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About Rouglee

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  1. No problem! 🙂 Hope your mission becomes a blast.
  2. you could put the following into AF_KP_vars.sqf errorcounter = 0; then just increment it in the enter statement in AF_KP_fncs.sqf case "enter": { if (code isnotequalto inputText) then { errorcounter = errorcounter + 1; }; if (errorcounter == 3) then { // Add what you want to be executed here "do something"; }; OutputText = InputText; hint format["Keycode is %1", OutputText]; closeDialog 0; InputText = ""; }; Not quite sure if it's what you're asking.
  3. Rouglee

    remoteExec and JIP

    I haven't really dealt with triggers before but i believe that they are local. Therefore you'd have to use publicVariable "ShowGlobalAction" once more. Each time you make a change to that global variable you'd have to publicVariable it again if you want the new version of it to be broadcasted.
  4. Rouglee


    I can't see any attachment, if you can send the hpp file i could have a look at it.
  5. Rouglee

    remoteExec and JIP

    No problem! 🙂 1. Correct, you don't need the MpScriptGlobal 2. Correct, It would actually be better to just place it in the addaction as it only gets executed once player addAction [ "MP Script Global", // title { showGlobalAction = false; publicVariable "showGlobalAction"; ["MPglobal.sqf"] remoteExec ["execVM", 0]; }, nil, // arguments 8, // priority false, // showWindow true, // hideOnUse "", // shortcut "isNil 'showGlobalAction'" // condition ];
  6. Rouglee

    remoteExec and JIP

    "It would be way easier if you would just use a global variable for a action condition and publicvariable it to disable the action." seems to be the most simple way of doing it. Try using this as the addaction, it has the condition parameter set as a mission namespace variable "showGlobalAction" which if defined will not allow the addaction to be seen / used. MPScriptGlobal = player addAction [ "MP Script Global", // title { ["MPglobal.sqf"] remoteExec ["execVM", 0]; }, nil, // arguments 8, // priority false, // showWindow true, // hideOnUse "", // shortcut "isNil 'showGlobalAction'" // condition ]; Then put the following in the beginning of your MPglobal.sqf script. This is a global variable which gets broadcasted to all clients and is also JIP compatible. This will prevent the addAction from appearing. showGlobalAction = false; publicVariable "showGlobalAction";
  7. Rouglee


    x = ((((90 * (getResolution select 0)) / 1920) * safeZoneW) / (getResolution select 0) + safeZoneX); y = ((((185 * (getResolution select 1)) / 1080) * safeZoneH) / (getResolution select 1) + safeZoneY); w = ((((61 * (getResolution select 0)) / 1920) * safeZoneW) / (getResolution select 0)); h = ((((50 * (getResolution select 1)) / 1080) * safeZoneH) / (getResolution select 1)); Where the number to the left represents one pixel on a 1920/1080 monitor
  8. Seems like arma doesn't accept 4 arguments when you remoteexecute this (I don't know why). Try this: [ { 0 setFog [1, .20, 5]; } ] remoteExecCall ["call", 2]; so this just executes the command on the server itself which should resolve your issue.