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About Constant_Corpse

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  1. Constant_Corpse

    [Release] Liberation RX

    I switched over to KP Liberation to test and it is working as I expect. In RX I was driving into the center of town and waiting 10-15 seconds before everything spawned all at once. It was the same with or without AI mods and with or without a Headless Client. I noticed just now that in KP Liberation the setting for GRLIB_sector_size = 1000; and on RX it is 600. I am not sure if that makes a difference, but the latest Github version of the RX mission does not seem to be spawning AI as I would expect.
  2. Constant_Corpse

    [Release] Liberation RX

    First off, great work on a really fun mission! I love all of the things you have added. I do have a question though: If I roll into an objective quickly the AI seem to spawn after I arrive. It is very noticeable with a HC. If I drive in quickly I can just explode because an AI insta spawned and then killed me before I saw anyone. Is there an adjustment to allow the AI to spawn when I the circle turns red but before I am too close. This also makes sniping and CAS runs difficult because the AI are not there unless you are in the circle or close to the center it seems. >> Turns out this is a config error on my part. I had VCOM loaded as a client mod on server and HC. It should only be a server mod and not loaded on HC. I just tested this way and the AI spawn normally. >>> Nope, still happening. I roll into a town, it is blue, then 30 seconds later people spawn. I am unloading VCOM to see if there is a difference Also, if I set the difficulty from the parameters and then set a custom difficulty with precision and accuracy set will that override your settings?