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About TheNotRealGN

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  1. So, for context, there's an op I'm working on where an SF team infiltrates an OP overlooking an airfield, and they call in a TLAM strike, to add to the immersion, I added in an S-300 battery that will fire at an invisible airplane target towards where the TLAMs are coming from to add immersion, I used WhiteRaven's scripts for this, and it is as follows, */ //-------------------------------------------------------------- Params _vic = _this select 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- while {true} do { sleep 1; //---------------------------------------------------------- 1st Target _vic doTarget t3; sleep 2; _vic fireAtTarget [t3]; //---------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Target _vic doTarget t3; sleep 2; _vic fireAtTarget [t3]; //---------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Target _vic doTarget t3; sleep 2; _vic fireAtTarget [t3]; //---------------------------------------------------------- 3rd Target _vic doTarget t3; sleep 2; _vic fireAtTarget [t3]; //---------------------------------------------------------- 4th Target sleep 1; }; //---------------------------------------------------------- Script end To execute, I paired it with the Tomahawk script, done by NikkoJT on the discord, "TNRGN_fnc_wr_vic_shoot" is where the script above is activated, /* Function for causing a VLS to shoot at grid references. Hopefully. To use: local execute in debug or execute code module. Specify grid refs as strings. Can be used more than once. ["123456","768910"] spawn TNRGN_fnc_missileStrike */ // Trigger your SAM launch [] spawn { { sleep (random 5); [_x] remoteExec ["TNRGN_fnc_wr_vic_shoot",_x]; } forEach [s3001,s3002,s3006,s3004,s3005,s3006]; }; sleep 60; { // Create target at position converted from grid private _position = _x call CBA_fnc_mapGridToPos; private _target = createVehicle ["LaserTargetW",_position]; // Create a dummy object to attach the laser target and force persistence private _dummy = createVehicle ["Land_InvisibleBarrier_F",_position]; _target attachTo [_dummy]; sleep 1; // Make sure everyone knows about the target [west,[_target,300]] remoteExec ["reportRemoteTarget",TNRGN_veh_VLS]; [_target, [west,true]] remoteExec ["confirmSensorTarget",TNRGN_veh_VLS]; for "_i" from 1 to (round random [1,2,3]) do { [gunner TNRGN_veh_VLS,_target] remoteExec ["doTarget",TNRGN_veh_VLS]; sleep 3; [TNRGN_veh_VLS,[_target]] remoteExec ["fireAtTarget",TNRGN_veh_VLS]; [TNRGN_veh_VLS,1] remoteExec ["setVehicleAmmo",TNRGN_veh_VLS]; }; // Clean up targets and dummies after a reasonable delay [_target,_dummy] spawn { sleep 180; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach _this; }; } forEach _this; Now in SP, and local MP this would work flawlessly, the S-300s fire straight at the target, and it looks amazing, in dedicated MP however, the S-300 fails to aim at the target, and just launch without aiming, causing the missile to go haywire, do a cartwheel, and slam into the ground, it looks a bit silly, and I'm stumped on how to fix it, or how to implement an alternative since I'm not very good at scripting, so uhhhh, please help.