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Everything posted by firewill

  1. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    f-14 updated 1.70 - Sound overhaul by Real Sound Studio - AMS Integration : new integrated loadout system(see AWS readme for more detail) - HCS(HUD Color slider System) added - Maintenance and, i'm glad to introduce the new beautiful sounds for F-14 by Real Sound studio. here's awesome video if you want to hear the new sound before play.
  2. f-16 and skin pack 1,2,3 updated F-16 1.90 - New sound integrated from RS F-16 sound mod - AMS Integration : new integrated loadout system(see AWS readme for more detail) - HCS(HUD Color slider System) added - Maintenance - Skins Categorized skin packs(#1,2,3) - Skins categorized
  3. AV-8B updated 0.30 - British Aerospace Harrier II GR.7 and GR.9 added(3 skins) - AMS Integration : new integrated loadout system(see AWS readme for more detail) - HCS(HUD Color slider System) added - Maintenance - Skins Categorized some note : i know some people wants Vertical take-off, however harrier is STOVL(short take off/vertical landing) in real life combat operation(if you search some video in youtube, you'll realize they never do vertical takeoff with fully-armed)., so i'm designed STOVL for my aircraft too.
  4. AWS Updated v2.50 - AMS(Armament Management System) added(for all aws aircrafts) AMS is new integrated loadout system for AWS aircrafts almost same with previous loadout dialog, however little update for custom presets. 4 buttons(preset add,update,remove and apply below custom preset combo and edit-box) added for preset control. how to use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwHp6vcbfwE - new standard GAU-8 ammo/weapon(based on CM test) - cluster dual rack versions added(TER/BRU-57) - SARH function for AIM-7(for test) : need to keep lock on to target until hit / front hemisphere(-80~+80) - HCS(HUD Color slider/control system) added - maintenance some feature of AMS - AMS(Armament Management System) this is replace the current loadout system. interface is nothing different with current version, however inside of system, many thing is change, and remake. - Single integrated system : maybe not for user, however important to creator because reduce the work for loadout system. - Beyond the 3 custom slots : in current system, only 3 slots for custom loadout, no more, no less. but with AMS, you can define own your loadout, update the element anytime, apply the custom loadout and remove loadout anytime. and support the limitless custom slots!(maybe have limit due to game engine but i think you'll never reach the limits) - Weapon Blacklist : are you consider about restrict the weapon use in game like OP BLU-118 Thermobaric bomb? well, here is answer! when you define some blacklist for weapon restriction, weapons in blacklist will disappear in the dialog, so people can't equip. just input some variable in mission's init.sqf or init line in editor. blacklist variable : AWS_AMS_Blacklist = ["weaponclassname1","weaponclassname2"]; input AWS_AMS_Blacklist in init.sqf - Modifiable weapon loading time : some people think weapons loading time is too fast. so, you can adjust loading time. if input 5, each pylon will take 5 seconds for loading. input 300, maybe take 5 minutes. like blacklist, input loadout time variable in init.sqf or init line with any object in editor. loadingtime variable : AWS_ASM_LoadingTime = 30; 30 mean 30 seconds interval for each pylon loading. planned feature : share the custom preset with your friends.
  5. SARH(Semi-Active Radar Homing) TEST - AIM-7 is typical SARH missile in AWS. it's mean when you firing AIM-7 or other similar SARH missiles, need to keep lock-on to the target until hit or miss. - if change the target or cancel, a missile will lose the target tracking and fly to somewhere and self-destruct for gaming performance. - for comparison, two AIM-7 and two AIM-120 were fired.(AIM-7 : one missile miss due to cancel target/one hit. AIM-120 : 2 missiles hit) test condition: three unarmed shikra. test aircraft: F-15C
  6. well, really glad to see someone still remember the Su-25SM3 project. it's still work in progress and maybe take some more times. you know, "choice and focus". AMS(Armament Manage System) is the new name for previous loadout dialog system. improvement points: - the custom preset system upgraded. no longer 3 custom slots. you can define, update, remove and apply your own preset in the dialog. - "Common System" - using one common system, only need to make GUI, custom scripts(if needed), and values. (for modder) - customizable check condition - if you want use AMS with other vehicles, objects?(like other trucks from other mods) now you can make own condition with config.cpp and description.ext. planned feature - share the custom presets
  7. tell me what weapon to use so i'll try. in my regular fire test, all laser bombs working except GBU-54 LJDAM is need to fully lock on.
  8. RAF Harrier II GR7/9 (work in progress) in next update, 3 RAF harriers will be include(2 GR9, 1 GR7). two skins for "Operation Herrick", the codename under which all British operations in the War in Afghanistan were conducted from 2002 to the end of combat operations in 2014. DJRP(Digital joint reconnaissance pod) is not included at this time.
  9. i did UV map overhaul/remake for this work, and i just remember you released the template for original harrier now. mean doesn't know about your template when i make. mostly took data from real photo reference include googling. when after update british harrier(currently making ADEN 30/25mm gun pod for older version preparation), i'll release template for retexture.
  10. change the HUD color and alpha just you want. will support for all my aircrafts
  11. no error like that in my case. have any more detail?
  12. The Rival : F-22 Raptor vs F-23 Grey Ghost Standalone - F-22 Raptor and F-23 Grey Ghost(YF-23 irl) - AWS - more information will be release. (photo from before)
  13. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    currently my feeling.
  14. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    F-14 updated 1.68 - new skin : VF-103 Sluggers(1995,F-14B) - AN/ALQ-167 ECM pod, ECA(Expanded Chaff Adapter) integrated - LANTIRN Pod animation added - Skins Categorized F-14 skin pack 1 updated 1.2 - skins categorized F-14 skin pack 2 released on first page 1.0 - Initial Release
  15. AWS updated v2.27 - AN/ALQ-167 added - ECA(Expanded Chaff Adapter) added - new cutscene style - carrier version for navy aircraft.(Stratis only for now) new cutscene for navy aircraft(stratis only,malden version will later)
  16. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    some news about F-14 work 1. Second skin pack 2nd skin pack, "Reservists" is now stand-by for release. includes 4 squadron, 8 skins total.(VF-201/202/301/302) 2. new equipment AN/ALQ-167 ECM pod for F-14. 3. LANTIRN pod animation LANTIRN pod animation, linked with pilotcamera. 4. new skin : VF-103 Sluggers(1995) Sluggers was original name of VF-103. 5. Categorized now standard aircraft in planes category only. rest of skins will move to each category.(Skin pack is use the different category) 6. new skin pack teaser coming soon
  17. pilot&crew pack updated 1.2 - Mechanic/Ground crew coverall added(for USN/USMC) - Safety helmet added(for USN/USMC)
  18. coverall for US Navy/USMC aircraft mechanic and ground crew (wip) and safety helmet for navy
  19. you underestimate my one-year plan!
  20. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    did you update the AWS and pilot pack too?
  21. F-22 updated 0.4 - External pylons integration : Fueltank, Fueltank + AIM-120 - EWP(Enclosed Weapons Pod) integration(inspired by Ace combat 7) - Data link is turn on by default
  22. AWS updated v2.26 - AIM-120 now can lock on to data link target. - new equipments for F-22 : External fueltank, EWP(Enclosed Weapons Pod) and more
  23. F-22 External Pylons(Fueltank and AMRAAM) and.. F-22 + EWP(Enclosed Weapons Pod), inspired by Ace combat 7 weapon list for EWP - AIM-120 AMRAAM x2 / x4 - AIM-9X Sidewinder x2 / x4 - GBU-31 JDAM x1 - GBU-32 JDAM x1 - GBU-38 JDAM x2 - GBU-39 SDB x4 / x6 - GBU-53 SDB II x4 / x6
  24. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    A-10 updated 1.31 Common - HUD improvement : CCIP, Gun Reticle for GAU-8CM test - Maintenance A-10C - HMD Toggle added(HMD supported helmet required)
  25. av-8b updated 0.21 - HUD improvement : CCIP and etc