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Everything posted by STyx2909

  1. STyx2909

    [FOX] Mosque Prayer

    It seems it doesn't work anymore. Only works when calling the function to play the sound. If you don't intend to try to fix it, I am requesting authorization to refactor the code and release a new MOD with it.
  2. MOAR for ACE in development v1.2.3 This MOD gather options to be played with ACE (and CBA3). There will be no non ACE version of this. Everything is an option you can decide to use or not. 1) A key to bind in order to drop your current held weapon 2) A backpack limitation destined to MILSIM units. Inventory in the backpack can not be accessed without dropping the backpack first. To do this two options: ACE Interaction will drop backpack in front of you or a keybind to define and the backpack will be dropped behind you. Known issues: do not save in Arsenal. Loading is fine. fixed in upcoming release 1.2.4 Temporary fix to allow you define your loadouts in Virtual and Ace Arsenal while not in a mission. Mission backpack saves are still broken. Also, weight is not applied corectly. 3) A fatigue system allowing you to restore your stamina by drinking water or drinks; eating MRE or Humanitarian ration will provide a boost to your stamina restoration for a given amount of time (there is a cooldown you can define too); a resting action that will provide full health restore if complete (timing and cooldown can be defined in options). Use of ACE Field Ration at the same time makes no sense. Fatigue system modules can no be activated independtly. Planned to merge the drinking and eating system with ACE Rations one. 4) Sliders to modify bandaging time to your need This time, it is fixed, medical override of ACE Medical. Please report any problem Planned a bandaging/treating duration based upon wounds complexity 5) Sliders to adapt defusing duration to your desire Planned a failure system causing defused explosives to be triggered; time to be based upon explosives complexity (for examle: IED and mines) 6) Sliders to vary the repairing time spent of your vehicles Planned option to define which user category can repair which kind of vehicle. Adding a specific Mechanic role. Introducing specific tool boxes (ground vehicles, helicopters, planes). 7) additionally the MOD provides a new item: Field Stitch kit, a very light version of the Stitch Kit but for a single use. Currently not working. Concept: STyx2909 and chiken https://steamcommunity.com/id/urefjwrihsghvoewrihvrwoivhn/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 Code: Battlekeeper, chiken, Johnb45 https://steamcommunity.com/id/urefjwrihsghvoewrihvrwoivhn/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 and STyx2909 Special thanks: GNZ, BaerMitUmlaut, Johnb45 Content of this MOD is subject to change, according to future releases of ACE. MOAR to come... many thinhs not listed here. Have fun. LICENSE This MOD is licensed under the ArmA Public License Share Alike (APL-SA). To view a copy of this license, visit https://www.bohemia.net/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike. Steam workshop link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2963671340
  3. STyx2909

    MOAR for ACE

    Updated to version 1.2.4
  4. STyx2909

    Arma 3 FanArt

    Does anyone knows the name and link to someone who did an Arma 3 SOG calendar for August2 2023. Love his work. Thank you!
  5. Steam workshop A backpack limitation destined to MILSIM units. Backpack inventory mode can not be accessed without dropping the backpack first. To do this two options: ACE Interaction (will drop backpack in front of you) or a CBA keybind to define (backpack will be dropped behind you). ACE interaction with items in and out of the backpack are still functional. Unlike previous version in MOAR for ACE (aka [ACE]MOAR), until 1.2.3. Should be bug free. Code by: Battlekeeper and johnb43 Concept by STyx2909
  6. This is version of Salmon Headgear Accessories without the buggy weapon sling system. Only intended to work with RHS accessories and Vanilla helmets (for slinging them only). Moved these specific ACE Self Interactions to their own category "HEAC" to de-clutter "Equipment". For any references, please check original MOD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1977579317 Credits due to: - Green (original author) - Pripyat Lizard (port) LICENSE Salmon Headgear Accessories by Green and modifications by STyx2909 is licensed under the ArmA Public License Share Alike (APL-SA). To view a copy of this license, visit https://www.bohemia.net/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike. Link to Steam workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3023078495
  7. UPDATE Moved these specific ACE Self Interactions to their own category "HEAC" to de-clutter "Equipment". Description changes.
  8. Standalone version from the modified Ferro Concepts Roll 1 Trauma Pouch included in MOAR for ACE 1.2.4 (next release). This is a version without KAT requirements. It is slightly different in size (3 bandages pockets instead of 2) as the pockets for KAT items have been removed. This MOD doesn't contain the Ferro Roll 3D item included in the original MOD. Same restrictions applies. Original MOD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2524705886 Credits are due to original authors: - Marko - Gus - Battlekeeper LICENSE This MOD is licensed under the ArmA Public License Share Alike (APL-SA). To view a copy of this license, visit https://www.bohemia.net/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike. Steam workshop link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3022547820
  9. This MOD is a merge of two other MODS. Respectively and because they deserved credits for this: - No_zoom_weapons by Maciccio; https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2281948260 - Weapon Sights No Zoom Overhaul by Gunter Severloh and Axle; https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3015795970 Purpose: removing the so-called "ZOOM" action from the RMB. The most unnatural feature in ARMA3 (and most games). It is not disabled in vehicles though. LICENSE This MOD is licensed under the ArmA Public License Share Alike (APL-SA). To view a copy of this license, visit https://www.bohemia.net/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike. Steam workshop link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3022481936
  10. STyx2909

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Max load of SDV is 500. Not enough.
  11. So, I did create a new user session on my PC. Some files in my AppData/Local/Arma3 director I. can't delete. Making a new test mission from scratch, and it works. Loaded up the previous mission and I ran into the same problem. I will compare them later. One quick blurb about the MOD: Is supposed to be set at "0" when requesting fast roping, but as a mission creator, this is something you don't necessarily now it will happen. May I suggest the code to force this variable at "0" when fastroping is selected instead?
  12. Wrong section. Not related with script version.
  13. Absolutely not. It was on a SSD before and the problem was similar. I moved the game on the HD to figure out if it was a problem with the SSD. It is just slower on loading textures at first but it changes nothing else. Thank you anyway.
  14. Checking my RPT logs. BTW, FYI: Could this be the problem? I don't see why but I have also a weird video stuttering glitch: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170075 Maybe it is all related. Only Arma3 is concerned. 8-P
  15. Computer: no brand. Motherboard: MSI B560M-PRO-VDH CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700K @ 3.60GHz DDRAM: 2 x 16 Gb, XLR8 @3200 Ghz 32,0 GB (31,8 GB usable) Videocard: MSI RTX3060 VENTUS x2 OC 12 Gb Installed HDs: 2 x 1 Tb SSD NVMe 2 2 x 2 Tb HD 7200 tr/min, one fully dedicated to ARMA3 Windows 10 Pro x64 Everything is up to date. That is f-----g odd.
  16. The only thing I can think about are preferences or the settings in the Hermes Module. 8-/ Here is the mission:
  17. It was just a test mission especially intended to show the problem. You can certaintly setup one yourself. Spawn a team (same side), add move waypoints. Add a character for yourself and the helicopter and that is. Happened with a more complex setup too, which was my first notice of this.
  18. Encountering an issue with AI. To be sure I tested this in Vanilla mode, no CBA3 and no ACE, with the exact same result before submitting The MOD freezes AI with a path until task is performed, sometimes it doesn't and they remain frozen. I encountered this while adding the MOD into Hearts and Minds with many AI paths. In that case, the helicopter would not even start its engine until I get out of it. During that lap of time, AI were unfrozen. In the end, AI piloting was extremely acting weirdly when it was about to land at destination. Not the case in this video. FYI the script in my debug window is not used at all. Just have to clean up that mess. LOL
  19. I am probably the main problem here. Sorry.
  20. You can tweak settings in Addons menu. I would recommend halving the radius and objects number. Must be 100 m and 42 buildings if my memory is good. Reducing to 50 m and 21 buildings would provide the same result with a reduced load on the server.
  21. You may be willing to reduce the area of effect and number of buildings impacted eventually. Not sure the strain on server will be that much. Good question though.
  22. It was not stopping working mid mission. It was not spawning items on mission launch after some time.
  23. Thank you very much. Some food for the mind: - possibility to have more than one furnitures design per house and the script would pick one randomly. Could also be achieved by using many furnitures design lists and pick one randomly. Latest one might be easier to do. Te goal is to have more variety and eventually avoid to have 2 close buildings (open garages) to display the same furnitures. Another possibility could be to attribute each furniture a chance to be spawned and used. - integrating an item spawning system (% as a user variable) based upon the furnitures design theme (medical if medical furnitures are used, tools for industrial furnitures...). Each time I come into one of these room I tend to wish I could find something useful. Certainly too much SCUM game. :))))) Q: Is there an easy way to debug the script if it doesn't spawn funitures? I had integrated it in a mission and was working fine until nothing was spawned. Using the MOD and there are no issues. Just trying to keep my MOD list short, players can be picky about this. 😉 Thank you again for this.
  24. This is one of the best side of ACRE2. Note that I like both MODs and currently use TFAR 🙂