So, I'm working on a mission for my group, and one of the objectives is to rescue a captive held by opfor. I want the captive to be injured, but in a way so that whilst they won't die, medics will need to treat them and they'll need a medevac sooner rather than later. I'm thinking severe bloodloss, severe pain, some bandaged wounds, a broken leg and a major wound TQ'd should do the trick.
Rather than fuck about with trying to use ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit to get sorta the right wounds, I've decided it would be simplest to just build the medical state I want as a JSON, and use ace_medical_gnc_deserializeState to apply said state to the unit. Most parts of the JSON file are fairly self explanitory, but I'm having trouble figuring out what the 4 numeric values for ace_medical_openwounds / ace_medical_stitchedwounds / ace_medical_bandagedwounds correspond to, and what those values represent, as there seems to be no documentation on it (at least, I've not been able to find any. maybe I'm just an idiot). I'm slowly "trial / error"ing my way through, but I'm wondering if anyone else knows / can explain these values, as it would save me a considerable amount of time.