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About denizzcerrah

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. OK dreadpirate, good luck and good days and very very thank you for everything 😊
  2. Thank you dreadpirate! You are the hero! One question. Why the MQ-4A Greyhawk UAV has no ammo? I don't understand... Have you any idea?
  3. But this method isn't always working or I can't do. I don't know... 🤔
  4. This method is always working! Thank you so much! 😊
  5. But I want to the UAVs can respawn with Jebus and I can command this.
  6. I synchronized the UAV to High Command - Subordinate module.
  7. Hello, It's me again. 😅 Can I use Jebus for UAV's? I want to make a system like UAV recon support using Jebus and this script: 0 = [this, "INIT=", "player hcSetGroup [group _proxyThis]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; When I using Jebus for a UAV the UAV is falling down and destroy. It doesn' t fly and the script ( 0 = [this, "INIT=", "player hcSetGroup [group _proxyThis]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; ) doesn't work for UAV's. So how can I do a system like UAV recon support using with Jebus? Thanks for answers 🤗
  8. Thank you so much! 🤗
  9. @dreadpirate hello! Can you help me please? I have a problem with Jebus and high command module.
  10. I want to be a playable unit. By the way, thank you all of your helps.
  11. denizzcerrah


    Reall really thank you so much! You are my hero, you saved my life! Thank you!
  12. denizzcerrah


    @pierremgi hello and good days! I have a problem about advanced locations. If you help me I feel very good. I want to use advanced locations module but I want to triggers don't need player to activation. I want to when a soldier or a vehicle go in a trigger of advanced locations the trigger will activate. Can I do this and how can I do? Thank you so much.
  13. Actually I want to just control the groups of my side and I want to use Jebus. I want to use Jebus for infinite respawn of groups. I wish synchronize the Jebus groups to high command-subordinate module. If I could do this I would have the groups with Jebus. So I would have the groups with right to infinite respawn and I could manage these groups while I'm playing.
  14. By the way, how can I play dreadpirate demo mission? Where can I find this?
  15. I guess I don't understand. I don't be a group leader. I want to be a commander (ctrl+spacebar) for manage other groups from my side using Jebus and high command module. Sorry for my English. I hope I can explain my problem. Thank you.