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About vlad666

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    Private First Class

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    PaT Chevaliers

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  1. vlad666

    Custom servers? 32+ player counts?

    Strongly agree 😏
  2. vlad666

    My hopes on console

    I will also add: to be able to play mod scenarios in co-op because, today it is impossible to invite friends to play co-op.
  3. I'm on Xbox Series X and I agree with what's said here. there's nothing intuitive about the xbox controller. press for example, on the right stick to look around, it's just not possible... allow console players to set up button mapping please! make an action wheel like on DayZ with shortcuts for items and also weapons thank you.
  4. vlad666

    AI sees too far!

    Exactly, the ideal shot is at 200M maximum without a scope beyond this distance, impossible to make a fair shot! For me in Arma Reforger, the AI shoots accurately from too far, you have to adjust the sliders I think.
  5. vlad666

    Arma R 60 FPS on Xbox Serie?

    it must be admitted that on the Xbox series X fps are not really up to these capabilities!
  6. vlad666

    How to use mods on Xbox?

    About mods, there are no servers on Xbox to play co-op with friends. the invite to a scenario option is not active. What for?
  7. vlad666

    Xbox Controls

    On the Xbox controller we should be able to assign our own keys... it would be really nicer
  8. vlad666

    AI sees too far!

    Sorry... so I said, that I find that AI detects us from far too far! it is really necessary to change that I think because it spoils the general gamepaly.
  9. vlad666

    AI sees too far!

    I find that the AI really sees us and detects us from too far away... it harms the gameplay, it is necessary to review their vision please (Translated with Google Translate)
  10. Hello I will have a suggestion... Would it be possible to have the possibility to embark players in the box of the trucks? It's a real shame to have a truck and not be able to take friends with us except the passenger! Thank you for your answers