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Everything posted by firewill

  1. firewill

    [wip]rok armed forces 2035

    New WIP Picture Recent Update - More Equipments - Texture Updated : Add Military Purpose Symbol for Equipments. (Korean : êµ° ìš©) Add Description - Product Name,Serial number, production year, Name of Manufacturer. Currently, Description is can found of Watercan Pouch. other pouch is will be add it later. - New Weapon(WIP. Screenshot will be soon) : K-12 7.62mm GPMG K-14 7.62mm Sniper Rifle
  2. (i'm really sorry of my bad english) Hi, i'm working of some AirWeapon Addon system looks like Acecombat/HAWX Style, for playing with my friends. but i have some problem in MP. SP is Working Very well. My AirWeapon System is Check the Missile Count and Weapon Ammo -> Shoot the Missile -> reload and Showing the Missile on the Rail-> subtract of Missile Count-> if Missile Count is 0, missile is Empty and unavailable to use. it is Working of MP too. for example, Missile Count is Defined of 62 and Person A was Fired Two Missile and subtract 2, result is 60. but Problem is Missile Count was Synced for Everyone. if A was Fire the Missile and Subtract the Missile Count, B have Same Count. How Can I Made of Missile Count is not synced for Everyone and Aircraft is have Own separate Missile Count? My Script code is Aircraft_Init.sqf private ["_Plane"]; _Plane = _this select 0; MSSLCount = 62; MRAAMCount = 24; GBUCount = 20; firemissile.sqf private ["_msslcount","_mraamcount","_gbucount","_mcount","_m2count"]; _array = _this select 0; _weapon = _array select 1; _ammoname = _array select 4; _plane = _array select 0; if (isNil "_msslcount" and isNil "_mraamcount" and isNil "_gbucount") then { _msslcount = MSSLCount; _mraamcount = MRAAMCount; _gbucount = GBUCount; _mcount = 0; _m2count = 0; }; if (_weapon == "Cannon_M61Vulcan" or _weapon == "CMFlareLauncher") exitWith {}; if (_ammoname == "MSSL_AIM9L") then { if (_plane ammo "AMMO_MSSL_AIM9L" == 0 and _msslcount > 0) then { _mcount = _plane ammo "AMMO_MSSL_AIM120A"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM9L_1rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM9L_2rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_1rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_2rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_3rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_4rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "ETC_Empty_1rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "ETC_Empty_2rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "ETC_Empty_3rnd_M"; sleep 0.3; switch (_mcount) do { case 4: { _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM9L_2rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM120A_4rnd_M"; }; case 3: { _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM9L_2rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "ETC_Empty_1rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM120A_3rnd_M"; }; case 2: { _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM9L_2rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "ETC_Empty_2rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM120A_2rnd_M"; }; case 1: { _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM9L_2rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "ETC_Empty_3rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM120A_1rnd_M"; }; }; reload _plane; _msslcount = _msslcount - 2; MSSLCount = _msslcount; } }; if (_ammoname == "AMMO_MSSL_AIM120A") then { if (_plane ammo "AMMO_MSSL_AIM120A" == 0 and _mraamcount > 0) then { _m2count = _plane ammo "AMMO_MSSL_AIM9L"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM9L_1rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM9L_2rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_1rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_2rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_3rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_4rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "ETC_Empty_1rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "ETC_Empty_2rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "ETC_Empty_3rnd_M"; switch (_m2count) do { case 2: { _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM9L_2rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM120A_4rnd_M"; }; case 1: { _plane addMagazine "ETC_Empty_1rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM9L_1rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM120A_4rnd_M"; }; }; reload _plane; _mraamcount = _mraamcount - 4; MRAAMCount = _mraamcount; } }; edit : eventhandler in my Aircraft config. class eventhandlers { init = "[_this] execVM ""\PAW_Air1\script\Aircraft_Init.sqf"";"; killed = "_this call BIS_Effects_EH_Killed;"; fired = "[_this] execVM ""\PAW_Air1\script\FireMissile.sqf"";"; }; Thank you. Firewill
  3. I Fixed the All Problem in Yesterday. SP/MP is Working Fine. Thanks your help! Firewill
  4. Thanks Kerc Kasha, its Working Great! but i got some New Problem. i'm playing with My Friend yesterday, My Friend says Mssl Count is Working but Can't Reload the New Missile. He Firing Missile, Decrease the Mssl Count 62->60 and sync the count problem was never happened, but new missile is never reload. my code is Aircraft_Init.sqf _Plane = _this select 0; _Plane setVariable ["Msslcount",62,true]; _Plane setVariable ["MraamCount",24,true]; _Plane setVariable ["GBUCount",20,true]; MRAAMCount = 24; GBUCount = 20; firemissile.sqf private ["_msslcount","_mraamcount","_gbucount","_mcount","_m2count"]; _array = _this select 0; _weapon = _array select 1; _ammoname = _array select 4; _plane = _array select 0; if (isNil "_msslcount" and isNil "_mraamcount" and isNil "_gbucount") then { _msslcount = _plane getVariable ["Msslcount",62]; _mraamcount = _plane getVariable ["MraamCount",24]; _gbucount = _plane getVariable ["GBUCount",20]; _mcount = 0; _m2count = 0; }; if (_weapon == "Cannon_M61Vulcan" or _weapon == "CMFlareLauncher") exitWith {}; if (_ammoname == "MSSL_AIM9L") then { if (_plane ammo "AMMO_MSSL_AIM9L" == 0 and _msslcount > 0) then { _mcount = _plane ammo "AMMO_MSSL_AIM120A"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM9L_1rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM9L_2rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_1rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_2rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_3rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_4rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "ETC_Empty_1rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "ETC_Empty_2rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "ETC_Empty_3rnd_M"; sleep 0.3; switch (_mcount) do { case 4: { _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM9L_2rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM120A_4rnd_M"; }; case 3: { _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM9L_2rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "ETC_Empty_1rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM120A_3rnd_M"; }; case 2: { _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM9L_2rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "ETC_Empty_2rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM120A_2rnd_M"; }; case 1: { _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM9L_2rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "ETC_Empty_3rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM120A_1rnd_M"; }; }; reload _plane; _msslcount = _msslcount - 2; _plane setVariable ["MSSLCount",_msslcount,true]; } }; if (_ammoname == "AMMO_MSSL_AIM120A") then { if (_plane ammo "AMMO_MSSL_AIM120A" == 0 and _mraamcount > 0) then { _m2count = _plane ammo "AMMO_MSSL_AIM9L"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM9L_1rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM9L_2rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_1rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_2rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_3rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "MSSL_AIM120A_4rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "ETC_Empty_1rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "ETC_Empty_2rnd_M"; _plane removemagazines "ETC_Empty_3rnd_M"; switch (_m2count) do { case 2: { _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM9L_2rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM120A_4rnd_M"; }; case 1: { _plane addMagazine "ETC_Empty_1rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM9L_1rnd_M"; _plane addMagazine "MSSL_AIM120A_4rnd_M"; }; }; reload _plane; _mraamcount = _mraamcount - 4; _plane setVariable ["MRAAMCount",_mraamcount,true]; } }; and, error message in RPT. Error in expression <.sqf"_Plane = _this select 0;_Plane setVariable ["MsslCount",62,true];> Error Position: <setVariable ["MSSLCount",62,true];> Error setvariable: Type Array, expected Namespace,Object,Group,Control,Team Member,Task,Location File PAW_Air1\script\Aircraft_init.sqf, line 3
  5. firewill

    [wip]rok armed forces 2035

    MH-60M Blackhawk(original model : ArmA 2 UH-60M)
  6. firewill

    [wip]rok armed forces 2035

    http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x383/firewill0/92bb02fe-2117-40f5-a702-0cb6cade2772.jpg (303 kB)
  7. firewill

    [wip]rok armed forces 2035

    Yes, of course. add the custom animation is will be soon.
  8. firewill

    [WIP]WW2 Battleship Mod

    IOWA In Utes(you can find some Grey texture. it is my mistake..) 5 inch and 40mm bofos AA is Working now. but 20mm orikon AA is don't use. Fixed Problem : Geometry and Texture. But still have Fire effect. i think BIS original Effect is small. i want "BIG" Fire Effect and Muzzle, but i don't know about Script. Anyone help about BIG Fire Muzzle Effect? And, i need WW2 Era US Navy AA Gun Crew. Need : BIG Fire effect And WW2 US Navy AA Gun Crew
  9. firewill

    [WIP]WW2 Battleship Mod

    this picture is BB-61 IOWA 1944 Camo blueprint.(found the Google image.) and, my Texturing WIP(10%.)
  10. firewill

    [WIP]WW2 Battleship Mod

    Thanks the information! I try it! :)
  11. firewill

    [WIP]WW2 Battleship Mod

    Hi, all. 2 day ago, change the Internet Provider(bye bye LG LostConnectCom). So my internet is back online! (I saw some Reply, use the Android Phone. but Android Keyboard is Very Difficult of Write the Post or Reply..) Thanks the Told me about Some Reference, its very useful! but make progress is still Alpha Test, And Untexturing. but some config Issue is Fixed and 16inch is Works Fine. however Geometry and Fire Effect is came a New Problem. I saw some ship config and script, ofcourse i can't open the P3d file and i think the some "big" ship is separate the some Parts of the Body. (ex :Front,Middle,Back?) so i need some Help of Config and Script.. need : Fire Effect and How Separate Ship's Body and Attach the Ship. And, This Picture is IOWA Alpha Test 1 weeks ago. ofcourse UnTexturing..(i'm working Camo Texture!) Thanks the visit, Suggestion and Advice Always Welcome. :) Firewill
  12. firewill

    [WIP]WW2 Battleship Mod

    Hi, all. i'm have some WIP News Today. IOWA is start the "Alpha Test", and... FAIL Config.. well i'm not used to write Config, but i'm studying Config.(i have Basic config, but need more Advanced Config) and New Warship is Start the Working. Fletcher Class Destroyer, Allen M. Sumner Class Destroyer and King George V Class Battleship(KGV is Royal Navy) KGV Class Battleship Fletcher Class Destroyer Allen M. Sumner Class Destroyer(Fletcher Body + 5inch Twin Turret X 3) And i change the Plan. Before Plan USN/IJN and not include RN/GN New Plan USNavy BB 4,CV 3,CA 1,CL 2,DD 2 (number is Class count) IJN BB 1, CV 1 Royal Navy BB 3- KGV Class Nelson Class Queen Elizabeth Class CV 2- illustrious Bogue CA 1- York Class CL 1 - Dido Class DD 2 - Q Class Tribal German Navy BB/BC 3 Bismarck Class Scharnhorst Class Deutschlant Class (Ex-Battleship. koreans called "Pocket Battleship") CA 1 Admiral Hipper CL 1 Koenigsberg DD 1 Z31 Class New plan is more make the ships and country. Stay tune and suggestion always welcome!
  13. firewill

    [WIP]WW2 Battleship Mod

    Thanks! this ships will be great for WW2 mission. Request Fire support, little time later, Heavy shells drop and Explosion Everywere! and Enemy soldier is dead or Out of Spirit :D and i try can walk on the ship and view some interior.
  14. firewill

    [WIP]WW2 Battleship Mod

    Bismarck Class and KM(German Navy) and RN(Royal Navy) is will be working Soon! :) but i'm keep focus the working of USN and IJN. so after completed the USN and IJN, i'm start working the German Navy and Royal Navy.(Bismarck VS Hood and Prince of Wales!)
  15. firewill

    [WIP]WW2 Battleship Mod

    i'm really sorry for my mistake..(and sorry for my bad english too) signatures is change another sign already. next time the posting, i will keep the file size lower than 100kb. Thanks the Infomation.
  16. Hi, I'm creating the Iowa-class battleships.(Sorry For My English... Because i'm Korean.) http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x383/firewill0/Iowa.jpg 172 kb BB-61 Iowa http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x383/firewill0/NewJersey.jpg 195 kb BB-62 New Jersey http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x383/firewill0/Missouri.jpg 179 kb BB-63 Missouri http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x383/firewill0/Wisconsin.jpg 184 kb BB-64 Wisconsin this ship models Created For OFP1, however OFP1 is not support the Multi-Turret.But ARMA2 can multi turret. this models have VERY Low-Poly Model...(because OFP1's Poly Limit.)But i'm Reworking This models. I'm working Another Battleship. South Dakota Class, North Carolina Class, and Montana Class. Also another Country's(IJN,German Navy, Royal Navy) Battleship is Planned.