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Everything posted by firewill

  1. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    another "doesn't need" cockpit animation - master arm / gun arm switch current weapon : Master ARM S/W - OFF Master arm and gun/pac arm is safe current weapon - GAU-8/A Avenger Master arm and gun/pac arm is ON(ARM) - only for gau-8 current weapon : AIM-9M Sidewinder(and other weapon) only Master ARM is ON
  2. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    1st Tomcat skin pack - "Black lions pride" - 10 skins for VF-213 with F-14 Tomcat, first to last cruise. - coming soon WIP screenshot NH202 159861 NH200 159854 both skin is 1977~early 1980, before replace to TPS,Tactical Paint Scheme.(aka Low-Viz) NH110 161299 NH213 159626 both skin is last Black lions F-14A in 1995, before translate to F-14D NH101 164603 Lion Head nose art in 2001
  3. you want some back to nose up, so be it. plus : i'm always landing 200~240km/h.
  4. because "instructor" not a Wizzo(WSO). and plus due to arma limitation.
  5. firewill

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    maybe try with f-15 template.
  6. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    first, Happy New Year everyone! A-10C update in January. maybe its great present for some people think about "too tired using the A-10A!" JAN-01-2017 07:40 first sunrise with A-10C A-10C Cockpit WIP shots
  7. working fine with can be ignore message for now. however i found what is problem, so will fix
  8. i don't know exacly thread(maybe this thread or F-14 or F-15 etc), someone ask simillar. my answer is same. each skin class is need for ADES Skin system, so can't removed. and plus, also need to consider of third party re-skin addon.
  9. currently using condition in loadout action class(in useraction class), its define each classname(ammo truck, ammo container, hangar, tent hangar) manually.
  10. its fixed and will apply next update. :-)
  11. just decorate the kill mark on your aircraft. probably you didn't read the standalone thread because i was wrote about kill mark system before the release. check the standalone thread, i've update field manual for killmark system and second, that is not a bug because core system for loadout has been change so previous custom loadout is no available for new one.
  12. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0XaVIJ3R4dEazhtaE9YUmpTcTg AWS Field Manual 2nd revised edition - killmark system description added - some typo fixed - some kanji typo fixed in weapon reference. this "updated manual" will be include next AWS patch.
  13. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    BETA 3 hotfix updated - missing aim-9 problem fixed. however hp11 no longer to use the ECM until fix the hardpoint check system. - saved loadout fixed - can use other gau-8 ammo when load the custom preset.
  14. i forgot the said, save the score is only working in MP.(apply the killmark is working SP/MP) missing aim-9 problem fixed, will be available hotfix on A-10 i don't have report about that and works fine for now.
  15. firewill

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    in game, using "open dialog" button for loadout dialog, enable near HEMTT ammo truck / missile carrier or hangar. want more detail info, check the AWS Field Manual in AWS manual folder.
  16. why don't you looking for front page? not a first download, aren't you?
  17. did you press the SEL button before to drop?
  18. firewill

    F-2 Viper ZERO Standalone

    F-2 updated 1.3 - Maintenance - Killmark system supported
  19. firewill

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    F-15 updated Alpha 0.6 - Maintenance - Killmark system added
  20. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    A-10 BETA Phase 3 BETA 3 - Zuni Rockets proxies - 47th FS skin added - loadout module added - killmark system supported
  21. F-16 updated 1.4 Common - Maintenance - LAU-117/HARM Adaptor supported for AGM-65/AGM-88 - proxies order changed - killmark system - default loadout changed(two AMRAAM on wingtip. two sidewinder on hardpoint 2,8)
  22. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    F-14 updated 1.0 - F-14A / F-14B Added *F-14A/B cockpit is still need to work. - many skins(see the tomcat squadrons list photo) - loadout dialog overhaul - killmark system supported - replace pilot / afterburner sound / sweep wing attributes changed(input box -> check box)
  23. AWS updated v1.5 - GAU-8 sound volume decreased - ADES Maintenance(ADES Compatibility for Other Aircraft Integration) - LAU-117 Single rail for AGM-65 - AGM-88 HARM Adaptor - Killmark System - iron bombs no longer follow the vehicles with lock on. - other things I forgot. Pilot&Crew Pack Updated Alpha 0.3 - JHMCS added