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Everything posted by dunedain

  1. Pain0815, I'm also part on this community I've been playing both Ofp and Pr since their respective release. Honestly you shouldn't feed the troll. :( Haters gonna hate anyway, I've read this whole thread and it's exactly the same thing that happened last time. The tiny but loud minority of elitist individuals, that think they own and can dictate modding rules and on principle are also eager to spit on anything from the Bf2 world, doing what they do best.. :j: I'm certain many people are looking forward to the Project Reality release on Arma2, and I know the Pr community enough to tell they are mature fellas, so it's all good for us...
  2. haha:p I trully can't wait for first release.
  3. dunedain

    Isla Duala

    Thank you very much. :cc:
  4. dunedain

    No Steam Copy Protection for OA

    Can't you start Steam with the offline mode ?
  5. Guys just asked for a simple thing, maybe a more advanced animation engine. Back on Ofp people were much more creative not only modern combat nerds.. I remember that some of the most promising mods were inspired by Starwars and C&C Tiberium Sun... You can definitely do mechs on Arma2 as you could on Ofp, but as for everything related to animation in the Real Virtuality it's pretty limited. The whole community would benefits greatly of a rehauled animation system.
  6. dunedain

    Tracer Effects

    Unfortunately for us Opticalsnare is about to join the British army so he won't do anymore that awesome stuff we've been used to. :butbut:
  7. @Hellfire257, Thank you problem solved :) @Protegimus, Nope. I got that error message since I've got my ACE updated to 1.3 through Addon Sync and Kellys Heroes server. It seems the said missing file isn't in the @ACEX_SM addons folder anymore since the last update.
  8. Hello, Just here to report a little bug I have when launching Arma2 with last ACE2 and CSM2. "-mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACE_SM;@CSM2;@isla_duala" I don't really know what it means, the game starts anyway and CSM2 seems to work properly for the most part at least.
  9. dunedain

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    As free DLC I'ld like bug fixes, optimisation and more graphics settings to tweak.
  10. New one is nice but seems a bit overdone to me.
  11. dunedain

    Arrowhead E08: Benchmark

    http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php @JumpingHubert, would be better if people could read your settings. :D
  12. dunedain

    Bad reload animations?

    Well in RO you can also see the bolt animation in third person and it looks great, it's really nice for immersion.
  13. dunedain

    Bad reload animations?

    Well even if it's true it would be a huge ammount of work to create different realistic animations for all weapons, I really hope they may upgrade that part of their technology in the future giving the community more possibilities. :rolleyes: I mean reload animations for weapon and bolt action rifle weren't uglier 9 years ago when I bought Ofp and even back then I found this kind of awkward.
  14. Strange on my rig OA is pretty just as smooth as Arma2. PP and shadows off on both though. crossfire 4850 / Core2Duo E8400 3ghz / 4 gb ram 1066mhz Maybe you should check in the Catalyst control center "updated to 10.6" if your crossfire is activated, and also DL the last ATI CrossFireXâ„¢ Application Profiles which isn't delivered with the driver. Catalyst AI as also to be active if you wanna benefit from your crossfire.
  15. dunedain

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Got a mail from Amazon.fr this morning saying that OA's release has been delayed and that I shall not receive the game I pre-ordered before monday 5th instead of this thursday..
  16. dunedain

    The official football World Cup 2010 in SA thread

    I'm sure as a fellow frenchy he's well aware of that :) I'm a bit disappoint England didn't win :(
  17. dunedain

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    Well I have standards and ethics I've been used to playing on PC ... I ideally buy a game and then an addon "expansion pack" about a year later which is enough big and good so almost everyone get it and so on the year after... not half a dozen of consolish DLC that fragment each time more the community! I was 13 when I bought Ofp for ~320Francs "33€" a couple of weeks after its release, now I'm 22 and still at the university with way more money though, still that I do hate all that influence from consoles where you can sell everything you want at your price because of those 13 year old nerds that buy 70€ games with a whole bunch of outrageously expensive DLC ... Worst being that even on PC some start to think all this is "normal", while more and more publishers kill modding on their game to sell as much DLC as possible .. :butbut:
  18. dunedain

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    Well I won't ever pay for DLC, if they plan to release an expansion pack with all the DLC later maybe they'll get my money. Still I wonder how they'll secure this, if it's as protected as RH or QG it won't be harder than a simple copy/past of few pbo ... :j:
  19. dunedain

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    I don't really know what to answer to this... still that for your guidance they tried more than once to split, it's just Canada that won't let them go.
  20. dunedain


    Really nice poem. Here in Brittany we may have suffered a lot through allies bombing but we sure appreciate and remember the sacrifice allies did to give us back freedom. :)
  21. dunedain

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Seems the pre-order is finally available in the Uk. amazon.co.uk Ps: for Frenchies the cheaper way is to order from amazon.fr for once, amazon.de/uk are more expensive with shipment.
  22. dunedain

    Aggressive Animals

    I don't wanna kill innocent animals but evil talibans :)
  23. dunedain

    Future Expansion engine additions (Survey poll)

    Well call me a moron if it makes you feeling better about yourself but I don't want BIS to focus on adding features already done by the community but to give it best tools and at last join the 21e century ... If you look at my last post I've suggested nothing uncommon but features that should be logical for the "Ultimate Military Simulation".. Concerning the purely immersion and eye candy features even WWII online has ragdoll and way better animations, not mentioning its damage sytem. I've been a fan of BIS products for almost a decade, bought every addon even the most unnecessary ones such as RH and QG. BIS got my money more than once so I think I have the right to give my honest opinion even if it's sacrilege for fanboys. I sincerely hope BIS is watching and taking account of what people want and is thinking of what can be done considering their ressources. I'm already satisfied by what OA promises, but they'll need to rework deeply their engine if they plan to do of an eventual "Arma3" a success.