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About sokolpunk

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  1. These are primitive actions based on arma modules.
  2. This is far from what I meant. Here is my script, but it does not want to serve the item in the player's inventory. _items = items player; _wanted = ["Item_FileTopSecret"]; if ( _wanted findIf { _x in _items } > -1 ) then { if (isServer) then { if (isNil "isInside") then {isInside = false; publicVariable "isInside";}; missionComplete = false; [] spawn { i = 0; _timeScore = 1; while {!missionComplete} do { if (isInside) then { i = i + 1; } else { i = 0; }; hint format["%1",isInside]; if (i >= _timeScore && alive Item_FileTopSecret) then { [[[], {[west, 'The documents were seized and delivered to the US base!'] call wmt_fnc_endmission;} ], 'bis_fnc_spawn'] call bis_fnc_MP; [[[], {['The documents were seized and delivered to the US base!'] call WMT_fnc_ShowTaskNotification;} ], 'bis_fnc_spawn'] call bis_fnc_MP; missionComplete = trig; }; sleep 1; }; }; }; };
  3. Hi, can someone share a script for delivering an item to the zone. I explain - I need the player to pick up the document and then when he entered the zone (trigger) the mission was completed. ("Item_FileTopSecret") the name of the object.