Hello. I watched this tutorial and found it really helpful. However, I am encountering new issues.
I am trying to host a custom KP Liberation server to play with my friends. These are the things I tried:
First, I tried to edit de mission.pbo file from \Documents\Arma 3\saves\steamMPMission\KP%20Liberation\KP%20Liberation%20Altis.altis, but whenever I launch the mission after editing the .pbo file, it resets to defaults.
I tried backing up the mission, then unsubscribing from the workshop scenario (thinking it might be resetting the file each time I launch the game), but then it doesn't show on the mission select when starting a new server.
Tried creating a copy of the mission with another name, and editing the .pbo there, called: Custom_Liberation.altis. This one appears as a mission when starting a server, and with all the parameters I wanted. But when I launch it, nothing works the same as the original KP Liberation. Spawn in the wrong place, no menus to use, as if all the scripts stopped working.
I've run out of ideas and can't find anything useful on the internet.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
(sorry for bad English)