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Everything posted by Gorge92

  1. Oh crap ... I made this yesterday in the Notepad, (matched the coords for the get in wp) loaded the mission, but didn't work. Now I did it again with your method in the editor and works fine! Thank you zwobot! I'm really grateful!
  2. Hi Everybody! I making a mission and I have a "small", but very-very annoying bug. Here is the problem: The Player and Guy1 (they are not in group, totally independent from each other) board in a boat, ride to the destination. I put here a Transport Unload and a Get Out wp with sync, it's work fine. After that I want to the Player get in a car as a driver and Guy1 get in as a passenger. I made a Get In wp (on the car) and then a Load wp (near the prev. wp) for the Player, and a Get In wp for Guy1 (Player Load and Guy1 Get In is synced). But Guy1 run back to the boat and board as driver. I tried to remove the Load wp and modify the Get In to Load wp, but have the same bug. If I remove the boat and put them near the car, everything works fine. I tried lock the boat, but Guy1 still can use it, tried the assignascargo, moveincargo commands, but not works. Please if you have any idea, help me. Thanks!
  3. Thank you for your answer! I forget to mention the boat is empty. So the Player is board as the driver, Guy1 the passenger and I want this at the car too. I made a mission, if you try it, you can see the bug: