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Everything posted by ziipzaaapM16A4

  1. Hello, I usually work with C# and program ai mods for GTA V. i did a few arma 3 missions but thats all i did with arma "modding". Im having trouble to understand the general envoirement. Therefore i have a few questions - getting the vehicle, the character is in? [ANSWERED] => player.GetParent(); - How to Get Position of an Character. [ANSWERED] => player.GetOrigin(); - how to Perform actions such as GetInVehicle, MoveTo And PerformBandaging/AdministerSaline <====== [STILL UNKNOWN] (Help Needed) I value your time so if you want to only provide me with example code i would be also very happy because most of the code available does not contain Tasking AI via Script
  2. ziipzaaapM16A4

    AI Task Scripting - Help Needed

    Thank you anyways Scott, Most of this i actually found out but Im still struggling with the Group or singe AI Tasking via Script. So i know how to Spawn via SpawnPrefabs but i still don't unterstand how i can use the (SCR_)AIGetInVehicle or (SCR_)AIHealActivity or move to waypoint. These 3 are actually necessary for me and it seems like nobody has ever done commanding ai via script and published it. Can anyone Help?