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About Kosmo_

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    Private First Class

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  1. Kosmo_


    I did update the files, however I didn't update the link 🤦‍♂️ (fixed now)
  2. Kosmo_


    Version 3.2 Added transportation handling. Vehicles without gunners, eg. trucks will be assigned to "logistics" category. All vehicles that have more free cargo seats than units in group will be available for transportation missions. Infantry that gets a waypoint that is far away (> 1000m) will be added to cargo array. Transportation missions will be assigned from this cargo pool, depending if they can fit the infantry group in question. Changed forces comparison, now counts individual units and vehicles instead of group types.
  3. Kosmo_

    HIVE AI A3

    Very good questions, thank you for asking 1. I do not know what Meta-AI is 2. Yes has similarities to HETMAN Artificial Leader 3. HIVE works on waypoints, so any modifications or additional scripts that deal with waypoints will probably only see limited functionality 4. Sorry for lack of clear overview, I am still working on this and figuring out the scope of it
  4. Kosmo_

    HIVE AI A3

    Note about artillery as of V1, doArtilleryFire gets the type of ammunition to use from first magazine with getArtilleryAmmo. With removeMagazinesTurret and addMagazineTurret this ammotype can be changed. Once they run out of HE, which is usually the first magazine type in units, they use the next ammunition type.
  5. Kosmo_


    Oh yeah I basically rewrote the thing 3 times since first posting xd. But yeah I'll probably take a little bit of a break now since stalker 2 came out. All of the versions are in drive folders, I'll maybe look into making some kind of battle generator type mission utilizing the script in future.
  6. HIVE STRATEGIC AI A3 V.1 continuation of : Usage Initialize with execVM "HIVE.sqf", settings are adjusted there. Requires "HIVE_AO" marker present. Marker size "b" is radius of included locations. Overview HIVE.sqf Initializes and loops scripts. HIVE_ACTIVE can be used to pause looping. HIVE_WEST/EAST/GUER can be used to pause side control. HIVE_DEBUG enables drawing markers, displays messages about forces comparison and defend toggle. HIVE_GROUP_BLACKLIST can be used to blacklist groups. HIVE_LOCATIONS location types to be included in "HIVE_AO". HIVE_LOCATIONS.sqf sets HIVE_AREAS array from locations. Creates debug markers. HIVE_UNITS.sqf. Sorts groups intro arrays based on their vehicles. Places "support" waypoint for support units. Sets support groups custom MARTA icons. HIVE_STRATEGIC.sqf Gets location area status based on unit count. Updates debug markers. Forces comparison based on group type. Activates defensive mode based on forces comparison. Sets objective arrays. HIVE_TACTICAL.sqf Adds "busy" units to array. Sets waypoint to objective, if group is not busy. Vehicles and infantry seperation, infantry has preference for buildings. Artillery and air units get their missions from known enemies array. Demo and files https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bDqVV98rXw48YPWLymcOp4PtG-hBkfnO?usp=drive_link
  7. Kosmo_


    Did a test of the script with ridiculous amount of 1 unit groups... https://imgur.com/a/gGF0ZPn and it seemed to perform very well ... how???
  8. Kosmo_


    Yes, the AI does use artillery in v2. More specifically "recon" type units call it in with good effect
  9. Kosmo_


    Thanks for trying! I am currently cooking another version of this, here's a little sneak peek /// ARTILLERY { _group = createGroup sideLogic; _battery = _group createUnit ["BIS_ARTY_LOGIC",[0,0,0], [], 0, ""]; _battery synchronizeObjectsAdd [vehicle leader _x]; vehicle leader _x synchronizeObjectsAdd [_battery]; if (side _x == WEST ) then {_x setVariable ["MARTA_customicon", ["b_art"]] }; if (side _x == EAST ) then {_x setVariable ["MARTA_customicon", ["o_art"]] }; if (side _x == RESISTANCE ) then {_x setVariable ["MARTA_customicon", ["n_art"]] }; }forEach HIVE_ART; /// _handle = [HIVE_ART select 0, TARGET, "HE", 2] call HIVE_FIREMISSION; HIVE_FIREMISSION = { _battery = (synchronizedObjects (vehicle leader (_this select 0)) select 0); _target = getPosATL (_this select 1); _type = _this select 2; _rounds = _this select 3; [_battery, _target, ["IMMEDIATE", _type, 0, _rounds]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; };
  10. HIVE STRATEGIC AI V3.1 Arma 3 version: Usage Initialize with execVM "HIVE.sqf", settings are adjusted there. Requires "HIVE_AO" marker present. Marker size "b" is radius of included locations. Requires "Functions module". Overview HIVE.sqf Initializes and loops scripts. HIVE_ACTIVE can be used to pause looping. HIVE_WEST/EAST/GUER can be used to pause side control. HIVE_DEBUG enables drawing markers, displays messages about forces comparison and defend toggle. HIVE_GROUP_BLACKLIST can be used to blacklist groups. HIVE_LOCATIONS location types to be included in "HIVE_AO". HIVE_LOCATIONS.sqf sets HIVE_AREAS array from locations. Creates debug markers. HIVE_UNITS.sqf. Sorts groups intro arrays based on their vehicles. Creates arty modules. Places "support" waypoint for support units. Sets support groups custom MARTA icons. HIVE_STRATEGIC.sqf Gets location area status based on unit count. Updates debug markers. Forces comparison based on group type. Activates defensive mode based on forces comparison. Sets objective arrays. HIVE_TACTICAL.sqf Adds "busy" units to array. Sets waypoint to objective, if group is not busy. Vehicles and infantry seperation, infantry has preference for buildings. Artillery and air units get their missions from known enemies array. Demo and files https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1D59AmyaK4PlIWtLCcHPiBqv7P_6PTzFG?usp=drive_link
  11. Kosmo_

    Mission "Flashpoint" by ThomsonB

    I wasn't directly replying to you but rather referencing to the script you posted 😁 I used it in conjunction with my solution
  12. Kosmo_

    Mission "Flashpoint" by ThomsonB

    Hello, do you have -showScriptErrors in your game launch settings? Very useful for finding errors in scripts. @dalber24 post above and should work. Here is an attachment of the mission I used for testing: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZueIZ6QB7EfgghwYxMYSJJp0MxPQmIlH?usp=sharing
  13. Thanks for trying out! Yes the warrior is crucial to the BAF with it's 40mm autocannon. I did try to balance the BAF campaign with this in mind, however don't remember if I did so for the battle generator... I'll sneak in an patch for the battle generator once I get back from lecture, also may I as how was the performance?
  14. Yes I have played Rydygier's mission "HETMAN: War Stories" for Arma 3. Creating RITZ missions was a little summer project of mine and a dive into SQF coding and mission making in ARMA. There are missions for multiple maps with multiple factions in two types: "Battle Generator" and "Campaign mode". The missions do not require the game to be modded, they can be played vanilla. Battle generator takes place on a random location on the map with different size and composition of units for either faction. This is very similar to Hetman war stories, except the victory condition when mission ends is different. Victory condition is having the area captured for certain time period. Also there are no settings that can be changed at the start of the mission, unlike from Hetman war stories. The bottom line is that you are, very much like in Hetman war stories, just a cog in the machine and the success or demise of you and your squadmates relies on your resourcefulness. Campaign has some similarities to battle generator except the victory condition is capturing the enemy held area. Also High Command mode is available to player, so player can act in the boots of artificial commander. Campaign mode carries on after capture of the area to the next map section. There is a little bit of story at the briefings of missions and varying scenarios presented as the campaign proceeds. So study what you have, observe the terrain and recruit additional units or take command when needed to succeed to the next phase.
  15. Random (I) Tactical Zone, RITZ! Dynamic missions orchestrated by HETMAN artificial leader. You will be leading your assigned squad throughout pitched battles. Comes in two flavors on different maps and factions: Battle Generator - Take role on either side and fight over central point. Campaign mode - Progress throughout the map in multiple part scenario. Units can be recruited with action > "Recruit". If you "Recruit" the commander unit at flag marker, YOU become the commander! Access High Command module with "ctrl + spacebar". ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Place .pbo in missions folder. Requires Combined Operations. No addons required. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modifying Battle generator can be played on different map by changing .pbo name e.g SP_RITZ.Zargabad.pbo -> SP_RITZ.Takistan.pbo Campaign mode works on trigger locations in editor. Arrays for units can be changed in UnitSpawning.sqf ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download: Google drive moddb ------------------------------------------------------------------------ credits: HETMAN ARTIFICIAL COMMANDER by Rydygier BI wiki for information and various script snippets from bi forum posts, thanks a ton everyone! ^^