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About Adrianlpe

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  1. Adrianlpe

    VVS on a LHD

    So I already have an Invisible Helipad on the deck and the variable name set to "VVS_car_1" The thing is, when I go into VVS and select the vehicle I want to spawn, it displays the hint as the vehicle was spawned without problems. But the vehicle hasn´t spawned or at least I not in the spot. Also checked with Zeus and nothing shows anywhere. EDIT: I have also added the spawn marker on the deck, and with the editor moved it up in height manually but it´s not working.
  2. Hello guys, i´m trying to get the VVS to spawn the vehicles on the diferent decks of the ATLAS LHD I have tried following the steps on this post that had the exactly same issue, but on the Nimitz. Can anyone help me do it? Like on a STEP by STEP. Thank you in advance. My idea: Flight deck: Air Vehicles Middle Deck: Light Vehicles Bottom Deck: Heavy Vehicles and Boats EDIT: I have seen this video and downloaded the mission but I don´t understand all the boxes and stuff.
  3. Hello guys, I hope someone reads this soon. Getting to the point, I want to do the exact same thing on a LHD. I have tried following your steps but I don´t really have make it work. My idea is to make the light vehicles spawn on the mid deck, the heavy and boats on the bottom deck and air transport on the flight deck. Could someone help me?