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Everything posted by Pagoda.br

  1. I was able to fix it. I had many overlaping faces. I deleted the extra faces and it was ok then.
  2. I added a gate in the map, server side, and used _gate allowDamage false on this gate, also server side. Then i tried to destroy this gate with a Hemitt truck. If the gate have no god mode, big Hemitt can put it down easily, but with god mode see what happens: I also tried _gate addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{0}] instead of allowDamage. Same result. This gate classname is "Land_ConcreteWall_01_l_gate_F". Also happens with the gate "Land_Net_Fence_Gate_F". Also happens with the Strider. Any chance for this to get fixed? We have some protected bases on our mission and players can bypass that by going through the gates.
  3. Anyone can help? This is really a game breaker in my public mission 👳‍♀️
  4. Pagoda.br

    General CDLC compatibility

    Yes! Having tons of new buildings is awesome! Thanks! Thanks BI!
  5. Pagoda.br

    General CDLC compatibility

    There is any kind of content in the CDLC that i can put in my server for everyone to use, even without having the CDLC? I'm interested in puting those, if they exists, in my vanilla server.
  6. Pagoda.br

    Arma 3 with FidelityFX Super Resolution

    Thanks, the link works now. Do you have a test with game originally at 1080p X 75% FSR X 50% FSR?
  7. Pagoda.br

    +7-10 FPS on Livonia/+15 on Tanoa

    sarogahtyp, I ran the mod script in the admin console (with 33%) and noticed no change in FPS. If i use 50% or 100% i see change in FPS. I also changed the spawn to a call, to make sure i know when the script is done, same results. I tried in the editor, on Altis, on an empty map and in my private mission, also on Altis, with tons of AI units, vehicles and objects. View distance was 3800 meters. May be the gain is the video card don't need to render those objects, many of then very simple because of LOD and distance, the object is still there, consuming processor.
  8. Pagoda.br

    +7-10 FPS on Livonia/+15 on Tanoa

    I tried it on server with hideObjectGlobal. Take ages to complete so i closed client and server, some network errors in RPT, i'm not sure if it was stuck or not. 12:47:47 NetServer: cannot find channel #2059452717, users.card=0 12:47:47 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 2059452717 (Pagoda) 12:47:47 NetServer: cannot find channel #2059452717, users.card=0 12:47:47 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 2059452717 (Pagoda) 12:47:47 NetServer: cannot find channel #2059452717, users.card=0 12:47:47 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 2059452717 (Pagoda) 12:47:47 NetServer: cannot find channel #2059452717, users.card=0 12:47:47 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 2059452717 (Pagoda) 12:47:47 NetServer: cannot find channel #2059452717, users.card=0 12:47:47 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 2059452717 (Pagoda) 12:47:47 NetServer: cannot find channel #2059452717, users.card=0 12:47:47 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 2059452717 (Pagoda) 12:47:47 NetServer: cannot find channel #2059452717, users.card=0 12:47:47 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 2059452717 (Pagoda) 12:47:47 NetServer: cannot find channel #2059452717, users.card=0 12:47:47 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 2059452717 (Pagoda) 12:47:47 NetServer: cannot find channel #2059452717, users.card=0 12:47:47 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 2059452717 (Pagoda) 12:47:47 NetServer: cannot find channel #2059452717, users.card=0 12:47:47 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 2059452717 (Pagoda)
  9. Pagoda.br

    Arma 3 with FidelityFX Super Resolution

    The links are not working?
  10. This character in player name is causing problems with MySQL mod @extDB3. MySQL queries using names with this character causes an error and que query don't run. Anyone can help? This is an Arma 3 problem?
  11. Pagoda.br

    Chinese Player Names Causing Problems

    Thanks for your answer, i will try this function.
  12. Pagoda.br

    Sound Noise

    I'm doing a mission, still a WIP. I have a code that create and explode many "B_20mm" small bombs, but i'm getting noise on sound when this happens. Here a small video about the problem: The strange noise is on the video. May be i'm spawning too many "B_20mm" bombs?
  13. Pagoda.br

    Floor Object

    I'm doing a mission with a construction system, and i'm adding vanilla objects to the construction system. But some real floors objects are missing in vanilla Arma 3. Player are using pears as floor but they are tall and waste a lot of space. I want to keep it as a mission, no mods, so i would like to add some floor object to it via createSimpleobject command, the object will be created on clients and server, locally. It's all ready but i don't have any floor model to add. I would like to ask if someone can provide a floor object so i can add it to my mission, or point a place to obtain those kind of Arma 3 models, even if i need to pay. Thanks.
  14. Pagoda.br

    Floor Object

    If there is an Arma 3 modeler interested is doing some Arma 3 objects for me, please contact me. I am willing to pay for the models.
  15. Pagoda.br

    Much lagging need help...

    pierremgi, My monitor have 144Hz, i feel a big difference from 60 to 120 fps. 120 fps is ideal, but also a dream. Most of the time fps is between 60 and 120, on my GTX 1080.
  16. Pagoda.br

    Floor Object

    Not sure i understand, but for the clients the path is something /mpmission/... and for the server there is no mpmission so it's other thing. Was some time since i used that. This helped me to make it work: http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-mission-root/ You can use it in clients and server, it works. The returned path is different on clients and server.
  17. Pagoda.br

    Floor Object

    I already did that with createSimpleobject alternative syntax. But the model path for clients and server are different, so it is created on clients but give a error on server, ot it is created in server and give a error on clients. By the way i will create it local on all machines, so no problem.
  18. Pagoda.br

    Much lagging need help...

    I was about to sugest that for you. I also had this problem. You have two video cards and you can change from one to the other. The integrated one consumes less power this is why it is habilited. Also, now you know you have a somewhat good integrated video card.
  19. Pagoda.br

    Questions: SOG Prairie Fire

    AI drives badly in all maps, it's not something related to the map itself.
  20. pierremgi, do you want to create the ticket? I would say thanks to you.
  21. This object "Land_Sea_Wall_F" cause severe fps problems, on clients and even on server, when a helicopter is near it. Even when the "Land_Sea_Wall_F" object is created as simple object or with simulation disabled! The helicopter that causes the great fps decrease is the Black Taru ("O_Heli_Transport_04_covered_black_F"). I have base building on my server, and this object was an option to build, as simple object. I removed it. It's a nice object to have, if BI can fix this, i add it again.