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Everything posted by zylberome

  1. Hi guys, Long time player here. On an other thread, someone gave me a really nice script to fit my needs. It changes every units CamouflageCoeff, so AI will spot and engage at 200m instead of 450m on a flat terrain. It's perfect for me as i dont use the 'right clik zoom' anymore. I find it completely breaks my immersion to have to constantly zoom to be able to fight ai on even grounds. Problem is : after searching on lots of threads, i can't figure out a way to make the pbo i made to work in any single player missions. If i write the scripts in debug windows, it works perfectly though. What i did: I downloaded arma tools and addonBuilder, In a folder named -MyAddon : i put -CfgFunctions.hpp -config.cpp -MyScript.sqf In the .sqf file is the script made by @Harzach. In config.cpp is written : #include "CfgFunctions.hpp" In CfgFunctions.hpp is written : I used addonbuilder to get a pbo, which i then put in @MyMod/addons/Myaddon.pbo and load it from ArmaManager. The name @MyMod appears at bottom of the screen in Arma 3 menu. But the pbo don't work as AI engage me from 450/500 m..... Can someone tell me what i did wrong ? And correct me ? I'm so close....... plz help.
  2. Thank you so much for the response ! But i think there may be a small typo i can't find somewhere.. When i copy your script in the debug console in editor it says "errors... ; missing etc.." Any idea ?
  3. Hello guys. Long time player here and i need your inputs. I decided to play without the artificial zoom we have by holding right mouse button. Reason is i find out i was almost zooming permanently to be able to spot anything. And it was totally ruining my immersion. Now ai is killing me really easy as i dont spot them as good as before. But i immensely prefer that as the use of the 'bionic eye zoom feature'. And soooo i tried to reduce the ai engagement range. As mod, i use only LAMBS. I put skill and precision in option screen at 0%. No real change. I tried to modify CF_BAI (ai mod) to reduce spotting skills and engagement range. But 0 success. Can you help me guys ? I absolutely hate the zoom feature and it makes it hell to fight ai without it. I dont really care for military realistic engagement range from my 22 inch computer screen.
  4. Guys, it's an absolute joy to play Apex without the constant bionic zoom. You should try it. It makes the binocular finally useful, or any 2x optics. With this script, when i see an AI, i know they can see me. When i see small dots, i know they won't see me. If you shoot them from far, audio make them react and they engage. Te me its perfect. I just need help to make it a pbo.... Plz ?
  5. thank you Harzach, you're the best. And about the pbo ? Is it possible ? 😟
  6. I downloaded arma tools and addonBuilder, but my pbo won't work.... 😞 Here's what i did : In the folder -MyAddon : there are -CfgFunctions.hpp -config.cpp -MyScript.sqf In the .sqf file is the script above from @Harzach. In config.cpp is written : #include "CfgFunctions.hpp" In CfgFunctions.hpp is written : I use addonbuilder to get a pbo, which i then put in @MyMod/addons/Myaddon.pbo and load it from ArmaManager. The name @MyMod appears at bottom of the screen in Arma 3 menu. Can someone tell me what i did wrong ? And correct me ? I'm so close.......
  7. IT WORKS! Man i love you, i was able to come close to 250 meters before AI engage me. I think i'll make it a small mod so i can play single player campaigns with this change. camouflagecoeff at 0.22 was perfect (i'm just worried this apply to vehicules and planes too. Is it the case ? do i have to precise it only concerns "man" units ? )
  8. O man thank you ! I'll test that this morning.
  9. Yes,i've search this topic but didnt find an answer. Someone told me to make a mod from a small script. The script would be something like ''Player setunit trait camouflagecoeff 0,5'' but problem IS it would only apply to me the player. Im searching for a SetAllUnitTrait function to change the camo value of every existing soldier so they all spot each other from closer, and thus engage from closer. But i cant find this function.. Plz help..