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Vadym Mazur

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Everything posted by Vadym Mazur

  1. Good evening. I'm trying to call execVM for the players. Where is the mistake? fn_init.sqf { if(isPlayer _x) then { [_x] execVM "script.sqf"; }; } forEach allUnits; script.sqf _unit = (_this select 0); _unit createDiarySubject ["Hello","Everybody"];
  2. Vadym Mazur

    execVM for all players

    Thank you for detailed reply
  3. Vadym Mazur

    execVM for all players

    "script.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM",2]; ?
  4. Vadym Mazur

    execVM for all players

    Don't offer to do it: { if(isPlayer _x) then { _x createDiarySubject ["Hello","Everybody"]; }; } forEach allUnits; The script run to the players upon certain players actions
  5. Task does not have to be selected to complete it
  6. Good day. Its possible add more markers for map legend server-side? Im trying create foulder "icons" and put inside image.paa description.ext class CfgMarkerClasses { class NewMarkers { displayName="New Markers"; }; }; class CfgMarkers { class image_simple { name="Marker name"; icon="icons\image.paa"; color[]={1,1,1,1}; size=32; shadow=0; markerClass="NewMarkers"; }; }; Thanks in advance
  7. Vadym Mazur

    Addtional map legend markers

    It’s possible only via mod?
  8. I think you must set the location of each house manually and when script running detect house type and place box.
  9. Vadym Mazur

    Integrate Simple MapTools

    Tried to contact you via Twitter. Already paid for your cup of coffee. I want to integrate it into the server so that users do not need to download add-ons from the workshop "Simple MapTools" more simple than "MapTools Remastered". This is quite enough for my server
  10. Hi everyone, I found a mod "Simple MapTools" https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2013446344 in the workshop and would like to add it to the server. I try to add this code to initPlayerLocal, but nothing happens. Thanks in advance.
  11. Vadym Mazur

    Enable Create group

    How to enable create groups for player? Tnx.
  12. Vadym Mazur

    Enable Create group

    Im sorry, i mean Disable 🙂
  13. { _rankRating = _x getVariable "rankRatingServer"; _x setVariable ["rankRatingServer", _rankRating+1]; } forEach units group player; Hi everyone, its possible setVariable for each players in group?
  14. Also dialogs.hpp line 52 w=0.13*safezoneW and line 95 y=0.347*safezoneH+safezoneY add ; in the end
  15. Found some mistake in vOut.sqf private _eh=["KeyDown","if(!r_dn_ && _this#1 in(actionKeys'pushToTalk'+actionKeys'pushToTalkDirect'+actionKeys'pushToTalkGroup'+actionKeys'pushToTalkVehicle'+actionKeys'pushToTalkSide'+actionKeys'pushToTalkCommand'))then{'[]call r_dn}"]; Delete '[]
  16. Hello everyone, im trying save player variables but do something wrong. I want to add a unique variables that will be displayed after the server is restarted initPlayer: //Add variable if dont exist if (isNil {profileNamespace getVariable "rankRating"}) then { profileNamespace setVariable ["rankRating", 0]; }; draw3D _player = player; rankRatingCall = { _unit = _this select 0; //_rating = score _unit; // <- working _rating = (_unit getVariable "rankRating"); // < - dont working _Rank = ""; switch true do { case(_rating <= 0) : {_Rank = "PRIVATE";}; case((_rating >= 1) && (_rating < 100)) : {_Rank = "CORPORAL";}; }; _rankPicture = ""; if(_Rank isEqualTo "PRIVATE") then { _rankPicture = ""; } else { _rankPicture = format["\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\%1_gs.paa",_Rank]; }; _rankPicture }; //Draw3D if ('ItemGPS' in (assignedItems _player)) then { { if (side _x == side player && isPlayer _x && {alive _x}) then { _dist = (player distance _x) / 15; _color = [0.7,0.5,0,1]; if (cursorTarget != _x) then { _color set [3, 1 - _dist] }; drawIcon3D [ [_x] call rankRatingCall, [0,125,255,([1,0.5] select ((getPlayerChannel _x) isEqualTo -1))], (if (isNull (objectParent _x)) then {(_x modelToWorldVisual (_x selectionPosition 'Spine3'))} else {((objectParent _x) modelToWorldVisual [0,0,0])}), if(_x distance player < 500) then {0.3} else { 0.0}, if(_x distance player < 500) then {0.3} else { 0.0}, 0, '', 2, 0.03, 'PuristaMedium' ]; }; } foreach allunits; };
  17. Vadym Mazur

    Problem with getVariable

    if (isNil {profileNamespace getVariable "rankRatingClient"}) then { profileNamespace setVariable["rankRatingClient", 0]; }; if (isNil {player getVariable "rankRatingServer"}) then { player setVariable ["rankRatingServer", 0,true]; } else { _rating = profileNamespace getVariable "rankRatingClient"; player setVariable ["rankRatingServer", _rating,true]; }; Will this be the right decision?
  18. Vadym Mazur

    Problem with getVariable

    One more question. How can I save player's variables? Because after restarting the server, the player's variables disappear. Thanks in advance
  19. Vadym Mazur

    Problem with getVariable

    Yes, my fail, its working in Editor if (isNil {player getVariable "rankRating"}) then { player setVariable ["rankRating", 0,true]; }; _rating = player getVariable "rankRating"; hint format ["%1", _rating ]; But still cant get this value in rankRatingCall rankRatingCall = { _unit = _this select 0; _rating = _unit getVariable "rankRating"; switch true do { case(_rating <= 0) : {_Rank = "PRIVATE";}; case((_rating >= 1) && (_rating < 100)) : {_Rank = "CORPORAL";}; }; } UPDATE: Problem solved
  20. Vadym Mazur

    Problem with getVariable

    Now i am trying to test this in console
  21. Vadym Mazur

    Problem with getVariable

    Cant understand, _rating = player getVariable "rankRating"; doesn't work
  22. Vadym Mazur

    Problem with getVariable

    if (isNil {player getVariable "rankRating"}) then { player setVariable ["rankRating", 0,true]; }; _rating = player getVariable ["rankRating"]; _text = format ['%1',_rating ]; _text remoteExec ['systemChat',-2,FALSE]; Return <null>
  23. Vadym Mazur

    Problem with getVariable

    if (isNil {player getVariable "rankRating"}) then { player setVariable ["rankRating", 0,true]; }; Something like this?
  24. if ('acex_intelitems_notepad' in (items player)) then { hint "You have found important intel!"; };