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About Jamsd22

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  1. //To clarify and add on Fixes i have made from your Recommendations 1.) The trigger is on a 10 second "conditions met" delay, so that all the players have an opportunity to enter the trigger before it checks the [thislist] for the trigger 2.) Marker is now Markers, for sanity 3.) I Have the groups defined because it also assigns the Unit to a group, i just havent written that in here, but yes, it needed cleaning up, 4.) I will play around with the [thislist] execVM recommendation, thanks thats where my knowledge failed, i figured it would pull thislist from the trigger the script was running from. 5.) do i define the params for it in my code by saying _Tlist = Thislist in the activation box of my trigger and then in my script do params [_Tlist] 6.) your [1,2] worked, thank you much my code now looks something like params [_Tlist]; _Marker = ["Mark1", "Mark2"]; //Add more marks for more spawns _Group = ["Group1", "Group2"]; //Which Group The Unit Will Join _Enemy_Class = ["LM_OPCAN_CMA_Engineer", "LM_OPCAN_CMA_Rifleman", "LM_OPCAN_CMA_Rifleman_AT", "LM_OPCAN_CMA_Officer"]; //UnitType Here { { _Ai_Selected = selectRandom _Enemy_Class; //Selects A Random Class _Marker_R = selectRandom _Marker; //Gives Unit a Random Spawn _Marker_R_M = selectRandom _Marker; //Selects a Random Move Objective _1group = creategroup [independent, true]; { _unit = Group1 createunit [_x, getmarkerpos _Marker_R,[],0,"NONE"]; _unit domove (getmarkerpos _Marker_R_M); } forEach [_Ai_Selected]; } forEach [1,2]; //How Many Units Spawn } forEach [Blufor in _Tlist]; //Edit, The Tlist still isnt working, i dont understand the params func in relation to my trigger even with the wiki if anyone could help
  2. im very new to arma's scripting, I need to ask you what [1,2] is there? i should also say that the script is a .sqf in the mission file and is being run when a trigger is activated using VMexec
  3. Hey, i want a script ive written to dynamically spawn ai to repeat twice for each Player in the Trigger boundaries. I know that i need to be using some form of in thislist command to do that but i dont know how to do it TWICE foreach as i dont think foreach has the ability to take a multiplier _Marker = ["Mark1", "Mark2"]; //Add more marks for more spawns _group = ["_1group"]; _Enemy_Class = ["LM_OPCAN_CMA_Engineer"]; //UnitType Here { _Ai_Selected = selectRandom _Enemy_Class; //Selects A Random Class _Marker_R = selectRandom _Marker; //Gives Unit a Random Spawn _Marker_R_M = selectRandom _Marker; //Selects a Random Move Objective _1group = creategroup [independent, true]; { _unit = _1group createunit [_x, getmarkerpos _Marker_R,[],0,"NONE"]; _unit domove (getmarkerpos _Marker_R_M); } forEach [_Ai_Selected]; } forEach Units in thisList; //is my current code