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About simicsko

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  1. Let's go back to the original question: If I give a composition name for a vehicle in the editor (for example, Leogroup_1), it will be included in the server's operative memory. Can I query this composition name with a script during a mission?
  2. It doesn't work that way. The tank just spins around, but the driver does not accept driving instructions. Any idea?
  3. Hi Pierremgi. Let me clarify what I want: We use the tanks without the commander, so we get in the commander's place. But this can only be done by owning the crew. I currently solve this as a mission editor by running a script (The example is a Leopard tank, whose composition name is: Leogroup_1 {LeoGroup_1 setGroupOwner (owner player);} remoteExec ["bis_fnc_call",0]; The script is run by the given player using addaction on the tank. In this case, I have to write the script for each tank. I would like a solution where I don't need to know the name of the composition of the vehicle and its crew, but just point it (cursortarget) using addaction, the script will run and the setowner will set the ownership. Do you have an idea for this?
  4. If I place a vehicle with crew in the editor and enter a name in the Composition Variable field, for example Comp_1, how can I query it in script? Thank you in advance.
  5. simicsko

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Can someone help me configure how the RHS pontoon build works. I've been trying for a few days but no luck. 😞 My steps so far: - I installed the required ACE and RHS MODs: CBA_A3, ACE, RHSUSAF, RHSAFRF. - According to the decsription on the Arma 3 pontoon scripts I did the following: - I copied the scripts into the mission folder (truck_load.sqf, place_pontoon.sqf, truck.sqf) - I placed the initialization of the necessary scripts in the init script: if (isServer) then { null = [] execVM "truck_load.sqf"; null = [] execVM "place_pontoon.sqf"; }; - For the pontoon objects I want to build with (I think these are the source pontoons), I copied the following line into their Init field: [this, true, [0, 3, 1], 10] call ace_dragging_fnc_setCarryable; At 03:19 a red circle and a Load inreaction appear. This will snap the pontoon bridge element into place. I don't see this red circle and the Load option in the the interactions. What do I need to make the joining of bridge elements work? Does anyone have experience with this and can help me with the configuration steps? Thanks in advance.
  6. Thank you for your tip. The problem was really with the ACE mod. 👍
  7. Thanks for the idea, we'll try it, then I'll report back.
  8. Thank You Gunter! 👍
  9. Hi all! I would like to ask for a little help: We wanted to play a mission with three machines (my machine is the server), but one of the machines displays the following error and is rejected by the server: "0:00:00)cba_vesrioning - ace - Version Mismatch!" (Machine:Charlie_1 (Player) version:, serverVersion:, Level:4)" We deleted the CBA_A3 MOD on the client, unsubscribed on STEAM, then resubscribed, the same error remained. In the MOD list, on the property page of CBA_A3, we see the same parameters on all three machines: Author CBATeam Last Update 2023.10.25. 21:28 File size: 3,9 MB Status: Ready Multiplayer: Signed The other machine connects without any problems. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? Thanks in advance
  10. Hi all! I would like to ask for a little help: We wanted to play a mission with three machines (my machine is the server), but one of the machines displays the following error and is rejected by the server: "0:00:00)cba_vesrioning - ace - Version Mismatch!" (Machine:Charlie_1 (Player) version:, serverVersion:, Level:4)" We deleted the CBA_A3 MOD on the client, unsubscribed on STEAM, then resubscribed, the same error remained. In the MOD list, on the property page of CBA_A3, we see the same parameters on all three machines: Author CBATeam Last Update 2023.10.25. 21:28 File size: 3,9 MB Status: Ready Multiplayer: Signed The other machine connects without any problems. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? Thanks in advance
  11. Ohh... Group synced with trigger. Tank you so much Hrazach. 😉 In the meantime, I found another good solution: If group1 reaches a specific waypoint, events can also be activated with it. Thank you for your help.
  12. In the example you show, I don't see which group activates the trigger. In my example, group1 is an AI group. It is important that the trigger is activated only for this group.
  13. Ohh, I didn't say it exactly: So I have a group: group1. I want a trigger for this, so that if any live member of the group1 reaches the trigger area, the trigger will be activated.
  14. Hi! I am looking for a solution so that if any member of a group (that is, a part of the group) reaches the area of a trigger, the trigger will be activated. Does anyone have an idea for this?
  15. Hi, How to remove the progress bar from the screen after it has run?