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Everything posted by firewill

  1. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    F-14 updated 1.6 - Maintenance - Special Type added in Replace Pilot attribute - oxygen mask toggle action added
  2. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    A-10 updated 1.14 Common - Maintenance - oxygen mask toggle action added
  3. firewill

    F-2 Viper ZERO Standalone

    F-2 updated 1.54 - Maintenance - replace pilot attribute is now use the combo box. - oxygen mask toggle action added
  4. F-16, F-16 Skin pack 1 updated and F-16 skin pack 2 released F-16 1.78 F-16C - New standard skin with 4K size * New hud by czechu77 is will be include next major update. F-16 Skin pack 1 "Package Q Strike" 1.2 - Maintenance
  5. AWS,Pilot pack updated AWS v2.15 - maintenance Pilotpack 1.0(include Alpha 0.6~0.9) - HGU-33/P, HGU-26/P helmet added(with MBU-12/P oxygen mask) - oxygen mask toggle action added - new uniform textures - various uniform for US Navy tomcat squadrons - JHMCS now can toggle visor.
  6. is mean change the hud model(WAR->WAC), not a hud draw.
  7. - oxygen mask toggle function : very similar the visor toggle function. each helmet have 3 types, with mask,open mask and no mask. - Special uniform/helmet type for aircraft some aircraft will have own specific types of uniform and helmet. for example, if you're using F-14B VF-103 and select SP type in replace pilot attribute, pilot will have specific equipments automatically like below (VF-103 version). currently only support for F-14 Tomcat series when next update but will expand to other aircraft. and plus, easy for adapt to different class or aircraft. F-14 SP support list VF-1 Wolfpack(A) VF-31 Tomcatters(D) VF-84 Jolly Rogers(A) VF-103 Jolly Rogers(B) VF-111 Sundowners(A) VF-154 Black Knights(A)
  8. close : old 2k size skin(WP) / far : new 4k size skin(new standard) new standard skin - 91-0345, Block 50C / 77th Fighter Squadron / Shaw AFB its 4k size and will replace the previous "AV" skin. new skin will use standard hud again.
  9. HGU-26/P for USAF and some HGU-33/P helmet skins HGU-26/P(grey and camo) its use the single visor, so very similar(or same) with HGU-33/P. 3 HGU-33/P : white,VF-1 and VF-111 and plus
  10. 4 hgu-33/p skin will available. one is just blank standard(white), three are us navy squadrons includes VF-84.
  11. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    because i have some little time for viewing this forum for now. anyway i can't say the exactly update date because its still working, sorry.
  12. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    side panels is still using old texture from arma 2 source but will be change to the new one.
  13. maybe or maybe not. PDU-5/B is looks like nice idea, i'll take a look about leaflets bomb when release after LoW DLC.(currenlty i'm not use the dev/RC build because play with friends using stable version) and my cluster bombs already using new UXO feature ,its can available with current system. so you can see some UXO on the ground after cluster bombing.
  14. firewill


    texture upgrade to 4k(only standard skin) BEFORE AFTER
  15. because no longer support so deleted. well, another works again - new UV map for pilot uniform : two textures(main,left arm) merge to single texture file. file count, size reduced and more easier to retexture...maybe. - new helmet - HGU-33/P : old..but cool.
  16. Hi, my name is Firewill and i'm working the "WW2 Battleship" mod. first, i'm sorry for my bad english :( i posted Iowa WIP post in yesterday already(post in the WIP Thread). this thread is update my battleship mod news, request and get feedback. WW2 Battleship MOD is not Include Only "Battleship". this mod include the Destroyer,Light Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser, Battlecruiser and Aircraft Carrier!(SS is not include this time.) i still working the USNavy Ship. another country's ships is planned. but some of japanese navy is working. because they're Enemy ship... iowa vs iowa is strange situation. however, Iowa vs Yamato situation is Very Exciting! Work In Progress List USN -BB- Iowa Class 1944-45 World War 2 Version(4 ships) North Carolina Class(2 ships) South Dakota Class(4 ships) Montana Class 1946/2012 Version(2 ships and this class is not exist. just IF) Iowa Class 1980-90 Modernization Version(4 ships) -CA- Baltimore Class -CL- Brooklyn Class -DD- Fletcher Class -CV- Essex Class Casablanca Class(Escort Carrier) IJN -BB- Yamato Class(2 ships) Kongo Class Nagato Class -CA- Myoko Class -CL- Mogami(Before CA) -DD- Kagero Class -CV- Zuikaku(Shokaku class) Zuiho(Light carrier) -Planned- Remain USN,RN,KM,IJN And SS(Submarine). Thanks the Read my Thread. suggestion, feedback, request, or "i like WW2 warship or modern warship too!" is always welcome! P.S. This photo is Montana Class WIP 10% and Iowa class in 1980-90 Modernization Version.
  17. check again the AWS update. problem not found in my case.
  18. AWS has been updated v2.1 - F-22 supported - maintenance plus, my other projects(ghosthawk kit, hunter gpk, mohican, a-164r,a143r etc) no longer continue the work.
  19. (brightness adjusted) recently i'm back from sickbed because some health problem but for now i'm fine and continue to the work. cockpit is MFD, adjust position, rudder pedal, HUD model and pilot animation remaining. and Mobius 1(from Ace combat 4) is also included.
  20. firewill

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    sadly both thing is not a bug 1. IR sensor is follow heat signature for lock on, like engine on, firing some weapon. in my case, 100% work if target got some heat. 2. it was 16km but some component class is cause of crash so removed. and lock on for sensor is doesn't matter radar panel range.
  21. firewill

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    F-15 1.01 updated https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0XaVIJ3R4dEZF9neWhNWHFDakk/view?usp=sharing 1.01 - hotfix for crash issue once again, sorry for inconvenience.
  22. firewill

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    yeah F-15K is based on E
  23. firewill

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    announcement : F-15J type,F-15E type(include K) is suddenly doesn't work currently(maybe you can see Crash). sorry for inconvenience,will fix&reupload ASAP.
  24. if you want to make map data for other custom map, you can make. example - config.cpp(addon) and description.ext(mission) supported. 1. use the worldName command for get map classname. 2. use the worldSize command for get map size. 3. make your own map texture. maybe you can using eden editor or real photo and etc.