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About Delusional1

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  1. Hi there, I'm experiencing issues with the BIS_fnc_ambientAnim function when hosting a mission on a dedicated server. When the mission first launches, any players that are in the server lobby and load in when the mission starts, the animations are not playing. However, if they leave and rejoin, all the animations are working perfectly fine. I'm calling a custom script I wrote from the initServer.sqf like so as an example: [args] execVM "scripts\ambAnim.sqf"; Within the script I'm setting some unit values such as behaviour and combat mode, then calling the following for the animation: if (local _object) then { [_object, _animation, _equipment, _snapToObj] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; }; I've tried using remoteExecCall like so within the custom script file: if (local _object) then { [_object, _animation, _equipment, _snapToObj] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_ambientAnim"]; }; However, this produces weird results, such as the units facing wrong directions, or being halfway in the ground, and I'm assuming this would cause the server to have all clients, when another client joins, to re-run the BIS_fnc_ambientAnim function? I've also tried various combinations of calling the BIS_fnc_ambientAnim function, as well as calling the custom script directly, such as: units init w/o if (local) check units init w if (local) check Eden Editor init initPlayerLocal.sqf init.sqf Using call Using spawn I did also run the mission from on a player hosted server, but then only the host was able to see the animations when the mission started. It's as if the server isn't correctly notifying players that x object should be playing an animation when the mission starts? I'm fairly new to scripting in Arma3, hopefully it's something fairly obvious that I'm doing wrong here, but any help would be much appreciated!