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Everything posted by MeatAlive

  1. FOUND A SOLUTION: just replace: private _future = time + 10; private _lifeState = lifeState _unit; waitUntil {sleep .1; !(lifeState _unit == _lifeState) or time > _future}; if !(lifeState _unit == _lifeState) then by: if ((_unit distance _mace) < 3) then in files JBOY_punjiMaceTrap.sqf and JBOY/mace/maceVictim.sqf.
  2. Done some more testing and I finally found the root cause of my issue (why the player was almost never killed and attached to the mace). It is linked to the ace medical property "Player Critical Damage Threshold". It seems like your scrip @johnnyboy checks the lifeState ( https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lifeState ) of the player to detect a change in order to kill the unit and attach it to the mace. if !(lifeState _unit == _lifeState) then Nevertheless, I tried updating the logic to be based on something else (like the total amount of damage of the player) getAllHitPointsDamage player but without success... Unfortunately, we cannot increase the "Player Critical Damage Threshold" value above 1.0 and use your script currently (if we want player to be killed and attached on the mace). If you have a suggestion on how i could update the code feel free to tell me and if I manage to make it work I will post the "solution" here 🙂 .
  3. I tested various type of terrain (angled, flat, etc.) and more ore less same issue every time. I tried to adjust the rope length but since I started to learn arma3 script recently it is not always easy 😛 . I will try to tweak some more parameters (the mass does not seem to affect the first fall that much AND shorter rope has kind of the same issue) and if if find a better sets of param for me I will post it here 🙂 . I think the issue is in the code that increases the mass of the mace when it falls, I think when it gets near of the trap the weight is too much. PS: Thx again for your scripts ! they are so cool ! I wish I had the skills to code that sort of stuff
  4. Hello, really nice code ! Is there a way to make the rope less flexible ? Else it always hits to ground first and this slows the mace quit a lot 😞 . -- Found in maceTrapCreate.sqf _mace setMass 170; // realtively low mass so initial swing doesn't hit the ground, then set higher so hangs lower (in controlMaceSwing function) I will try different values to see if it helps. -- does not seem to impact 😕 need help
  5. I follow same step and there must be an issue in the default config for the radio found here: https://wiki.sogpf.com/index.php/Radio_Support My solution is to use the one used for Mike force that I found on git on this link: https://github.com/Savage-Game-Design/Mike-Force/blob/f9d52cd12da69084942a927c38dbae0bf129deec/mission/config/artillery.hpp#L1 and copy its content in the description.ext. For me, now it works :) Hope this will help futur people that faces the same issue!