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Everything posted by OviDiuS

  1. Audio - Radio - Left, center, right options for radio channel audio. Hello. I have been using the Radio for a bit now. Had one channel up to 6 Channels. And when its that many channels going in your headset its getting rather mixed and hard to hear what's being transmitted on said channels. Could we possibly get a option on the radio channels to place that channel on a specific Headset earcup. So we can have lets for example have Fire Team on Right ear and Squad Leader on Left ear and then general Company channel on Center. In this way it will be a little more easy to hear what's being said when there is traffic on all channels at the same time. If not this will also shorten the time a transmission needs on Net. As its not transmitted several times due to several Channels being active at same time on same Audio Channel ( Center ) Think about it. Let me know your own ideas on the subject. And should this be a mod or a standard option ?
  2. OviDiuS

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Ok i came back to Arma after a while of life like you know. Started exploring Arma again and still had my Unit around. It worked for 2 days while i was exploring servers and playing around. Then the 3rd day it stopped working and i get the usual errors that we see in this forum. I am sad to see "Units" being on hold and no real answer from the dev team. Or any quick fixes or updates after so many hours, days, weeks. If BOI is scraping Units due to not having enough energy to keep on going. Then i would recommend on going back to how it was before. Where you made a file that held your units data and linked it to your game with media file for your units logo. Its crude simple and will work for years to come even if BOI gives up and clap down developing the game. If not at least make it a backup in case servers are down so we still can have our Units going for those days servers burn down or lose connection. I have enjoyed arma for so many hours and i will most likely enjoy it for many more hours. Hope BOI takes this to heart and thinks of a solution quick rather than later. Stay safe out there and stay awesome !