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Everything posted by domiyoda

  1. Hello Arma 3 Community, My problem is that I have "screen lags", which I had 1-2 weeks ago not. The game (the screen) then hangs for less than a second and is then fluid again. This repeats every 2-3 seconds like you see in the Video. The game is installed on an SSD. I have already reinstalled the game and checked for errors. Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz RAM: 15.92 GB RAM System: Windows 10 Graphics card: GeForce GTX 960 The Video: https://youtu.be/Oyy8dHLFdvo
  2. domiyoda

    Screen lags / Game lags

    On other Missions or Server i dont have these screen lags I made a Screenshot from the Taskmanager. https://imgur.com/a/p4DksRP Temperature https://imgur.com/a/eGXjoYV