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Everything posted by december

  1. december

    Pulling my hair out!

    I thought the mod order was important? If you have 2 conflicting mods for example, WarFX particles may conflict with JTD SmokeEffects so Arma will use the last mod. This was how it used to be anyway.
  2. december

    Snow.... Winter... Snowfall?

    I used to love playing winter islands in OFP. One My biggest disappointments with Arma1/2 is no winter units. No, I don't have the ability to make mods for Arma. Thanks for making these units.
  3. december

    Great article in PC Gamer December edition.

    I thought that was the way everyone played, we do.
  4. Great improvement for me, TY. Hope to see this official soon so we can use it in MP.
  5. december

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    I didn't test with AI but just did a flyby with and without the patch, very different. E6850 @3ghz, 8800 gtx, 2gb , settings on high or very high 1680X1050
  6. Works a treat for me. Zero stuttering, constant FPS. I was losing hope with BIS but I am a happy camper now. TY.
  7. december

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    Just tried the latest patch, WOW. I don't think I need this thread anymore. Just tried a flyby of the cities and forest areas, very smooth, no stuttering at all. Nice 1 BIS.
  8. I just tried changing the page file to my game disk, didn't see any difference.
  9. december

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    I agree entirely. The lengths one has to go to to play this "smoothly" is ridiculous. I wouldn't spend another penny upgrading my rig for it. Guaranteed we will run into more problems needing more upgrades when the expansion arrives.:j:
  10. The lengths you have to go to get this game running properly is ridiculous, it is not worth it.
  11. december

    % of game time decrease

    I have become bored playing on Chernarus it all looks and feels the same. I spend 90% of my time in the editor. I hope the expansion brings some interest back into the game for me.
  12. december

    TrackIR but not Voice Activation software?

    I guess if you play single player it would be useful, but I never do so..
  13. december

    How long will arma 2 occupy me?

    Could you get enough money by selling your 360 and games to get a decent enough pc to play Arma2? I don't think so. If you value your friends I say stick with the 360. If you are into playing online then no matter the game, friends make it worthwhile.
  14. It is run in a trigger activated by Blufor when they enter an area.
  15. I am using a script to spawn some tanks but on a dedicated server it looks like it is spawning vehicles for each player even though I have "if (!isServer) exitWith {};" at the start. Anyone see why it should be doing this? I am using the same script when I have random vehicle types spawned. This case I only want the T90. if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _vehicle_types = ["T90"]; _max_dist_between_waypoints = 700; _grpe1 = createGroup east; _vec_type = floor (random count _vehicle_types); [(getpos posm21), random 360, _vehicle_types select _vec_type, _grpe1] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _grpe2 = createGroup east; _vec_type = floor (random count _vehicle_types); [(getpos posm22), random 360, _vehicle_types select _vec_type, _grpe2] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; };
  16. Is anyone using this in MP? I use the following script as suggested earlier in this thread to create some tanks and units but I keep getting tanks created for players and the server. if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _vehicle_types = ["T90"]; _max_dist_between_waypoints = 700; _grpe1 = createGroup east; _vec_type = floor (random count _vehicle_types); [(getpos posm21), random 360, _vehicle_types select _vec_type, _grpe1] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _grpe2 = createGroup east; _vec_type = floor (random count _vehicle_types); [(getpos posm22), random 360, _vehicle_types select _vec_type, _grpe2] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; I have tried "if (isServer) then {" But same result. I am just about to give up on this function and go back to the old way of scripting to create units.:mad:
  17. Tested as you recommended but still creating units for players and server.
  18. I think I tried it that way also which is why I had the "};" at the end of the script but it didn't work. I will test it again.
  19. Thanks for the suggestion but it didn't help with the problem. The script creates 6 tanks, I guess 2 for each player and 2 for the server. (2 players on the server testing)
  20. december

    Why doesn't AI use buildings?

    There were mods for ArmA that had AI chasing you in buildings and climbing ladders and going onto roof tops etc. ECS was the 1 I used. I remember 1 time the AI went onto a flat roof and dropped a nade on a fire team, took out the whole team we were amazed. Probably a wast of time to implement it with ArmA2 not enough flat roofs and certainly not enough entrable buildings. Here is hoping for the expansion.
  21. I gave this a try and was surprised with the results. It does look much nicer on Arma2 but I LOST FPS. The top image is taken in ArmA1 FPS 36. Settings on High or very high. The bottom image taken in Arma2 FPS 26. Settings on high or very high. I did notice a large INCREASE in FPS when flying in Arma2
  22. Bit of a ripoff if you ask me. Guaranteed that bugs not fixed in ArmA2 will be carried over to the expansion. Most of the new MOD features don't work on dedicated servers (hardly any info for them) and it is still impossible to get an AI controlled vehicle to drive down a road without crashing into everything along the way. If OFP DR comes out of the box with fewer bugs and good reviews many people may be changing sides rather than buy something again they already have 90% of.
  23. They work in MP (about the only thing that does LOL)
  24. I think you can name it anything you want as long as the same name is used in the init file that calls the functions.
  25. Ok. I will believe you if you can make a demo with //Sets frequency and number of patrols (0-1). BIS_ACM is module name [0.7, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; and [bIS_ACM, ["usmc_tankplatoon","usmc_armored","RU_TankPlatoon","ru_armored","ru_ka52squadron","usmc_ah1zsquadron"]] call BIS_ACM_removeGroupClassesFunc; The first parameter should reduce the frequency of patrols but anything under 1 results in nothing being spawned. The second parameter should exclude those classes being spawned but it doesn't. I would be more than pleased to see them working in a demo mission, I spent some hours testing them. It may be that I made a mistake in the syntax but thanks to BIS turning off the error report I can't know.