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Everything posted by firewill

  1. hgu-55/p + mbu-12/p is already available since some years ago.
  2. No changes for pilot uniforms. For now only USAF ground crew uniforms changed
  3. No any classname changes, just pbo files move into AWS mod. But some uniforms might be change texture layout for update.
  4. new airmen uniform, called "OCP" also in upcoming update, FIR Pilot&Crew pack is will move into FIR AWS. so previous Pilot&Crew pack(workshop ver.) is will be remove after AWS update.
  5. LITENING targeting pod rework old new
  6. 1. 3rd position in array 2. fir_f16d_cft = "cft_normal" or "cft_chute" for make CFT in game(not appear in eden editor)
  7. if no any mention in patch notes, that means not available yet.
  8. here is video about Smokewinder and smoke generator
  9. 3 modes provided, 10 seconds, 20 seconds and 30 seconds. can switch just like change burst mode. i was think about click&hold but i think using mode for timer is more better and easier to make.
  10. the Smokewinder for wingtip smoke generate - simple activation(select weapon and click) - need to use setvariable command for designated position, but default position available if not use. - 4 colors(White,Red,Blue and Yellow)
  11. without functions for display, pretty soon or even right now. with functions, maybe take some times.
  12. Today introduce some sideshow, for entertainment. AWS - SKY RACER Sky racer is a side project of AWS, about to perform the fantastic airshow with colorful smoke. - smoke dispenser system(done) - Smokewinder(work in progress) - functions for support other aircraft from vanilla and other mods.(done) smoke generator magazine for F-16,F/A-18 legacy hornet. it's basically weapon and has own ammo(harmless and for making capacity) but can make smoke at designated position like behind of engine. screenshots *Thunderbird skin is additional user skin mod.
  13. could you tell me more detail like what aircraft used, I-TGT used, is target locked or not, and more detail about situation.
  14. change hmd code in config i guess.
  15. due to need some delay for GPS guidance(for stability), no ripple supported. for unguided bomb, just clicking rapidly for now.
  16. idea from plastic model actually.
  17. well, it's non-existed stuff in real life at least for now, so i can name it whatever i want.
  18. here is another side project, called "A-10U Warthog drone" , yep. Unmanned warthog. based on A-10C model, cockpit modified. it's can access and control via UAV terminal.
  19. I don't understand what the heck of you mean.
  20. UH-1 decal model test This work was made for fun and not a primary project. the texture map of BIS UH-1H is hard to make some decals we want because some textures using the mirroring effect, the same principle of Decalcomanie. so I've made a decal model like "Graffiti" and using magical attachTo command. basically it's a separate decal model so no effect to the original model, and need to hide original decals on a helicopter.(so make no two United States Army decal on a tail or something.) I've tested with UH-1H Huey from the Unsung, CUP, and RHS. these are used the same model however, offset are totally different. (i dunno why) Unsung UH-1D/H CUP UH-1H RHS UH-1H
  21. i don't feel like white honestly.
  22. today some updates and new skin pack. AWS v3.23 - EWP integration for various aircraft(F-15C/D,F-14B/D,F/A-18F and F/A-181) - more weapons for EWP F-14 1.97 - EWP integration for F-14B/D(AIM-120 only) F-15 1.51 - EWP integration for F-15C/D(AIM-120, AIM-9X) F-22 0.64 - EWP remodeled Project rhino jan212020 - EWP integration AC7 skin pack 0.7 - Strider 1 for F-22 - F-22 skins updated(Trigger,Spare 15 and Mobius 1) new skin pack : Veterans request skin pack (see in first page for more detail)
  23. AB action should be appear when aircraft throttle is 100%.
  24. of course irl missile doesn't make lot of smoke like this but you know, looks cool.
  25. currently no plan for AC-130 unfortunately.