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Everything posted by tobias-ripper

  1. hey good thing you've made this post. thanks @pierremgi that data helped me better understand some stuff. so, in my own quest to find how to animate this object, digging through the config, i've came up with this: [object,['Terminal_source','Terminal_source_sound','Terminal_source_sound_case_01','Terminal_source_sound_case_02'],100,4] call bis_fnc_LinkTerminal_Animations; or change the 100 value to 0 to close it all up: [object,['Terminal_source','Terminal_source_sound','Terminal_source_sound_case_01','Terminal_source_sound_case_02'],*0,4] call bis_fnc_LinkTerminal_Animations; it works perfectly fine on self hosted, need to test on dedi. haven't tried with other objects. the animation for this one is a "checkbox" type (in the editor), so this effectivelly takes all the sources and "forEach" them in the function. haven't found any info on that function so well.. 10 years later?.-
  2. tobias-ripper

    Eden Composition Spawning

    hi everyone. this might not be the right place to ask but its related to spawning compos. i just can't, for the life of me, find a reliable way to get an actually flat and empty area to spawn some rather large compos (20x20 being the largest). i've tried shk_pos script, isFlatEmpty, findSafePos and combinations of them all. im pretty sure the way im scripting it is flawed but at this point i just have a very bad headache from trying to figure this out. so to save you time... got something wokring that your a willing to share? im creating a marker randomly around the map (invade and annex style) and spawning my stuff in it's area. only 2 tasks, so far, are meant to spawn a compo. 1 is "working" cos the compo is rather small. the 20x20 is just way more complex with items inside a building (large hq type). im just overwelmed.. HELP?
  3. alright i give up. just can't get them to form squads properly, which is very important for ai behaviour. some tasks don't even have the option to provide a custom sqf anyway, so you are stuck with low skill AI. this has turned to be extremely frustrating and far from noob friendly. sorry to say but you really need to create better example missions and/or documentation. and that goes for scar as well.
  4. hello. im just trying the socom module. i've set it to only create 1 task, for testing (attack/clear area). i've filled the enemy (set to classes) field with a variety of infantry units, ground and air vehicles. almost all the vics blow up at spawn. once i've killed the surviors the task was complete. i went to the object i've set for mission request and on activation it says there are too many missions running (although 1 mission was set and completed). any ideas? thanks! edit: ok, the "too many missions active" thing is just the fact that i only made 1 available and the system wont repeat (which i thought it did). the vehicles exploding on spawn i could not fix. i just decided not to list them in field. now: -units spawn mostly ungrouped, or as a BIG group (i.e: 1 leader, 20 units). -more often than not, they have no waypoints and just stand there in formation (if grouped, otherwise they just stand as they spawned). -their skill level is set VERY low. don't seem to care about server settings. im now using "s.c.a.r" and those units seem to spawn grouped so far, but no waypoints. at least for land units. helis do have waypoints. its set to "go to player" but (the heli's) waypoints weren't even near my location. - the defense mission seems broken? gives error message, seems stuck in a "waituntil returned nil" loop. "error: undefined variable in experision: _dloc" (line 9, mission_defend_area.sqf).
  5. tobias-ripper


    well i stopped using it for now so i can go on with other tests. but the main issue was with the stomper drones. here is the catch: it happens if they get destroyed when "active and engaging" (enemies enter their area and they activate themselves to defend). ill get back to you on that since i had other issues with some AI respawning at grid 0,0,0 as well (that's where i also leave behind my "1st corpse" which MUST remain for zeus to work.. weird stuff. fixed that zeus thing by changing #adminLogged for my UID). map is altis btw. i might be having bugs that are not related to your modules, but do affect them. will come back to you with better info once i get the chance to make a fresh scenario so to discard possible sources of conflict. im so new to all of this, and i think im trying to chew on more than i should hahahaha. have so many ideas roaming my mind and no knowledge/experience on how to make them happen. giving me actual headaches. by the time i get the hang of it arma 4 will be out hahaha.
  6. tobias-ripper


    its the only vehicle respawn module/mod in the scenario. the biggest issue is that it respawns vehicles i've been on with an ai copy of me inside (unless i wait incapacitated inside the vehicle until it respawns). the other big issue is that i have it set to "respawn all east" vehicles on start location (not sync'd).. but it also respawns west vehicles although the box for west is not checked. the drones issue is not with respawning the dron vehicle, but the dron pilot. ill wait eagerly for the next update. you do such a great a work with these mods and scripts. thank man.
  7. tobias-ripper


    hi @pierremgi thanks for all the work!. im having an issue with the vehicle respawn module. if the vehicle gets blown with me inside, it respawns with an AI "copy" of me in it (same seat). how do i fix that? (add: if i remain incapacitated in the vic until it respawns, it takes me out of it and does not place an ai in it) edit: to add to it, drones respawn without their "pilot" (yet the "gunner" respawns with the vic). the AI pilot is respawned at the bottom left corner of the map (where playable units "die" before selecting spawn point at mission start, and where my 1st "body" remains for zeus to work). vehicles respawn as intented when linked to the bi vehicle respawn module. notes: -base modules system is Drongo map population. -i have your respawn AI module placed as well. -mgi respawn vehicles module is linked to some ground and air vehicles. settings: all boxes unchecked, auto added list of "MGIXXX" vehicles for what can respawn. 1 "[start]" for where can respawn. -mgi ai respawn module. not linked. settings are only 1 checked: east ai respawn at place of death. 50 units treshhold, 10 min interval.
  8. hi everyone. once again, i've been trying to find a way to do something that should be simple, with no avail. the objective: walk up to a vehicle, scrollwheel, "respawn vehicle". and the vehicle is sent back to it's respawn location. (if you find a link where that is already explained and post it, you'd get the chance to make me feel like an idiot jajaja).
  9. hello everyone, 1st post here. been looking for a way to have players respawn with the last loadout they had selected, and have it be fresh. im just getting my feet wet with making scenarios. i tried to search for it but by god the forum is overcrowded with posts and tbh, i don't want to feel that discouraged on day one. so, basically the idea would be to save a loadout when selected in arsenal, and apply that saved loadout on respawn. is there a "onLoadoutSelection.sqf" kind of thing i can use? i already have tried the onplayerkilled / onrespawn .sqf and the usual code that goes with it, but its not what i actually want. unless there is more code i can add to those, that would make it work as i intent. well yes, im pretty much asking for a handout but its not just me being lazy, im trully lost in all the options and info available. im sorry if this was asked a million times before 😞
  10. thank so much! both of you! @Gunter Severloh hey man. been watching your videos. it's been very helpful. i keep em at hand for some of the stuff i tend to forget. thank you very much. @jakeplissken thats amazing. i'll be using that one thank you so much! one would think the editor would come with most of this stuff baked in. shoulnd't be surprised. i've made some mods and maps for battlefield 2 back in the day but this is a whole new level for me. its like moving from windows to linux hahahahaha-