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About OFPLover

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. Hey guys... I need to launch an Ai controlled aircraft from the nimitz carrier. Is it possible? If possible, please explain me how...😀 -OFPLover-
  2. OFPLover

    How do I make someone never move?

    How do I make a soldier never move..I need him on his location under any circumstances...
  3. OFPLover

    What is it that make's this game so unique?

    If anybody have those graphic improvment mods,,,Please giv...Links on the old forums are not working now.
  4. OFPLover

    Who is Still playing Arma CWA? (2021 Oct)

    First, I need to say Sorry for everything. I will try my best to behave better. Thanks for the advice...😀 And I found a way...Now it works perfectly..Thanks for helping dear...
  5. Thanks a lot for the pack. This helped me a lot...Does Anyone have a water texure?
  6. OFPLover

    Who is Still playing Arma CWA? (2021 Oct)

    It is an .exe file....Anyway, I will try to decompress it...Thanks for the idea
  7. OFPLover

    Who is Still playing Arma CWA? (2021 Oct)

    Yes but the file system is Different...some mods cannot be installed on cwa....I need to install water texure...Thats why I'm searching for the resistance game...If you know a way to install it on cwa, Please tell me how...It will be a great help
  8. OFPLover

    Who is Still playing Arma CWA? (2021 Oct)

    Thanks but I have this...I need Resistance...Operation Flashpoint Resistance
  9. OFPLover

    Who is Still playing Arma CWA? (2021 Oct)

    Can you please give me a link to download ofp resistance full version....
  10. OFPLover

    Who is Still playing Arma CWA? (2021 Oct)

    Someone please give me a link to download OFP Resistance full version ( not demo)....
  11. OFPLover

    What is it that make's this game so unique?

    I'm highly experienced on editing missions...But Anyway, when I feel bored, I open ofp mission editor and put some BMPs and I destroy them with M1A1....😂...This is the best pc game I ever met...Even among the better games like ArmA 3, pubg....Simly, It's just like a Religion
  12. I love creating missions, campaigns and collecting addons...But..I dont have ofp friends to share my creations...I'm new to this forum...But, somewhat experienced on this game ( more than a campaign player😆..not too much) ...If there are any players, editors or developers still here, Please reply me...I need to make some friends...🤗