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    Traitor in the group script HELP

    Now, it works properly thank you.

    Traitor in the group script HELP

    There's a problem it selects all units in player's group than one. Plus it still returns as an object than an array unless I put _playergroup in brackets.

    Traitor in the group script HELP

    Thanks, I didn't notice the less than and thanks for the help.
  4. I have been experimenting on a traitor among the group script on Mission Editor for having one random unit in the player's group suddenly joinSilent on a EAST group. I have that figured out. My problem is I want it for only when the player's group numbers is at 3 or above. Then selects a random unit in the player's group to suddenly join the EAST group. I can't get the selectRandom working on units group player since it returns as an object than an array. I don't have the units in the game variable named cause the units spawn randomly in the map. How do I have it return an array of units in player's group? waitUntil { count (units group player) <= 4 }; createCenter EAST; _virus = createGroup EAST; _playergrp = units group player; _selection = selectRandom _playergrp; _exp = _selection; _exp joinSilent _virus;

    waitUntil Distance <=10 question

    I don't know if it solves the looping but, just have a sleep for cooldown then execVM the script again after the sleep timer. Sorry if I shouldn't bump but it might help.
  6. I solved it I have to add enableSimulation as well so they won't be just invisible. Is there a way to have the array just part of the name of object like instead the whole "zomb1", "zomb2" it will be just every object with "zomb" on the name?
  7. I have dozens of units which are Slow Zombies from Zombies and Demons mod they're not grouped together. I thought of writing zombiename hideObject true; on every single one of them in the sqf file but there's a lot. I want to avoid using the show/hide module due to syncing them cause having multiple modules gets confusing on EDEN. Is there a way to list all of the zombies and then just writing that list to the hideObject code. The problem is they have different different class names. Thanks in advance.
  8. The gear is in a equipment storage (Plastic Case object). I have the script of the task into multiple types from uniformItems, "player hasWeapon", headgear, and etc. I want to know if there's a simpler script for the task to trigger when a specific object's equipment storage is just empty?
  9. I solved it. It was being removed from the list but GC was being overridden by Ravage Clean-Up script.
  10. I've tested it and it still despawn. I've also set a delay for them of dying to let the remove command to initialize and it still get killed up.
  11. I'm making this SP mission that have dynamic NPCs spawning around the map. To optimize it for higher framerate I have made the garbage collection's minimum distance shorter. I have placed corpses all around the map for players to discover with intel for certain tasks of the mission. How do I make specific corpses not get cleaned up by the garbage collection?
  12. Does skiptime affects the loop? I tried skipping it a day it won't repeat.
  13. It works now. Thank you very much, sir.