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Cooks Corner

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Everything posted by Cooks Corner

  1. Just like the title says is there any way to disable the scroll option and auto refuelling at the fuel stations you can place in the editor
  2. Im not too sure how to add a scroll option to access the custom arsenal ive made the code ive attached is whats in the init field for the ammo box that has unit specific loadouts [vabox, false, false] call ace_arsenal_fnc_initBox
  3. thanks very much got that working now that helped a lot
  4. i got it working with this code but the range on it seems to be unlimited would you know how to make it say 4 or 5 meters this addAction["Open Arsenal", {[vabox, player, false] call ace_arsenal_fnc_openBox}];
  5. As title says I would like to remove handcuffs from a unit on trigger activation
  6. Cooks Corner

    Ace remove handcuffs with trigger

    thats fair you just put this into the on activation of the trigger [unitname,false] call ace_captives_fnc_setHandcuffed;
  7. thats not very helpful i know you can use ace interact but id rather use a scroll option
  8. Cooks Corner

    Ace remove handcuffs with trigger

    Nevermind I figured it out
  9. Perfect thanks very much
  10. I cant force my unit to equip his rangefinder i read somewhere to put this code in his init field but it didn't work this selectWeapon "Rangefinder";
  11. Cooks Corner

    [Release] Simple IED Script

    i know this is an old thread but is there any way to make the IEDs spawned within the markers totally random say between 0 and 5
  12. Absolutely perfect thanks again this had made life much easier
  13. I have a script for spawning ammo boxes during the mission but id like to change the contents of the boxes spawned but have no idea where to start this is the script im using to spawn the boxes ammo_spawn is the spawners variable this is just something i found on the forums i dont really know how to script ammo_spawn addAction [ "Spawn Ammobox", { createVehicle ["Box_NATO_Ammo_F",position ammo_spawn, [],10,"NONE"]; } ]
  14. Hi thanks for the reply thats exactly what i was looking for. ammo_spawn is the object im using to scroll and spawn the boxes at my only other question would be do you know how to make them spawn in a pre defined area instead of around the ammo_spawn object?
  15. Im very new to scripting i was wondering if anyone can help i need to load different ace default loadouts to specific rolls when they spawn in because using ace arsenal when i change it in the eden editor the items gear and weapons are all right just the items are not in the right places ie bandages in the vest instead of uniform which is where i placed them ive tried reading the ace wiki on default loadouts but its lost on me any help would be appreciated.