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Everything posted by Northup

  1. In case anyone else comes across this: Name your top and bottom towers Top_T1 and Bottom_T1 In init of bottom tower: this addEventHandler ["Killed", { params ["_unit"]; Top_T1 setDamage 1; }]; this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_source", "_projectile", "_hitIndex", "_instigator", "_hitPoint"]; private _previousDamage = [_unit getHit _selection, damage _unit] select (_selection isEqualTo ""); private _newDamage = _damage - _previousDamage; (_previousDamage + ((_newDamage * 0.7) min 0.2)) }]; In init of top tower: this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_source", "_projectile", "_hitIndex", "_instigator", "_hitPoint"]; private _previousDamage = [_unit getHit _selection, damage _unit] select (_selection isEqualTo ""); private _newDamage = _damage - _previousDamage; (_previousDamage + ((_newDamage * 0.7) min 0.2)) }]; This will allow the top tower to be destroyed, while leaving the bottom tower standing. Destroying the bottom tower will destroy both, since otherwise, there would be a floating inaccessible tower. The event handler will reduce the damage so that a single satchel won't destroy a tower. Alternatively, you could also just delete the top tower when the bottom one is killed, but it doesn't look as cool 🙂 However, if players exploit it by paradropping, it may make sense to do so, since the destroyed towers maintain position. The alternative I didn't yet try would be to set the position of the top tower slightly lower before setting damage to 1, so that after it explodes it is reachable on foot. Probably would look silly. Thanks for the help.
  2. Not sure what caused it. I added another event handler to reduce damage. Maybe that fixed it? Either way, it appears to be working now. Thanks for the suggestions!
  3. On further testing, this appears to make the top tower invincible. It will only be destroyed if the bottom tower is destroyed.
  4. Edit: Now I need to find a way to reduce tower damage so that a single satchel charge doesn't kill it. Will a similar event handler also work on the towers?
  5. Worked like a champ. Thanks!
  6. This is ancient, but for anyone else, iirc you just need to add the sector tactics module alongside your Sector Control Module, but don't sync it. At your base/spawn, add an AI spawn module, followed by an AI spawn point. Sync the AI spawn module to the AI spawn point, then select all the units you want going after sectors, and sync them to the AI Spawn Module (and not the AI Spawn point). This should be sufficient. I've found that most will completely ignore any vehicles.Like OP, I used waypoints with very limited success (not that their driving is work anything). The Sector Tactics module should stay unsynced to anything. If you want CAS or any other kind of AI support stuff, you'll need to use the support modules.