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About JJFierce

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  1. Sorry for diggin up this old stuff but i confused. Im tryin to create trigger in wich if player will open fire Independent become from friends to a hostile. So i put in init of player: this addEventHandler ["Fired", { if (this inArea CheckFireTrigger) then {ShootingInVillage=true}} ]; And in trigger (CheckFireTrigger) condition: ShootingInVillage && (player in thislist) On Activation: west setFriend [resistance, 0]; resistance setFriend [west, 0]; But it doesnt work. So where i am wrong here?
  2. Unfortiently they are not available. And about cd key seller. I bought that bundle directly on steam is was some sort of Sale event. Also i would like to admit that in menu of showcases i have wierd situation. I have a "Sling Loading" showcase avaliable for play, but inside the mission i can even get inside helicopter because it's blocked behind DLC. Two showcases: "Firing From Vehicles" and "Marksmen" are in Marksmen DLC. But i can play only in "Firing From Vehicles" And here is screenshot about dlc status in game. So i dont know. Maybe there is some tech support with whom i can talk?
  3. Hello. I dont know to start and sorry if i missed forum branch but i encountered wierd problem. In 2017 i bought arma3 with dlc bundle 1 and remember there was marksman, helicopters and carts. So after some time i removed arma and installed it next time in 2020 and 2021. For that time i bought APEX and LoW . I thought it is bug but even after purchase of APEX and LoW old DLC didnt appear. Here is the link: https://gg.deals/eu/pack/arma-3-dlc-bundle-1/ So i would like to know if it possible that part purchased of the product was blocked after time for no reason? And how i can restore access to those dlcs that i purchased with bundle?