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Everything posted by firewill

  1. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    i don't know because i'm not using ace3. anyway, this module is just replace the "old and very long loadout spawn code since F-16C", mean only support change the weapon loadout. no more, no less.
  2. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    maybe example for attributes?
  3. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    i think you didn't read of that.
  4. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    F-14D Loadout Module Test in 2d/3d editor. other aircrafts will be adapt. (like F-16, maybe can be replace the spawn code into init line.)
  5. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    use this [this,"Front Name","Front Rank","Back Name","Back Rank","color"] call FIR_fnc_AWS_SetRankName2; for example [this,"Firewill","capt","Zero","capt","black"] call FIR_fnc_AWS_AWS_SetRankName2;
  6. FIR Pilot & Crew Pack is new name for pilot pack addon.(Previous name is FIR Pilot & Crew Pack US) anyway, Pilot pack has been updated on first page Alpha 0.1 - Pilot pack is now Alpha. - Add JHMCS II - Add HGU-84/P - Add HGU-55/PJ - Add CWU-45/P for USAF/USN/ROKAF/JASDF
  7. Left : HGU-55/P - Right : HGU-55/PJ HGU-55/PJ is modified(or licensed) version of HGU-55/P Fixed-wing Aircrew helmet for JASDF. CWU-45/P Jacket Variations and G-Suit version have more tighter lower leg. HGU-84/P Helmet for Helicopter Pilot due to shadow problem, clear visor is removed temporary.
  8. uh, my aws doesn't have Brimstone. maybe you mean Hellfire for Mohican?
  9. Exactly, not a shadow volume problem, it was not cover the shadow in a hanger or building. very weird of that but fixed for now. So, New Pilot&Crew Pack Update is more closing. What is include for next update - JHMCS II - HGU-84/P - HGU-55/PJ - CWU-45/P Flight Jacket - G-Suit Version is more modified - First Texture Template Pack for Uniform/Jacket
  10. i'm planning about Drone with Weapon, I Called "Killer Bee Project" - its not Darter Model, make the new Drone model. and also JHMCS II Model is almost done but currently i have some problem about shadow. pilot pack update is will be after fix the problem.
  11. AH-99R has been updated. Alpha 0.2 - AH-99R is now have specific loadout- ASRAAM is replace to Hellfire.
  12. more detail explain after test, answer is "not". in arma3, vehicle have irtarget value, mostly vehicle have 1(true) but building and item have 0(false), so we can't lock on to the building/small item. however, RMB Key is still effect for lock on to the building. during the test, blackfoot was can lock on to the building with RMB Key and can fire the hellfire, however missile was didn't hit the building. maybe building have irtarget=0; so no target data for missile. conclusion is, lockable kit and other problem is always follow us still we use the Attachto Command. but currently attachto is best way we have.
  13. because kit is lockable object. mostly i'm using tab key for lock on so avoid that issue, but already expect of that when using RMB for lock on.
  14. already available refueling with KC-135. maybe F-14 is didn't. because that is more fitted with KC-130 from Sabre. Thank you :-) maybe talk about more detail? because i don't found any duplicate loadout situation.
  15. temporary for maintenance of Aircrafts(F-14,15,16)
  16. AH-99R Mohican / Blackfoot Accessory Kit is released on first page also Hunter GPK Project was Halted
  17. conclusion is, my addons support the retexture, so if you don't want the current color or think about change the other color, you can retexture it.
  18. yeah, maybe you are right. but in my eye, thats almost same color. i think you are misunderstand i said, i have a Color Blindness, so my eye is hard to see the color(specially Red-Green) than other people. of course primary color is easier to see. but mixed color like red-green mixed is very hard to see of me. maybe thats problem.
  19. well, its not a color blindness test, even i have color blindness. maybe thats why other people see the other color. but in my case, that is match for me.
  20. i don't think so. that color similar with Vanilla Hunter Color to me. if use Eden, maybe found in "Things" category. but i forgot the detail.
  21. of course already know(you think i didn't know that?), currently narrow down possible suspect of Lag.
  22. GPK Turret Color is adjusted for Vanilla Hunter. now remain - Mk19 - more Shield Variations(Like upper shield) also, this kit have no new vehicle class, just only GPK Turret and function for attach.
  23. Unarmed Hunter + GPK Turret = Hunter GPK(Color is will be change) same "attachto" played like ghosthawk kit or blackfoot kit. GPK Turret is from Arma2 OA HMMWV source
  24. UH-80R is update to 0.2 Alpha 0.2 -AI can land with Accessory Kits. however still some area(Specially Narrow) is hard to land or unable to land for AI.
  25. firewill

    F-2 Viper ZERO Standalone

    can be customize with loadout dialog