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Everything posted by firewill

  1. firewill

    F-2 Viper ZERO Standalone

    F-2 updated on first page 1.4 - Maintenance (vulcan crash fix)
  2. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    F-14 updated on first page 1.2 - maintenance(vulcan crash fix)
  3. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    A-10 BETA5 updated BETA 5 A-10C - TGP Screen (WIP) - Map Display (WIP) - APKWS, GBU-54,CBU-105 integrated *A-10C is new test bed for AWS Function/Weapon development with F-16.
  4. currently no have plan for that. F-16 updated 1.5 - Maintenance (vulcan crash fix)
  5. AWS updated on First page v1.6 - new Weapon : GBU-54 LJDAM / CBU-105 SFW WCMD / EGBU-12 Enhanced Paveway II / Paveway IV 500lb / APKWS / AIM-132 ASRAAM / IRIS-T / Meteor / KAB-250L / KAB-500 Series / FAB-250 / RBK-250 / R-73 / 9K121 / Kh-29 Series / Gsh-30 - new Function : TGP Screen System / Map Display System - Vulcan crash fix(must update aircrafts too) some note for new update - both function, TGP Screen and Map Display system is currently WIP. possible many errors. - TGP screen viewdistance is max. 2km around. its pip limitation. - Vulcan Crash was fixed during "7 days test in MP/Dedi" with/without Blastcore Edited , just in my case. - however also its not sure. and also need to update the aircraft too.
  6. firewill

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    first phase of F-15SE(Internal bay Only) is only remain work for Cockpit, but i decide temporary halt until the Jet DLC release. - sorry for bad news. and F-15 updated on first page Alpha 0.7 - Maintenance(vulcan crash fix)
  7. XF-23 was fictional based on YF-23, not real thing. anyway that is already gone right now.
  8. [WIP]F-23A Grey Ghost / XF-23 Black Phantom (YF-23 Black Widow II irl) is now become [WIP]The Rival : F-22 Raptor Vs F-23 Grey Ghost many peoples ask to me about "F-23/XF-23 project is dead?" or "do you planning to make the F-22?", and here is some news. - Hallucination war project is halted due to technology limitation about Unmanned aircraft - maybe can continue when clear the limitation. - So, F-23/XF-23 is change to the standalone project. and that reason, XF-23 was canceled. (maybe someone can make that after release the F-23) - F-22 is now on the schedule, with F-23A Grey Ghost. (thanks the my friend who contribute the F-22 and YF-23) - more information is will be update.
  9. in next time after first phase
  10. currently not consider to make that. (AIM-132 ASRAAM / IRIS-T / Meteor / EGBU-12 / Paveway IV. setting for evaluation) First phase of AWS US(Universal Standard) is will be update in this weekend. upcoming list weapon AIM-132 ASRAAM Meteor IRIS-T R-73 EGBU-12(GBU-48) Enhanced Paveway II* Paveway IV 500lb* GBU-54 LJDAM CBU-105 SFW WCMD APKWS KAB-500 Series(L/Kr/S-E) KAB-250L FAB-250 RBK-250 9K121 Kh-29 Series(L/T) Gsh-30 * dual mode supported. Laser and GPS/INS function map display function targeting screen function maintenance fix the vulcan crash issue : after fix, no crash found with Blastcore Edited(Actually that mod is make the lots of error in RPT,even not use the vulcan.) and without in 7 days MP/Dedi Test.
  11. (GBU-38 and GBU-54. 38 is normal fuze / 54 is black laser seeker) after GBU-54 update, GBU-31/32/38 JDAM is no longer support laser guide for AI use.
  12. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    will include next time. i thought any one not using that function.. and fixed. Map Screen WIP (feat.PIP Magic) spend many days and days with painkillers due to headache and finally success the made map display function. -it's not 100% accurate the display. -no rotate the map like real. -very dirty look because PIP quality and map texture quality. however, player can add the custom map screen in description.ext and config.cpp. for example, i've add the tanoa data in custom mission's description.ext like below. classname is can get from WorldName command. and aws_mapsize is can get data using WorldSize command. so, tanoa map is display on the screen.
  13. can be ignorable - other my aircraft also same but nothing problem with load.
  14. BLU-118 said.. I decide whether that boost or nerf.
  15. of course i'm try the fix but currently lack of data. peoples said just "crash" but no one said about data of detail - such as com spec, what mod using and Very precious RPTs
  16. looks like you're use the GBU-24/BLU-118 Thermobaric bomb. original GBU-24 is same GBU-31/GBU-10.
  17. hard to answer for that because i'm not using the dev-branch - maybe can consider when after official patch about that. and pilot pack updated on first page Alpha 0.5(include 0.4) - US Army Helicopter Pilot / Crew and equipments Added(UCP / Multicam) - HGU-55/P + MBU-12/P Oxygen mask type added(USAF/USAF 80~90s ver/USN/USMC) - Scorpion HMCS Added - JASDF Ground Crew & uniform type1 added - USMC Helicopter Pilot added(equip HGU-84/P)
  18. 1 - need to check update the F-16 and skin pack, because proxies have been changed. 2 - if using some FX mod, need to disable. in my case, got crash when using FX mod,however no crash problem when vulcan firing in MP/Dedi with Vanilla condition. 3 - fixed and will next update.
  19. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    yeah that is just display, so need to operate the TGP in pilot camera mode.
  20. its natural. mostly vehicle using this memory point for gun firing/rocket firing position like below mean pre-define by config, so can't change during in game. so maybe its also limitation.
  21. UH-80R Ghosthawk updated on first page..one year later after last update(2016-02-16) Alpha 0.3 - adjust attach offset - new weapon : AGM-114 hellfire / FIM-92 Stinger / M134 Minigun / 30mm Chain-gun - kit management attributes in UH-80R - new texture layout(include the simple template for retexture) some weapon/function is doesn't support with vanilla UH-80, so only i'm focus on UH-80R and suggest use the UH-80R attribute for UH-80R, player can select hardpoint, components and custom texture
  22. currently no have plan for that. change UCP texture and multicam version added