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Everything posted by US333Nate

  1. Ive seen that people are making custom conflict missions, but i cannot figure out how. I cant find any sort of managers that pertain to it. Ive done some mission tutorials and can make simple missions but i cannot find info on how to do conflict. Anybody got any info? Lol, i seen there was a dude on fiver offering to make custom conflict missions for a fee. Thats shady.
  2. Checking world file @"$CustomConflictMission:worlds/Custom_CTI_Campaign_Eden.ent" DEFAULT (W): Sound map is missing DEFAULT (W): Topology map is missing DEFAULT (W): Navmesh is missing Basically Im just making a copy of the Conflict mission so that I can make changes to it. I pretty much just add Loadout selection, which works fine in editor and in game. So the mission works in the editor, the Ai spawn and behave as expected. However, playing the mission in game, everything else works minus the AI. they do not spawn. For some reason there isn't a navmesh, sound map, or topology map being referenced. How can i fix this?
  3. Custom missions, one of the manager modules has settings for tk punishment.
  4. Other than passwording your server, not much you can do about trolls. You can execute a ban command as a server admin though, but its only good until the next server restart. the ban list gets cleared.
  5. US333Nate

    Dynamic Despawn/Respawn

    Tell me more about using the scenario framework to spawn random patrols...
  6. US333Nate

    Unlock example mods?

    do you mean a scenario?
  7. When i add a script to an object and save it as a prefab, the script doesn't save with the prefab. How does this work?
  8. US333Nate

    Prefabs with scripts

    Apparently it's just buggy and it works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. not doing anything differently.
  9. US333Nate

    Custom Conflict mode

    Ive got it working now. Basically you just open the conflict world, then create a new world. select all from the conflict world and duplicate onto a new world. then save the new world. close world editor. go back to the folder and in the world file you need to change the world parent from whatever it says (Parent "912386913o13u4 wolrds / Conflict Eden. ent") to Parent "worlds/Eden/Eden.ent". then you can open it back up in world editor. without the duplicates. Basically you cant delete a world (with a lock icon) from inside the world editor, but you can remove/change the parent worlds in the world file (your project). I like ARMA 3 better... its actually kind of impressive how little documentation or tutorials for mission making i have found, even after a solid year. I feel like BI should be trying to get mission makers onboard with this more.
  10. Reforger has official servers that are XBOX only. but i cannot see how this is one in the config files. It says if you do PLATFORM_XBL only the server will not start. so how is this being done? you use to be able to have a ban.txt file to generate a banlist, can you do this with a reforger server?
  11. I want to have Ai spawn like they do in conflict mode. They spawn at predetermined locations, sometimes with a patrol wp cycle. But they are culled at a certain distance from the player. It looks like the mission uses some kind of ai spawning system (Remnants). Does anyone know how to implement something like this? Is it just managers or will there need to be scripting?
  12. US333Nate

    Creating bundle finished with warnings

    Yes i do have that.
  13. US333Nate

    Error when bundle a scenario.

    Same here, anybody?
  14. US333Nate

    Custom Conflict mode

    This doesnt work because there is a navmesh issue. The mission will work in the editor, but when publishing, there is a missing navmesh error and the ai will not spawn in game. Back to square one.
  15. US333Nate

    Custom Conflict mode

    It is possible to save the CTI_Campaign.ent as a new world, in which case you will be able to edit. Ill make a post on exactly how when i get all the kinks out
  16. US333Nate

    Custom Conflict mode

    So if you open up "Worlds/MP/CTI_Campaign_Eden.ent" you can play Conflict through the editor, but you cant edit anything, its read only. I tried making a sub scene and adding a loadout manager to it, but it wouldnt work (cant select loadouts). Im going to try and just copy everything to a new sub.