. A newer version ( is available on first post: - Merged BIS Silvie Module from BIS Module Improvements Projects by Wolffy.au and zGuba - Further improved BIS Silvie Module so no more heavy damage vehicle are spawned - Fixed "Duplicate item .." RPT entries by first training mission of ArmA 2 Now I'm focusing on remaining A2 modules (ACM, SOM and Warfare) then I'll try to correct as many bugs as possibile from the CCP bug tracker Enjoy! :cool:
  2. A newer version ( is available on first post. - Merged BIS Ambient Animals Module from BIS Module Improvements Projects by Wolffy.au - Merged BIS Jukebox Module from BIS Module Improvements Projects by Wolffy.au - Merged BIS_fnc_locations fixes from BIS Module Improvements Projects by Wolffy.au - Fixed BIS Zora (Zone Restriction) Module (removed "Knwon Bugs" reported even on BI Wiki) - Merged BIS Ambient Civilian (Expansion) Module from BIS Module Improvements Projects by Wolffy.au A big thanks to Wolffy.au and zGuba for their BIS MIP Project! More fixes coming soon! :cool: Cheers goliath86
  3. Thank you Foxhound and kecharles28 for links! :cool: Thank you so much domokun!
  4. A newer version ( is available on first post: - Fixed BIS UAV Module: - Fixed BIS ULB Module: - Fixed BIS UAV Training mission - Fixed BIS "MARTA" Module (Military Symbols) - Added: now with MARTA Module you can define a custom icon color for a group icon by setting the desired colour in the setGroupIconParams settings and then setting the MARTA_custom_color variable to true _icon = _grp addGroupIcon ["dummy",[]]; _grp setvariable ["BIS_MARTA_ICON_TYPE",_icon]; _iconsize = _grp addgroupicon ["dummy"]; _grp setvariable ["BIS_MARTA_ICON_SIZE",_iconsize]; _grp setVariable ["MARTA_customIcon",["dummy"]]; _grp setGroupIconParams [[1,0,0,1],"HELLO!",1,true]; // Set the group icon parameters for group _grp _grp setVariable ["MARTA_custom_color", true]; // Apply the custom color specified with the previous commands Now I've finally fixed most, if not all, the errors that kju provided me. Now I'm focusing on fixing the remaining module (ALICE, Silvie, Animals etc.) and missions (Warfare etc.) Cheers, goliath86
  5. A newer version ( is available on first post. - Fixed some more challenges and meta challenges on MP Armory missions and SP Armory missions: - Fixed OA Shooting Range mission: - Fixed Advanced hints System: - Fixed BIS_fn_halo: - Fixed OA Armor Training mission: - Improved OA Armor Training mission: - Fixed and improved SSM Module (Symple Support Module): - Fixed OA Attack Helicopter mission: As always, bugs reporting and suggestions are welcomed! Enjoy :cool: goliath86
  6. There are a lot of 'Undefined variables'. I'm working on it daily, it is not so simple to catch and correct all of them. ---------- Post added at 09:37 ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 ---------- If you want, you can help me by posting here all the Undefined variable errors present in your RPT. It would be greatly appreciated!
  7. Thank you very much kecharles28!
  8. Thank you FoxHound and thank you .kju for the errors reporting!
  9. A newer version ( is available on first post. - Fixed some more errors of the SP Armory mission: - Fixed some errors of the MP Armory mission (need more patching!): - Fixed BIS_OO_Debug_Debug error: - Fixed some errors on creating Dynamic Objects compositions: Hope you enjoy! ---------- Post added at 00:28 ---------- Previous post was at 00:24 ---------- I've fix it in the version The error is only part of a much more serious error that include the "Fire-In-The-Sky" bug. With my addon, all these errors are gone! Enjoy, Goliath86
  10. A newer version is available on first post. New fixes: - Fixed many errors of armory missions: - Fixed RPT spam (many >> Addon XYZ (entry ABC) not found in the list of active addons.) of armory mission: Hope you enjoy! :cool: goliath86
  11. Thank you all guys! :cool: tvig0r0us can you provide me the complete .RPT error regarding the undefined variable _shards, please? Thank you!
  12. Newer version available on first post: v1.0.0.7 (24/10/2014) - Fixed 3 errors of the fn_hints_functions_navigation.sqf (most of them visibile during the first training mission of OA): - Fixed 2 warning in the RPT about looped animation at every start of a mission: - Fixed many errors of the Garbage Collector Module (I've introduced the fixes that Wolffy.au and zGuba have made in their BIS Module Improvement Project relative to the Garbage Collector and I've fixed some more errors): - Improvements: now the Garbage Collector Module has all the improvements that Wolffy.au and zGuba have made in their BIS Module Improvement Project (see their site: https://dev.withsix.com/projects/mip). - Added: now the Garbage Collector Module start automatically collecting not alive units. It scan every 300 secs (default) for not alive units and delete them if the player and/or his units are over 500 meters (default) distant from the "dead" unit (this was introduced by Wolffy.au in his project). Now mission makers can modify the time for the scan by setting a global variable: BIS_GC setVariable ["waitTime", timeInSecs, true]; //Where timeInSecs has to be changed with an integer value He can already set the distance from the player and his units at which the module can delete the not alive units: BIS_GC setVariable ["distanceObject", metersFromThePlayers, true]; //Where metersFromThePlayers has to be changed with an integer value and last, he can set if a unit doesn't have to be deleted by the Garbage Collector Module by putting this setVariable ["dontDelete", true, true] inside the init box of the unit/s to not be deleted. Cheers goliath86
  13. A newer version is available on first page: v1.0.0.6 (23/10/2014) - Fixed 1 error on BIS SRRS Module (Surrendering Module) - Fixed "Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\dan\damn.wss'" spam in .RPT of the SRRS Module - Fixed 3 errors on BIS Functions Module relative to BIS_fnc_UnitPlay function Errors fixed: Error in expression <ta\scripts\MPframework.sqf"; waitUntil {BIS_MPF_InitDone}; if (isServer) then > Error position: <BIS_MPF_InitDone}; if (isServer) then > Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_mpf_initdone File ca\modules\srrs\data\scripts\init.sqf, line 46 ************************************************************************** Error in expression <= _currentData select 0; _tmpTimeNext = _currentDataNext select 0; _tmpPos = _c> Error position: <_currentDataNext select 0; _tmpPos = _c> Error Undefined variable in expression: _currentdatanext File ca\modules_e\functions\scenes\fn_UnitPlay.sqf, line 136 ************************************************************************** Error in expression <= _currentDataNext select 4; while { ((_tmpTimeNext >= _currentTime) && !(_endS> Error position: <_tmpTimeNext >= _currentTime) && !(_endS> Error Undefined variable in expression: _tmptimenext File ca\modules_e\functions\scenes\fn_UnitPlay.sqf, line 148 ************************************************************************** Error in expression <tTime = time - _startedTime; _tmpTime = _currentData select 0; _tmpTimeNext = _c> Error position: <_currentData select 0; _tmpTimeNext = _c> Error Undefined variable in expression: _currentdata File ca\modules_e\functions\scenes\fn_UnitPlay.sqf, line 135 ************************************************************************** RPT SPAM: Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\dan\damn.wss'
  14. I'm trying to fix all the script errors shown by ArmA 2 OA with the latest patch (1.63): http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184371-WIP-CorePatch-config-patch-for-ArmA-2-OA
  15. Version contains the fix for the Fire-In-The-Sky bug: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?95880-Fire-in-sky-needs-to-be-Fixed Thanks goes to eggbeast that provided me the Dwarden's script fix. I've fixed even some errors on the Dwarden's script fix. Enjoy! :cool:
  16. Thank you eggbeast! I've contacted wolffy and zGuba for permission to include their fixes inside my addon..
  17. Yeah, I know ALICE and SILVIE are really bugged. I'm on it! For the fire-in-the-sky bug I don't know if it is fixed. Could you pass me the code that dwarden sent you so I can further investigate on it? So, if the fire-in-the-sky bug is not fixed, I will introduce it in the fix pack! Thank you!!
  18. New version available on firts post. I've fixed 5 errors of the BIS First Aid and Battlefield Clearance module: Error in expression <IS_BC_dragDist")) then BIS_BC_dragDist = 1.8; }; _dragAddDist = BIS_BC_dragDis> Error position: <= 1.8; }; _dragAddDist = BIS_BC_dragDis> Error ; mancante File CorePatch\CorePatch_FA\data\scripts\FA_addActions.sqf, line 7 Error in expression <| Targets health: %4",_injured,_dragger,_data, getDammage _dragger]; _origPos => Error position: <_data, getDammage _dragger]; _origPos => Error Variabile non definita nell’espressione: _data File ca\Modules\BC\data\scripts\dragger.sqf, line 35 Error in expression <script name (%1) (see MPframework.sqf)",_targetScript]; _error = true; }; _dat> Error position: <_targetScript]; _error = true; }; _dat> Error Variabile non definita nell’espressione: _targetscript Error in expression < _nic = [nil, _injured,"loc",rACTION,"GestureLegPush"] call RE; Sleep> Error position: <rACTION,"GestureLegPush"] call RE; Sleep> Error Variabile non definita nell’espressione: raction File ca\Modules\BC\data\scripts\dragger.sqf, line 87 Error in expression < }; } else { [] spawn {Sleep 4; detach _injured;}; }; _injured s> Error position: <_injured;}; }; _injured s> Error Variabile non definita nell’espressione: _injured File ca\Modules\BC\data\scripts\carrier.sqf, line 159 Error in expression <tVariable "BIS_BC_carryWanted")) then { _who setVariable ["BIS_BC_dragWanted", f> Error position: <_who setVariable ["BIS_BC_dragWanted", f> Error Variabile non definita nell’espressione: _who File ca\Modules\BC\data\scripts\dragger.sqf, line 299 So these modules should be ok :cool:
  19. Hi ReconTeam! Thank you! For the spent brass rendering I will try to further investigate when I will finish the current script errors patching process. Thank you for the suggestion! Goliath
  20. With the release I've fixed 13 script errors of the BIS ARTY Module: Goliath :cool:
  21. Thank you .kju and ViperMaul! Now I have some work to do on errors that .kju has posted ---------- Post added at 20:30 ---------- Previous post was at 19:31 ---------- Version out: Fixed errors in HC Module: one found by me: Error in expression <lize "STR_HC_MENU_WAITUNTIL" + ":"; if (_wp_wait_value in _wp_wait_radiostrings)> Error position: <_wp_wait_value in _wp_wait_radiostrings)> Error Variabile non definita nell’espressione: _wp_wait_value File ca\modules\HC\data\scripts\HC_GUI_stat.sqf, line 146 and two founded by .kju: Error in expression <}; _leader = _possibleLeaders select 0; _leader setvariable ["BIS_HC_scope",_log> Error position: <_leader setvariable ["BIS_HC_scope",_log> Error Undefined variable in expression: _leader File ca\Modules\HC\data\scripts\hc.sqf, line 69 Error in expression <ECT]; _logic setvariable ["GUI_STAT_WP",_GUI_STAT_WP]; _logic setvariable ["GUI_> Error position: <_GUI_STAT_WP]; _logic setvariable ["GUI_> Error Undefined variable in expression: _gui_stat_wp File ca\modules\hc\data\scripts\HC_GUI.sqf, line 638 Now, HC Module, should be ok P.S.: now HC module advise you if you put a HC Command Module without syncing it with a unit. ---------- Post added at 22:24 ---------- Previous post was at 20:30 ---------- .kju are you able to provide a repro mission for this error: Error in expression <_constructorParams call BIS_OO_Debug_Debug> Error position: <BIS_OO_Debug_Debug> Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_oo_debug_debug
  22. Thank you .kju! If you can provide me more of those non initilized script issues in A2/OA I will try to fix them as soon as possible! ;) I don't know much about AiA for A3 but if my fixes can apply to it I'm very happy that my addon and or only the fixes can be distributed with it
  23. Updated the addon introducing a new fix relative to the BIS Environment Effects Module. These are the two errors spawned by the module with -showScriptErrors enabled: Error in expression <ile {!isnil "BIS_FXsand"} do { _obj = _center; _pos = position _obj; _veloci> Error position: <_center; _pos = position _obj; _veloci> Error Variabile non definita nell’espressione: _center Error in expression < 0.01; sleep (random 1); deletevehicle _ps; _delay = 10 + random 20; sleep _del> Error position: <_ps; _delay = 10 + random 20; sleep _del> Error Variabile non definita nell’espressione: _ps Now they are fixed! :cool:
  24. GLTH COMPASS http://www.deltalasertag.it/dlt/temp/Big_Compass.png (509 kB) DOWNLOAD This is a very simple addon that enlarge the default ArmA 2 OA compass to be more readable. This is compatible only with ArmA 2 OA 1.62 and above. Tested with ArmA 2 OA 1.63 Vanilla and ArmA 2 OA 1.63 with Unsung mod (@UNS). Inside the archive I've put the config.cpp file for everyone that want to view it. Goliath :cool:
  25. Hi all, I'm trying to enlarge the default A2 CO compass without success. I'm using this code inside an addon: class CfgPatches { class big_compass { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.620000; requiredAddons[] = {"CAUI"}; }; }; class CfgAddons { class PreloadBanks {}; class PreloadAddons { class big_compass { list[] = {"big_compass"}; }; }; }; class RscObject; class RscCompass: RscObject { scale = 1; //default 0.440000 } I know that after one of the latest patch, BI has changed the scale of the compass (from 0.220000 to 0.440000 finded inside ui.pbo) and now most of the earlier addons that enlarge compass don't work anymore but @ACE, with a similar class like mine, has achieved the compass enlarging. How is it possibile? Maybe because ACE use some CBA function? Anyone can help? Thank you! Goliath