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Everything posted by WarDaddy69

  1. WarDaddy69

    MiniDayz 2 Feedback

    Kudos to the developers, I for certain thought that support for MiniDayz 2 would be pulled before that day comes. Since now I do see hope for this game in some way I went to the effort to post on this forum. That being out of the way here is some legitimate criticism from someone that sunk a disproportionate amount of hours into your game. 1)FIX THE DAMN RECONNECTION CODE I am very sorry but this is the major problem MiniDayz 2 faces right now. It was manageable up to now but with the recent changes to gameplay brought by this update the game will bleed players faster than the hemophilic game characters bleed out when a zombie brushes against them. Seriously. In 2 hours of gameplay I lost: 2x Vaiga 12, 4xMountainbackpacks, 1xKA-M, 1xScoped Mosin, 4xHammers and 3xHazmat suits. Why? Because your Reconnect after Raid button is a stinking great lie, thats why. Both in WLAN and 4G+ internet IT DOES NEVER RECONNECT and the character is presumed dead. If I would be to miss out on the loot that would be bad, but somewhat acceptable. Losing gear I took into the session because of your connectivity issues is most definetly not acceptable! 2)Fix Melee! Last update absolutely wrecked melee combat. You people are as good at balancing your game as a rabid bull is at ice skating in a china shop. ALL MELEE WEAPONS APART FROM KNIVES ARE OBSOLETE Now why in the world would someone carry a 8 weight hammer if that hammer cant 2 shot a running zombie but a 1 weight knife can one shot almost anything. Now I am not saying that the backstab game mechanic is not good, it most definetly is and should stay! But, you ruined any method of fighting zombies but the backstab and turned the game into 100% stealth meta. Either have a hunters jacket, military uniform, military hazmat or ghille suit or get bent. There is no other way to play this game anymore without considerable frustration if one doesnt go full stealth. This is bad game design! Yes, the hammer was the be all end all meta weapon prior to this. But instead of switching that meta to a new one, you should have had them running in parrallel. Have multiple ways of succesfully playing the game. It would have been balanced. 8 carry weight hammer can 2 shot most zeds while kiting 1 carry weight knife gotta sneak up to be usefull So both weapon classes had upsides and downsides. Knockdown weapons allow for kiting more than one zombie at a time for the price of taking up a inventory space. Knives allow quick dispatch and free up the inventory but require a high skill ceiling to use.Balanced. Bleed weapons and axes still useless. Seriously? what is the point of these weapons? The axes were good at farming building materials with the glitch. Glad you removed it. But what now? Whats the point of the axe? You cant kite and entering melee with even one zombie is a sure way to end a run early and damage gear. Balance axes: give them more range and a special attack. Crippling strike: the target hit by that can only move at the pace of being overencumbered(living target) or slow shambler(undead) basically hacking off the leg of the target. This way the axes could be usefull in fighting zeds and allow players to disengage without being instantly dead if 2 or more military zombies aggro. Balance spears: Increase carry weight because of spears being unwieldy and long. Zeds hit by special attack ALWAYS BLEED OUT. Zeds hit by spear ALWAYS AGGRO ON PLAYER. Basically the virus doesnt allow for the zeds blood to coagulate like a living persons. If a deep wound like a spear opens a vein, they bleed out as they cant bandage up. But they will always aggro on the source of damage. You can one hit kill any zombie but you will cause aggro in the vecinity and have to run and kite. It takes time. SPEAR CANNOT PIERCE SPECIALIST as the padding of the CRC suit/ Bomb disposal suit is to thick. Bandits will of course fight back until you are dead, if you hit them with a spear and try to leave in order for them to bleed out, they bandage themselves stopping the bleed. 3) Tweak to gunplay The gunplay is almost fine as it is but requires a few tweaks. I will go down by classes. a) Handguns -increase running accuracy -increase durability b) SMGs -Add Integrally surpressed MP 5. "IS SP 5" Stats: Weight 3 Damage 3 RoF 10 Range 5 Aim Speed 9 Accuracy 5. Mag size: 30 Ammo: 9mm Silent Can only be found, not crafted(integrally surpressed weapons require high craftsmanship to produce not something that can be improvised) Can be upgraded to "Scoped IS SP 5" Stats: Weight 3 Damage 3 RoF 10 Range 6 Aim Speed 8 Accuracy 6 Mag size: 30 Ammo:9mm Silent Price: 30 BM 30gears 16hours -increase damage SP5 4dmg/shot & UIZ 5dmg/shot c) Shotguns -increase damage by 33% per pellet -stun zombies for 0.33s per pellet hit if hit by 2 or more pellts. (3pellet hit = 0.33x3=0.99 seconds stun) d) Bolt-/Leveraction rifles -increase damage and headshot/critical hit rate even more seriously, bolt actions and lever actions are nigh useless. even the upgraded ones. You have to wait way to long to aim and the damage is pitifull. The Mosin and Repeater should always oneshot sprinters and regularly 2 shot runners. e) Assault rifles -add special attack: controlled burst. Basically like the sniping special attack, it increases accuracy but not critical chance. Charachter always fires 5 rounds. f) Semi automatic Sniper rifles. -increase damage to always one hit kill grey hooded sprinters g) Machineguns fine as is. 4) Building Materials I have noticed that the amount of building materials that are inventory efficient dropping has decreased. Kamensk Quarry rarely has Tarpaulin, Wire Coil, Insulation Foam or Metal Sheet dropping anymore. You removed the axe infinite durability bug, thats good. But for the love of god increase the drop rate for good building materials at construction looting sites/maps. It used to be straight forwards, go to the woods and farms for food, military sites for guns and gear, city/hospital for medicine and clothing and industrial areas for building materials. Bring that back, 5) Inventory space and preset loadouts. The inventory management during missions is essential and a fun mechanic. This can remain as is. You know hat isnt fun though? The 999 inventory limit in base. Its not enough it has to increase. You know whats not fun either? having to painstackenly equip survivors by hand everytime you go on a raid especially if you have to move gear and weapons from one survivor to another which happens a lot since you cant hoard enough gear for all survivors plus spares. My solution: Add a new building! The Arsenal it has five levels of upgrades. Each level increases inventory size by 300 for an absolute size of 1800(player starts with 300 inventory space at base, so 300+300xArsenal Level inventory space) each level of the arsenal unlocks the possibility of a pre-configured loadout. What are these? Let me explain, So in the arsenal there is a "loadouts menu" There you can equip a manequin with a loadout like you would a survivor. Then you save that loadout. When you are in the survivors inventory preparing for a raid you have a button that reads "loadouts" where you can select a loadout and the game tries to equip the surviors with the items listed in the loadout. You can select if you want the lowest durability items to be equipped or the highest durability items to be equipped. If you are missing certain items, the game places a greyed out version in the inventory to alert the player that he is missing the desired equipment. Upon tapping the screen the greyed items disapear and the slots are empty. Of course in the survivor inventory there is also a button "unequip all items" which does what it says on the tin. 6)Monetisation You know that we know that you wish to earn money with this game. I figure that is not currently working out for you. Nobody has to spend any fuel for anything other than accelerating the waiting periods. Hasnt worked for me and I leveled up all my buildings to the maximum level within 2 Months. But I got an Idea for you. For this monetisation to work FIX POINT 1) and add point 5) A)The Radio Tower and Walkie Talkies. Add 2 additional upgrades to the radio tower. So it will go to level 5. Level 4: 2100BM 60 gears Level 5: 4080 BM 120 gears Upon reaching level 3 and unlocking Maxim "Crusher" the player also unlocks 1 slot on the radio tower. Level 4 and 5 unlock 1 additional slot each. Each of the slots can hold a walkie talkie/radio like the ones in MiniDayz 1. It has a weight of 1 and can be put in the inventory of a survivor when going on a raid. What does it do? Glad you asked. You carry the radio upon your person. If the survivor dies you can call for EVAC. You get all your gear back that you took into the missions. Only gear! No loot, no ammo, no consumables! Only the gear you took into the raid. Radios can only be found at Military Laboratory, Orlovets Airstrip, and Svetlojarsk Hospital in a broken state in the orange loot chest with a 5% drop rate(1/20).(They cant be used on the raid they have been found on) They can be repaired for 20 gears and 24hours at repair station level 6. One can also buy Walkie Talkies/Radios from the micro transaction shop for 150 fuel per radio, so about 4.99€/piece B) Buying consumables When automatically equipping loadouts as described by point 5), the player should get the options to buy missing/greyed out consumables for fuel. Only consumables as in bandages, saline solutions, vitamins, blood bags, energy drinks, alcohol, painkillers and antidotes. So if a player ran out of consumables but doesnt want to enter a raid ill prepared, he can buy his way out with fuel. C) Advertisements Not what you are thinking! Whatever that was, stop it! And fellow players please hear me out before getting out the pitchforks and torches. There is another game that I play which has a very very good monetisation system with ingame advertising. Like any other freemium game it has artificially set waiting periods for certain unlocks and building processes.(like MiniDayz 2 has) But, you can speed those up by playing an ad. Bohemia Interactive could make use of this system aswell. Say you have to wait 50 minutes for your military hazmat suit to be repaired. Well, you could watch this 30 second ad and take 15 minutes off of that waiting period. 15 minutes should be the maximum taken off of any waiting period though as to not break desired progression time by devs unless one really wants to give the devs advertisement revenue. You could also have players be able to watch 1 advertismenet every 24 hours for 5 fuel.
  2. WarDaddy69

    MiniDayz 2 Feedback

    LOL, glad you took my advice on 6.) Monetisation C) Advertisments and nothing else while making progress in the game or having fun even harder by putting gear/cog cost on repair of fire axes and hammers